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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... LL, Q Q-% OUTI Ae.; s -l i e f li . to The t&;dannallexhibiiioii~of ?? iatbia t MY , - .,.mzanedozi Wedaeada ?? irs. bsa Lvqda'S reppsitory, Greast Oslotte-stroet. liar .1 r ?? of lato, yyars has.:bedn auifese i!, a A thae - hreediaatad resring ofsdomestie. fowls does -notii ar to cet be ian the-* lcaeti: diliniahes;, ifvew. may, jqdgp,' Jro, e f the t0 r :.nunber,;9'visikors to ...


... FOR rME EARLY SERVSIC, GRSAT GSORog-5TRBET CUAPEN NE5W THA'S MORNING, 1856. Thirty years have-rolled away, Since the'riorning of that day, When, with simple Iays like these, Framed the youthful mind to please, First we bde, assembledhere, Welcome ihe new-bow2ear. Oh, what scenes hav iwsirae then, 'Mid the busy haun:of ei. Thrones uprooted-sceptie3 riven- Monarchs from their kingdoms driven- ...


... Twelve Saered Songs, by Handel. London : Deizler a CC and Co. Manchester: R. Audrews. in 1 'he admirers of the sacred and sublime strains of landol boo must feel deeply indebted to Mr. R. Andrews for having brought the above omigs before the public in their pre. seut form. The melodies are simple and expressive, and possess ninny of those striking features which djstiuguish 1 the works of the ...


... TA2MA1- T.- z'^yl- I west - L(ro LFolet.) Esq. , The 'wintry winds, which have now set in with vigour, A inded have caused iin increased display of warm out-door 0. Yhom. toilettes. Wadded rmanteaux and furs are indispensable. ti !istol, Cloth dresses are more than ever in demand ; they n' sn of are composed of a skirt fastened round the waist by a t Jrisp, buckle behind ;the casaque has ...


... -ri &Y TOBP PPY. 110megthink it ,a hardship to work 6or their bread, Alt~hseugh for, our good it was meant . I vat those who dou'G work baive no rilght to be fed, I And the idle are never cosgtent. - An bpnest employmeut brings pleasure and gain, c hud makes m) our troubles forget * V Wor those who work bard have no timaeto complain, C Amcrdiltis better to labour than fret. nd i? we had ...


... TBH RIVER. T Thetr.wsbeh^ VitJlg l ., J .: The sarbkling, bounding, brethien viver 'o nwoon, ?? hegIdit#lt'c:II6; ' t ?? rune Io ?? GodsW for eier . It slnnu I song THWts hym at even, Te blasainis o bia Utoe~lewu .Pdrfispaji ows soe unknown) boon,' AM 6 astsods the herb 'nd floWer, -Opgniog the Illy's heart in Juneh2 Yieldiug the rose lit crimsoh dower. 13011 life 1S In the' mdiuntain pine;'^ ...


... IAYERPh00L GRAND POULTRY SHOW. PIfi third annual exhibition of psiuitry in this to3wn CIV cceamenus d ?? lat t a o 15 riiagb t,.pn~itiiy, 0 rest Charl'ftte-Istreet. The pcut 'I enr intl-reA Iv~llul Of Ino y hai~na` beein~ ?? lane, lireedeling tin1 I'C:%rin Of domes~tic ?? does not appear ti' Olv bei th Icas t ditainished, if we mna-y judge- rson the Mrn cobe t visitors 'to the show. On the ...


... po.rt Rial and its Saints: bfing the Select Afemoirs of Port Roydr. By M. A. Schimnmetpenninck. The fifth edition, somewhat abridged. London: W. and F. G. Cash, 5, Bishopqgate Without. Dublin: Hodges and Smith. Edinburgh: John Menzies. The cheap forme givesi to 'this work opens to an exten- sive class of readers 'the historical significance of the name Port Royal. 'The editor's preface ...


... Poen, By t heldon Chadwiek. ILondon: D.vid Plogue, Fleot-st:ce . pr 'The dedication to these poem4 indicitls a n ble am, and si to the author is due the praie of laving o easionally sti aisei it. .. TO MY WIFE. It To God, the world, and theo, my chaste-stiled wife, wi And dear life-angel, who bast made me strong, ou I consecrate these lowly lilts of song, W * The fingerings of a nobler ...


... X.LJA LLL'JX M . IJ.,) .&55 U .&njI se* 5 (From La Follet.) hi The wintry winds, whlch have now set in with vigour, Pr have caused An increased display ?? utdo tol lettes. Weadded muirteaux: and furs are indispensable, ta are composed. of a skirt fastened round the wvale b to bodyis cosedat ront wit vevet brandebourgs an utn. Tecla i loo evt n lined with satin. The rotondes, or sal vevttaus 0 ...


... -- I -CAN'. -- ?? can't_ioes.UyOUrig, mur uspeak the words, ;; s Whose childish years are o'er? bi With might and main let him strivo again, *o And utter the words no more. I ti .ul1harl l hwdithe task,, indeed, And requires both strength and:rkill;, .ut the performla noble dged Sf Ye seldom behind. the Will. ' - I aa't'-doth min Sinhis primne erclaim, : b * Maturein btrength and ...


... :, OlNMISCIENCE* ?? ; Tkere ian eye that ever sweeps The vast ireation through. Watch over myriad worlds it keops, A wide encircling view ; All beings, systems, times doth scan Which form the universal plan. Ocean, with its abyss of waves, That searching glance explores; The desert, the profoundest caves, The isles, the lonely shores, The earth, the air, the starlit sphere, Mirror'd to that ...