Advertisements & Notices

... UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. EXAMINATION' FOR DEGREES l\ ARTS. LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS. A. VOLUNrARY EX.4[AINA TON. FrIST CLAsS OF HOSOURS-VaCant. SECOND CLASS OF HoxoT t5-Vacaut. D. NECESSARY E.Y.4XAI.MATIONM Logic. Metapll. Bo3th. Full value of 2usetioes, as 48 4 1 John Barbour, . I3, 53 32 S5 James Davidson, . 58 26 84 James S. Wilsoo, . 49 29 78 Maurice Paterson, . 4S 25 0S l'obert HEendersn, E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O T I C E- IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the j l evered ALEXANDER SHEPHERD, Minister of the Pd1S~i ofiDAL.TON, lsas raised a Process of Augmentation, 4~fidoation, Dnd Locality of his Stipend before the Teind Court, gairnt the Patron, Titulars, nnd Taciismen of the Teinds, 8erltom and Liferenters, and all others havinag, or pretending to avs, interest tr the 'einds of the sold Pmish; lwhich will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P B I N T I N G. nHOMAS ALLALN & COMIIPANY, I LAW GENERAL PRiNTEllS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PRINTING en tire Shortest Notice. 260 Idiots STIZEET, Edinburgh, July 1853. UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND. B RANCTES of this BANK will be OPENED B Or the 7th curt., in MONTRIOSE, under the anan t of Me lesrs F ?? Iurl Gitrec s nd ;IIhtlEEMUIEI, under th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PR IN T ING. '11HOMAS ALLAN & COMPANY, TL LAW & GENERAL PRlINTERlS, 'Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PllINTING on thc Shortest Notice. 265 HIGH STREET, Edinburgh, July 1536. HIGH SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH. HT E OFFICE of one of the MTASTE1RS having F become vacant by the Death of Dr JAMESs Boi,4 CANDI- DATES are invited to lodge their Applications and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II MAGNIFICENT DESIGNS in TABLE LINEN, ?? of fruits, flowers, and mythological devices; rich daa-lk csoth.s to dine eight persons, 10s. 6d. oab; dinner napkins to match; fine Irish and Russia saheetinr, of extra substance, from one to four yards wide; Irish Uineas of equa warpand weft towelling, cooks rubbers tea cloths, &ac.; lglotsshirtings, also a large stock of real Welsbh ranelo nd Wltoey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENNErT'S MODEL WATCH, 65, Cheapside. B A grcat variety in silver. from 5 g6.E; in gold from 12 ub. C INE GOLD) CHAINS and FINE UOLD n FjU JEIVELLEItYS-CRL ond SONS. N PR17 ad 18. CORN-I ??, okan ssrtment or Fine Gold Neck anl ui Guard iltans. Al~c:t ChlinsltO and BialovEistOfiugvery descriptionof 'A pattetO. tie price TarI irg from 3t.ii o8u 8 h ual~o At 1na 1)ucs toXIS ls. Thult ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iadoOlav, cit.tal t iarea Lind issoes A s Rini.- Y -- 1 wein. atv brifiS fair 1,rices. N.t5.-AMh extenslso otock of the 0CiOOCCET V(NTkGE8 .ade GROWTHS. Porcigne Ltqueurit, e K rEVENS a d SON. '78, Bishopsgaftie.Btee~t Within ESpro ENGLISH GIN, itlebest streogth and fiest ?ualty. to-, 8r ?? eylo cbolre seal.tntlll Highland Whiskey, 'os pr ?? etrd spied (a advantagitts tortes. Terms, coob on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED.-By hnd F Executors and bereaved Relatives of deceased noblemen. gen- da tIemen, tradesmene nd others, sending in the first instance to SH12- -I LIBEXRWS ESTA LISHMENT. CITY-ROAD nearsFunsbury-square, or No. 12, North-street, Qoadrant, Brighton, instead of employing ; their upholsterer, or the nearest andertzkr, who, not posseessng the ad- needfuf requirements resort ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E, FFICACICOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, JU (tALLOSITIES, &I. WITHOUT CUTTING. or canaing the olebteet polo, by Mr. EISiINHERG, Author of ' Practical Erpos. Uion on the Hiuman Foot, and DIOea.Oii of the Fooit.' Mr. EISEISBEicG S opeteon 15 at once navel, and based upon long experience; iG hoe received theB asuction of the Royal Pamlli,0r Eulrope, anud the firet of the Nobility and Oentry: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILLIP direct (halif the greater patt rOR PORT ?? i.r crgo eced, the spiendid prithis frigate built clipper 'I year- . 1.007, toes per roctieter. coppered ald )D111'LETON, Comionanier l I ing in the East co~s0 O~i j~ t~o~tulaccorntodatioa for tirstand second claem l5~t ~ sd ol befoun a ost desiraoble opportunity for shippers. ~j~tO' Mt'~ tO BELL, l;VI)D5N i,n Co I 2. Jeires Muar.S1.Maryaxe;or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1 OALS, Beet, 24s.-DICXINS, Blaekfriara~bridge, '4.J 8urrey side. Established E174. Best screened Sunderland Coals ?? 2s e tOn. Inland Ital, Best Main . ?? Ihs. Coke ?? . .. Irer chakken. CaYh on dclleery. (N (ALS.-By Screw ntl ?? -Li!A ad Co,. HJ lghbtiry and Kinesland Coal Depent-Hetnoni, 24S. per toes. dt. reca Iron. the Collier, to the Polar Docks by the arrsu 'learnesr Co mose, Hletton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT EXHIBITION of 1851. COUNCIL G MEDALI-EXPOSITION UNIVERSEgLLI,% I86. GRANDE st DAILLE D'HONNEUR.-GALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.- 3 P. BARBEDIENNE end Co. of Parts, rspeclully inform the Brieish dI public tat a complete Coiectlon of their MATHEMATICAL UEDUCTION by the Pro of M. Caolls from the Cheosf'tZuvrW . of Antique and Modern Statuary in the Galleries oa the Louvre, Plo- reoo, Lad Rome ...