Advertisements & Notices

... N I G A P J R T 1) roc' (la sh p pi g d ay , Jan . 22), q ( 5 0 . . . h tip ..ehI in E~ l~l.. IA L , A 1. 13 y earti. r~ ol-t 1 % U 0 5 1 1 3' A t M~ l t, c ot ru o niae e r : ly izrg in bh e I' I ?? Jr i oio t co pans g ?? iply to J A M E S o i I~ s t. ti~lier oio oo r, to D O U G LA S artd -.TAME'S II M and Co.'s LONDON LINE fI A I.I' II ' J u (1 lO jdO IN lIlA . C hina, Califsorni, C i~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN AND CONNOR AND DROMORE CHURCH EDUCATION SOCIETY. rTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS and frieuds of this Society wvill be held (God willin-), in the VICTORIA HALL, VICTORIA S; REET, on TIIURSDAY next, the 3rd Jam. 1856. GEORGE 11ACARTNEY, Esq., M.P., wvill Preside. Ak deputation from the Church Education Society for IrahInid. is expected to be present. The Right hon. 10jEll1 NAPIER, MI.P., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIFOO0KING-GLASSES - The COMMINERCIAL ~jLU ATEOGLASS Coxi'ANY, Manager, CHARLES M'LEAN, ~55 1 and iP, Fleet-stircet, end 10,Oxford-street (naet the Darn, ntv~t an niaco, ?? invite tao Nobility, the rublic, ~ndI . tade t inect their etutnsie and magnifftelt SttOc Of ICUIM~sLYCONSOLE, nd PlEit CLASSESi, i Tamea In every wa el 0'stle;cole~ecentre, and pier tables; eelid mahogany tobl adcheri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,0, f tFOVLOCK arid FORSTER, Mrainufactureres ot ?? Fi-t FL TEAM1 PACKING.-The rapidly in- ?? ?? br this Pudcirg, by its exte-n-ire laae in lIRE -A I F.TV'S i 8 'E'4 NAVY, byceginecri; and manufacturers ~iererrdiy, we rrantA i hr Rovvrtitoera in finsreling thoc it is xon' to Ise surpeonotd !ithvir ill quality or prieo. Siamnpln les ?? tiil to ho huod of Llth gent,, in hel pin,,ilnail towns in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBE1S AND AGENTS. 1rr beg to announce that WC have made evcry pos- ible arrangement for the carriage andl delivery of ur unstaesseped papers in the principal towns throughr ut Ulster, in order to meet the requirements of the ublic, and render the cost of our journal as cheap s it can practically be made, consistently wvith our lim to iurnish the earliest and best intelligence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW FVENING. CHURCH OF IRELAND YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY. TRUSTEEs.-RcIHTARD DAvisoX, Esq., M.P.; H. 1. CAnIss,, Esq., M.P.; R. B.3. 1.HOUSTON, Esq.. DL., J.P.; Tieos. H. PUlDoN, Esq., L.D.; Cits,.uLaYONO, Esq., C.E; S. G. FENTON, Esq., J.P.; WM. EwAnT, Esq., and JOHIN HIXm, Esq. r1HE ANNUA L MEETING OF THIS I SOCIETY will be held (D.V.) in the VIC- TORIA HALI, on WEDNESDAY Evening, the 2nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACARD-Mr.CEARLES TILNEY, Civil Engineer, Architect, &t, No. 1, Warwivik-place, Leeds. TET LEY'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE.- TThis Season's Brewirigs are now being delivered, of the umsal fine entlity, and in the best conditiou. The BEREWERY, Leeds. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS. LON ?? Upper Thamnes-street. DUBLIN ?? Middle Abbey-stcet. ?? winiegate. LIVERPOOI ?? Excirange-street West. 31IANO [iT E ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I A I 31 11 4 K I NGT N and Co., JI PATENTEES OF THE ELECTP.O PLATE, Manufaoturing Silversmiths, Brosazists, &c., respectfully urge upon purchasers to observe that each article bears their patent mark, 1. and Co. urser a Crown, as no others are warranted by therm. The fact frequently act forth of articles beingplated by 1Elklng- ton's proesss, aforda no guarsantee of the quality. These ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION, ON NERVOUS AND OTliER DISEASESI i I Just Published, Twentieth Thousand, Price One Shilling, or free by post for eighteen Postage Stamps, Y EALTHI and HAPPINESS, the means by wlhich they may be obtained, a Medical Work, With observations (IL the treatment of nervous debility and indigestion, loss of nun- tal and physical tone, arising from early indiscretion, &c., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~ ~ A CA!~sDs T3ACEIARD ALLEN'S HALL AND GALERI ES. 28. LoUeer CoD >Saotva404cd, are #nstantly aupplied with the newest thei Ctylee i 31dy1ynade Clatbingofbest materl5fis Tof ?? oaC EDUCA TION. Ina T)0 A D I NG AND DAY XSCHOOL, .13 SB USHFR,,qQ9AY, DUBLIN. Mrys SPELM IhN bege leave to inform her Frienda and the Public that Business will be Resumed in her Establishment, -on WEDNESDAY, the 2d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BERDEEN CLIPPER LINE-For SYDNEY. -Th~'e following faort lpe HIPS, all built at Aber. b -the w ktiO nl firm of Walter, Heod, end Co., will be cbeed tfor SYDNEY dirct, witth th; g~reatest puncteality:- Ships. Commanders. TonsBurden. To Sail. ?? 2,000 jJan. 10. rof Peace t ?? ?? ,o00o Fbc. 10. aicirll ?? Thomson ?? March 10. )bhD 1unrAn Henry ?? 9006 pD1 .tuiyn ?? ?? pol 10. eliturion . ?? ...