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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... TONDN DICESN CHRCHBUILDING1 12 S~f t-SECIA APEAL to h LANDOWNERS . DiSTIICS, nw ugenty rquird t met the growing spiritual A necessities of the Diocese. £~ Full inforinationi on the subject will be given by tbs Secretary, Offlee (No. 5), 79, Pall-mall. It will ho sufficient here to state that, according to the lastC Census the total provision for public worship In Middieseex is LirTL% MeORE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R~IhN1& Fd GSLASS,-3 W. S EP ~aned 60, Oxford-street, ald' Portland H~AUP5 49 ?? unrivatlled estabitishments ?? t' Latnl largesnt iariety of patsterns and prices, and offer g~reatsS~ i than ansy house In tbes trnde. r atttsat . 'HE NEW .QLINDER PRIZR FLTE ?? mr. Carte attends daily at RUDALL nd CO's otrusmeit Warebousw, 1Q0, Now tBond-strcet, and Mr i I the maiaufactory, 20, Char-ig-cross, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTI Eto PASSENGERS, for PORT PHIL. N IPP WtALMER CASTLE.'-ThIB ship being now on LI YEtb. PASSENGERS are requested to be. there a t'he. 0ith indiant, as she will sail at daylight rcd C o Agenb t 0hee ,J IL. Wilcooelp, Esq.-F'. Green and EVTTan MORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE 0 AhT HIIP-For LAUNCEST0ON direct, a regular tii~ esiereleportion of her cargo engaged and will P0Tiedia Cepthi, the ?? fast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'lNXGOQN direct, has two-thirds of ber ~owBIgaged, and will be despatched immediately, the C ,,`d Cer ship I) l 386 tons per regisiter, V J1,~ anes lRVINE, Conarnandler t, oisilon Docks. ThIs ship is ncow ready-to receive i we'ld til- 'O e catrt sail with quick ?? ti A ~ ereDunfcan, 147, Leadenhaall-s5'reet; or to n 5111rscr,- SLeadeisliall-streot o A.ND ROUTE.STEAM to ~~INDIA and b ( l &c vi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE MEMBERS OF THlE SENATE OF TilE UNIVERSITY OF ?? T Have been urged in the 10ost flattering manner . by a very large number of your body to offer myself as a Can- didato for the seat in Parliament loft vacaut by the lamented death or your late beloved representattvo, Mr. Goulbarn. Though fully sensible how far I fall short of what your repre- mestative ought to be, I feel perasuaded that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Brtish joyal Mai 5te0 e ae Resented their ~~eh1 ~d ORTH AMERICAN ROYAL STEA SHPSI ponte bythe Admiralty to frBSOSaturday, Jan. 10. ~tlA01, fr Nw Yrk'Saturday, Jan. 26. orOTOSaturday, Feb. 2. CANAA moen, includ~ing Steivard's fee raud provisions, but , cr' liqoersowhich can be obltained on board :-To sl11twtll otn Chief Cabin, Twenty-live Gulseis; Second ll~~p~e Glacn.To Now York, Chief Cabin, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VBEI{DEEN aIPP ORLINE-ForP SYDNEY. The ?? favourite clipper SHIPS, all built at Abe r > ~e s trell -kkeOwn firm of Walter, Heod, and Co., will be J d Spficc d ro r B'fDNEY direct, with the greatest punctuality f 8hips. CComm inderd. To TusBerds T. To Sail. ~~ctao J~~m5Ogoo Lob. 10.e . l .Thomson . ?? 9 ?? 10. Id recta 000 April 10. L ?? 1,100 May of n t uritn . a r M erhaant. t 1,10 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE MEMBERS OF THE SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY a~iTUMEN, OF CAMBRIDGE. ]N ?? of aumerous and repeated appli- I cations, both from the resident and non-resident Memhers of, the Senate, requesting me to stand for the University of Cam- bridge, I hope and trust that I may, without presumption, solicit the favour of your suffrages and support. It is almost needless for mte to state my political ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gOAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ELBOTION. M Mr. DEN!IAN'S LONDON COMilTTEE SITS DAILY sA t ?? Hotel, Sprlng-pirdeis, Charing-Cross. E, H. BUNBURY, Chairman. J. G. LONSDALE, Vice-Chalrinrn J K. KCEMi3LED J. G. C. FUSSEL, ilHon.Secretaries. F. ELLIS, I - EGULATIONS to PREVENT OBSTRUC. I TIONS of the thor ughfaresin the neighbourhood of the HOUSES of PAP.LIAMEN P, on Thursday, Jan. Iil, 1SbS. No Wtiggon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NGLO-PEUUVIAN BONDS.-Be it known Athat, by the declaration made onl the 24th of July of the prsntyar 85,beSnkn Fni fthe Anglo.Peruviaul Debt was Incrase Five pqrtcCW. -,a ?? cent. B[onds, and to Threelper.Cehrt. ?? plir lt~it`.=Bonds, the 3espective Interest on the redemption-belag accumulative ; avid that this concession in favour~of thg aforesaid Bonds having titeS fuly apliro~dtirtild , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EGULAR LINlE of PACKET SEIIP,-Fov SYDNEY direct, the splendid clipper ship J la RESULT, A I. 1,,4G6 tols register, i to iessr&'Grev, of Blaekwall ti betei t 34 Jonse Cow, Commaidr 21 0 the EastIndia Docks. This ma ticnt ship has excellent in'. I dations for ehief eabin pssoengore, has the greater port Ti YcOra °d engoged and offors a most desirablo opportunity for as of her carg°0e1 t ...