Advertisements & Notices

... I8peeial local agents for the sale of this valuable Cough Medicine are named below; but shouldafnydifflcultyariseinplrocuring 1 t, the ls. 1ld. boxes are sent free by post onl theo reeeipt of ixteen stamps, and the 2s. Pd. boxes (which contain three times the quantity) on receipt of forty stamps 'addressed Woolley, Chemist, Maidstone. pATROXNI.ZED BY THE FACULTY.: 0OLLEY'S PECTORA-L CANDY V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * tCORT LO2*NDO DOCKS. T: ?? HE attentio o Shipowners and others is called, to ?? the R'ED'OFD. OH~ARGES made, and the great iitietiesdfforde testeDocks. The charge will be ftouad'so be onsb y -ess than those usually levied bj;4ie~.her D: G .Co~snies, in some ases full 50 per -cent;: Coiliers ?? xorket, and Sailing Vessels 'fittin'g or laid up; 'areoharged' Id. per register ton per w, eek; No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SUED CRUSHERS AND OTHERS.-' TFOR SALE 'BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, the OILO ILL and PREMISES at Stoneferry, excellent4' situated on the east side of the River Hull, at present in thfe ccupation of Mr. Cooke; together with a good DWELLING-HOUSE and GARDEN, and several COTTAGES adjoining. -For further particular' apply to Mr. ENGLISH, 180, EHigh-street, Hull. TO FLORISTs. HlE last PUBLIC SALE, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE FE~STIVITIES OF CHRISTMAS!I MB5 Es. Ileap on the firs: the wind is chill; But let it whtstle as it will, We'll keep par Christmas werry still!I Thsi Tidme hoo ed Chris tmass is with us again. Houses are colebi %n ekdwiloh holly, ay, and with mistletoe; fires are blazing Mont, vef bravely; merry groupoare mesting;and hichup In the eteeples ?? irsbells wag and waver, and shout with a mighty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE THIRTEENTH SEASON. ATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, CONGERT HALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. TO BARE TOIE MAN A BITTER jjLj0 THRE MECiHAnIC A BETTER ]SiAN. PATRONs: His Royal Highness Prinoe Albert, The Right Hon. te Esarl of Softon The Right Hon. the Earl of larrowby, is Worsg h e or, John Stewart, Esq., T. B. Mre, Eq, Robertson Gladstone, W. B Hrofwn, Esq, T. . Curtis, Esq., r sq, . William Earle, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. We cannot undertake to return ?? of which we do not avail ourselvest. C m nic atons soud always bea eg witten, and onon edeo terpaereouy if bongh increases the dl ty of finding space for thenm Whatever is intended for insertion must be autkenticated by the name and address of the writer, not necessarily for publisatiso, but as a guarantee ef his aood fath. Horis Sapit is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. 181 is NEWSPAPER FOR AUSTRALIA AND THE COLONIES art e1 T aps HOME NEWS, A SUMMARY OF ElUROPEAN in 1s .L IarNTELL10SSCE, pi ice 9d.,containiog Fall Reparts of the thi Loudon and Provincial Markets, and all Interesting News - brought down to the latest hour, is published for despatch by it the fortnightly mails for Adelaide, Port Phillip, Sydney, 1e Tasmania, and New Zealand. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I Fregh b th Mil NOTICE. 1'rgltby bO ?? to Halifax snd Boston, and to New York direct, ~4 per ton, and 5 per cent. prineago. Fregh en Parcels 69. each and upwards, accordling to lsie. PACLS for elilterent Consignees, collected sanououpc ' Single Packages4, addressed to one party for delivery iv abi America, for thm. purpose of evading the paytient of Freight, wail11,1i o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... We? ?? ewn advosrtfsozeale n ?? Apl s to .at~ezid. to theg f~I, 8d inn t§lt u551 be Dl:ambepr] Mew~r*ole ,; Appljy la , t~je de b3 1111~lict - n o ?? it thee , P~ ad :flnot he Attendmfi th ee direonw TeePcr Fcarer , Ntt i rssrmeriT V tS p ?? aus t hof J.uise al0.t TEe, AN'Sr2 well 0, _(i1 etherDmaytSP OFde by ltoe t tohn-ehous 11Ot luatw- not in t ~ aothe o ?? Coper F . ?? as F ,th rmses. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sales iiv ?? Valuable PAINTINS, WATER.C0LOnjR DRAWINGS, and ENRVINGS. Haymnsn'e-green, Went, Derby. Oil BY MRt. BRANCH, This Day (Friday), the 18th instant, in the course of the Sale of the Furniture, 7 LIE genuine COLLECTION of Ancient and no( T5.Modern PAINTINGS. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, Tb and choice PROOF ENGRAVINGS, of a Gentleman giving up roe ?? e Paintings may be mentioned a fine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENT,. We O~iUot Itnder~akO to return eonrnmunlcmhonti of whbich we do s net av~~o~rsee3. Comume~tt~ shoubs whvY3 be legibly t rriet~nl. ana on one side of tho Paper ?? LOng it inicree t the diftrnsutt, of ?? Splice for them. Whlatever is ?? tir ine~tinoiln tstb anuthentieated biv the, nae an ald larem of tae writer, not ?? for pubtiCaticxi, but PA a. guarautee of M3 sod faith. *- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (?7 CONSOLATION FOR TIlE AFFLI?TEI). 71'le i..a'd haifa ?? rn.ofienrro' aid oj* ?? CarlO end ?. ?? io wise u-ill not ?? ?? I PRACTICAL BOTANIST,, Frovide?ce Place, Diss. Norfolk, ?1l?ny yjeere lehrotedjor ?? 7'a.airni'nl of Scrofga. or Kim/s Err?. L'awcrx. Seurru. Leproau. IrAito Szepllioi,:. Tumow's, llhia,:dfdar 4b'relinrts 1&ecranss e?zd oU Diseeova ?? hare Iaeia' Oritjiaa auori Jnajrnve ...