... OXTON AND CLAUGHTON FLORAL AND U01- | TICUiTURA.L EOCIEY'S EXUHIBTION. 'he Tl rt xiiinof t3 fcouitty f4r the seasoan ta,'b phece yes.. to terdeY llfternloco, in Claug, itaparr., 3i~r tlb.e -rnuS ent' o, duL V Pctuni-al~umesoand lx-a&3,oftL,a~.lF eb id . ow,,egio arge mau*e-ncal roct,:! for the occasjon. Tej lye w~athcr wo. & c ione, and ?? the. gecrltry ifltrl.p .Cbead, Oituoi, anrd ~ia` ...


... I ;- ; A ?? P: 1. &961AAhe;gor- of In ) 6 wtk # eifi, the~ AW. If hew, o a how~ in . omina L, Vee{. -Rdredmirsie-Wi&d #~jib a? )~biwil 4ol.dyealiton 4.-Mi.,NK0 4u1tv6f4erIS youesee dat thehm~iau wI~ 3~s x6~ w'aturt aud ver fat One':asy,, 'bojagasrlne 116 l iattirblt *daai CrOUaEW, U p pls u 1 0~rher ai mdade to rise. Te Abas e4hiarqusi&lun ?? gqlouV', C Mfdain, filtaered'the the 4ell apd ...


... The excellent Saturday evenine concerts in connention Ithe for The excellent Saturday evening concerts in connection For with the St. Mary's Working Men's Association, Kirk- his dae, smill continue with the most decided success, the b ied large room in Bootle-lane being each week densely N sh crowded with respectable well-conducted audiences of the Igh working classes, who lose no opportunity ...


... thl Six Z ecstures deliveredi at the Ladies' College, Black-bucrn de Rouse, Liverpool, in April ansd AMay. Liverpool:. thi C. Howveli, 6, Church-street. ha The six leotures delivered during last April and May art at the Ladies' College, Blackbarne House, of this town, 151 and now published in the form of separate pamphlets', 51 possess, apart froma the independent interest they com-'9 At mtand ...


... ST. GEORGE'S HALL S&TU~BDAY EVENIENG CO;CERTS. The attemnt ?? --n- A - . The attempt toestablish Saturday evening concerts in St. ha George's Hall has failed as a private pecuiary speculation. to We are glad, however, to announce that the people will to not be deprived of the opportunity of spending in their own ball the only evening in the week on which they have leisure. The committee of the ...


... theit Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the original manu- exise scripts, and Edited, with Historical Notes, by Dr JULES thre BONNET. Vol I. Translated from the Latin and French was languages, by DAVeD CONeSTABLE. Edinhuigh : Themeas that m~oo Constable & Co. sine' THrs is the first bf a series of four volumes, which are to rans contain at least six hundred letters of Calvin, the greater ...


... I i I i II I 31 II i c i t s I 0 1 i Ct II I I i i I I I I I i i I i i I i I i I. Btcskrwooe's iAlafagine. Edinburgh and London: William Blaekwood & Sons. MAGA presents herself this month with as much vigour and grace as ever she did on the first day of any month of any year in her existence, She wears on her dusky brows a perennial youthood, and mingles mirth with her wisdom, and wisdom with ...


... POE TRY. THE NIGHTINGALE. FRIOM A POEM 13Y C11ARLES DONER. Lilie the wooing dove, Breathing an air of tndoernoss around; Anon then changing suddenly, as though Some store of joy at length hod found a voice And fast and cager gave it utterance so, Ere the full heart had finished to rejoice- Thine scemeth not one voice, but manv, flowing Like welling streams escaping from their thrall, Stopped ...


... 1v atnJ. A SNOW SHOWER.-BY BRYANT. HERE delicate snow-stars, out of the oloud Come floating downward in airy play. like spangles dropped from the glistening crowd That whiten by night the milky way; There broader and burlier masses fall- The sullen water buries them all; Flake after flake, All drowned In the dark and silent lake. And some, as on tenderwinge they glide, From their chilly birth ...


... littraturt Lectures on the History of the French Revolution. By lillian Srnyth, Professor of Modern History in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. Nfew edition, with the Author's last Corrections. Vol. II. (Boasn's Standard Library).-Henry G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-garden, London. Tas is the concluding volume of Mr. Bohn's cheap edition of the above valuable text-book. Quintilian's Institutes of ...


... -.14 -F attrq# SOLITUDE. Tu fade, ut silvas, ut amem 1o0a sala.-Orid. fAiL, ye deep solitudes and awful shades I Where pensive contemplation loves to dwell, When sober ?? Into darkness fades, And sighs her mournful tale sad Philomel. t Oft on the lonely top of some wild steep, That frowns upon the hoarse-resounding sea, Let me, when wrapt in melancholy deep, Slow tread the spot to meditation ...


... BRISTOL SEPTENIBER FAIRS. Our annual autumn horse and cattle fairwas held on Monday and Tuesday in the Cattle-Market, Temple-mends. There was fully an average supply of store cattle, chiefly Devons, Hlerefords, and Irish, but, (owing, it is said, to shortness of keep up the country) the, demand for them was sluggish, and where sales were effected it was at lower rates. There was but a small ...