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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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... Sit tr IN t. TAr'TS EDINBUIRGII MAGAZINL for January. Edin. burgh: Sutherland & Knox. WaE are happy to observe that Tait still keeps up its old standard of excellence. The present number contains a large amount of readable matter on a di- versity of subjects, and written generally with much ability. It opens with a chapter on Social Legisla- tion and the Forbes M'Kenzie's Act. The writer , ...


... iwitratuxrt. Tom HousEHoLD WORiDS. Part LXIX. London: Bradbnry & Evans. CONTAINING, as the present part of our old favourite does, The Holly Tree Inn, or the story designed by Dickens for Christmas reading, it may be not un- reasonably considered as somewhat late to call the attention of our readers to its contents. We take, however, the first opportunity after receiving it of performing ...


... . Is, ittralulf. BLACKWOOD. January 1856. WE have seen better numbers of Old Maga than this month's issue. There is a want of hody, and form, and aim in most of the contributions, which leaves a very dissatisfactory feeling in the mind of the reader. As a set off to this, however, it is but right to add that they are all written in a spirit of honourable impartiality; and contain, in the ...


... THE OPERfA. The management keeps faith with the public, in the production of works newv to Edinburgh ; and we think we arc warranted in adding, produces them in a style which more than realises the expectations ex-I cited by the announcements for the current season. Ernani is not by anymcans a light opera: it abounds with beauties and 5with difficulties ; and last night the beauties wele ...


... I The Pantomime at the Queen's. though somewhat tardily produced, bids fair to whieve as successful a ran as that which has attended the Christmas enter- tainment at the Royal. Nlghtly, since its first Vre- sentation on Monday evening, it has attracted teem- ing houses, and particularly, we Pre glad to note, such a numerous attendance of the fair sex as but too rarely graces the boxes sf an ...


... Sittra t. T.z QUARTEeRLY REVIEW.-NO. CXCV. ITaE articles in the present number of the Quarterly are chiefly of a literary character, but the style in which they are treated is so masterly and agreeable that this will excite no regret ia the reader. We rise from its perusal alike gratified and instructed. ?? Table Talk, the opening paper, gives an admirable digest of the best Ana which have ...


... Ci tat u r t U ? TImE WEST OF SCOTLAND MAGAZINE. NO XVI. Glasgow: Murray & Son. li TiE present number of this serial opens with the is concluding artiele of the series on British India. 0 We have already spoken of these papers as present. sing a graphic and vigorous outline of the events inter- v vening between the close of the government of e Warren Hastings and the end of the second ...


... The first of four concerts advertised under the di- rection of the eminent Afaestro, M. Jullien, took place last evening in the Music Hall. We certainly ex- pected that the taste af the Edinburgh public which has been, as we have from time to time noted, under excellent cultivation for some timnepast, would havede- veloped itself in a largeattendance, whenever opportu- nityoffered of enjoying ...


... (From Le PFllet.) The wintry winds, which have now set in with vigour, have caused an increased display of warm out- door toilettes. Wadded manteaux and furs are in- dispensable. Cloth dresses are more than ever in demand; they are composed of a skirt fastened round the waist by a buckle behind; the casque has turned basques, in which are two pockets-one for the poc- ket-handkerchiefs, the ...


... The new grand comic pantomime of Baron Maun cliausen was produced last night, at the Queen's Theatre, before a densely-crowded house. The piece is one which, with a few slight variations, has, for many years, formed a stock pantomime, and some of the less juvenile of our readers may remember to have witnessed it upon the Edinburgh boards in days gone bye. As it now appears, however, decked ...


... i ? at u t t. TiE EDINBURGH Renlew: January 1856. Wis are presented with a very admirable variety of articles on interesting and instructive subjects in the E(liaburyh for this month. The great charm, as usual, consists in the large amount of original infor- mation which the reviewers bring to bear upon the matters discussed. There is not perhaps very much of what may properly be called high ...


... it r Atur. BrAzIL VIrWED TusROUGon A NAVAL GLASS: With Notes on Slavery and the Slave States. In Tiwo Parts. By Edward Wilberforce. London: Longman & Co. Tnis is another contribution to the Travellers' Library. Though deficient to some extent of that definite and systematic information which a more lengthened residence in the country than Mr Mid- shipman Wilberforce could command, would ...