... Tim: TItitN, FOR JANUIAIY. London: G'oonltbridgse 4 Sons. 'I'U appearance of a new illustrated monthly maga- zinc written, almost exclusively, by men whose ?? rary reptitation has yet to be establishied, is not of frequent occurrenco. 'he 'speculation is not one that should not readily be embarked in, and often fails even when supported by tile most unquestionable talent. The magazine which ...


... F E B It U A R Y. (m11, Wviiter's l)ower is broken, Illis throne is falling now, se\ sce th joyfil theln Il tile ?? lwiliis sinmilillqi brow A lthiouglh t lie rn),t vet Iiiigers, ?? Nvalks ablroli at llight, Ali, 1 drks lhis ncld, wbito tilgerls \Vithi dro11 o c et'ulst1 brih41t. tie ee it ill tile brightness iii t in lriS 'sclemi nloontide rly; We se it ili tiw lightness () tbw last sweet ...

Court and Fashion

... 2'olart and tfaslioll THI' COURT. 11 EI M A J 1E S I' Y'S L EX'E E. 'Illl: Queen held a Leve on Tuesday afternoon, il St. .1amnes's Palace, I,0nt1Oi. Iler Maljesty and his R:tvftI llighss the Prinrce Consort arrivedi from B t kid).ati Palice soon sliter two o'clock, ?? by a detachitnt'nt ol the Life CGuards, and were rO ( ?? atl. St. Jiln(oS S by thle grred t olliccrs of State. Ilk R,-yal ll ...

Fashion and Varieties

... f?mouiolv alld T. arittleo. THE COURT. OSBORNE, JULY 19.-Her Mujosty, accompanied by the Princess of Prussia, Princess Louisa, the Princess Royal, and Princess Alice, drove round the camp at Aldershott yesterday-morning, and inspoc- ted the 18th Royal Irish Rogiment immediately on its arrival in camp from the Crimea. Her M:jesty, with the whole of the Royal party left the Pavilion at 3 o'clock ...

Fashion and Varieties

... If,?,uldolv all(I Tarictio. TIHE COURT. BIALMORAL, SEPT. 10.-Her MIajesty, accompanied by thI Princess Royal and Princess Alice, and at- teulled by tbe Mlar!hioeness of Ely, thie -Ton. Mary Seymour. and the Earl of Clarendon, drove yester- dav to tire Falls of Quoich. 'hire Prince Consort went upon the hill deer- stalking. Tho Duchess of Kent, the Princess Amalie, Lady Augusta Bruce, Lord ...

Fashion and Varieties

... jjjvd TilvittiO. t:l THE COURT. BALMJIat, SSPT. 14.-Trht Queen drove out yes- terdav, attended by the archioness of Ely, and sutme'juentlv walked-in the woods of Balmoral. Ills Royal ilighness went out deer-stalking upon Lochlnagar. The Princess Royal rode out, attended by the Hon., Mary Seymour. 'juln Duchess of Kent, Princess Amalie, Lady Au- gusta Bruce, Colonel Lord James Iurray, Mr. and ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? a1d ?? ri[E COUIRT. ?? ?? 26..-Lhe ' ditter P;:t 'tY yesterday i,lwhitlj hli- 11,yal 1liibiliitsl thel Prit.celss Royal, M jl Geot-ral the Ioo1. ?? t1 .1lcs. G(v3, Colonel tile I [lo. C. IB. an'i Mrs. Pllipt1,s, thie ?? of Winl(d- s ,ilul t. ilon. ?? NWlflelty, antod Mr. Glover. Tlit' followinig had tilm litootl, to reecivo ittvitalions in t c er(ejllt : -LadV E llizaietlt dio Ros. Colonel ...

Fashion and Varieties

... toltion and T arictleo. T l1 HE C O U RT. Hva Majesty anit tole Prince Consort rode out on hour~phnack on Saturday morning. Prince Albert presided at R meeting of a commit- tee of' the RIoyal Co.minissioners for the Exhibition of 1851, at Buckintham Palace, on Saturday. Her Muujesty and the Prince Consort, accompanied bv the Princess Royal, honoured the Royal Italian Op-ra with their presence ...

Selected Poetry

... I Ifeleffe(I Vocti, -it I)ItEAMS OF B0yMIOOD. O(n w ?? thus linger near the stream W\herc merry childreni sport and play, When wiser thoughts alnd wvorldly cares RellAltlud 10 not to stay ? WI'v patise to maric the mimic boat Move swanllike sdown ?? laveless tide, Wh~en years have fled since joys like these Ilave becnI my boyhood's pride ? It is because my spirit learns Much Nvislonil from ...


... it £ a r ]3LAC1;eVOOD. A!N entire absence of political discussion is the dis- tinguishing feature of this month's magazine. For this deficiency, however, ample amends are made in the mor-ethauusnalvigour and freshness w hich charac- terise the nutmber. As regards '-The Athelitigs, we may just mention that the plot bcginls to thicken. We arc carried very pleasantly through twenty-four ...


... A series of three concerts are just now being given in Edinburgh by a number of the leading instrumentalists of the metropolis,- under. the di- rection of Mr Alfred Mellon. The first two lkave; alreaidy taken place-the first on Thursday night; . and tbe. second last night. The concluding con- cert. will be given to-night; The orchestra com- prises twenty-four performers, many of them in- ...


... THE FALL OF KARS-WIHO IS TO BLAME? (Daily N~ews.) The papers relating to the defence and capitulation of Kars, presented to Parliament on Tuesday evening, weredelivered yesterday (Wl'ednesday) morning. They extend from the beginning of August 1854, to the middle of January 1856, and fill a Blue Book of 356 folio pages. To affect to pronounce an opinion on their contents, after the hurried ...