... V A R I E T IES.. QUITE 1UNNECESSAMY.-Misprints are sometimes very droll. A contemporary announcing a new edition of Dr. Guthrie's second plea for Ragged Schools, entitles it: A second flea for Ragged Schools. A distinguished southern gentlemen, dining at New York Hotel, was annoyed at a negro servant continually waiting upon hirm, and desired him one day at dinner' to retire. Excuse- me, ...


... LIT ER A t T R E. VIS: A Treatise on the Predominating Influence of the Sunbeam throughout the Creation. By EDWARD BRAILSFORD BRIGar.-London: JOHN WEALLE.I This is a remarkable book; evidently the produetion of a thoughtful mind, and worthy of the careful perusal of all who take an interest. in the progress of the physical sciences. The question it raises is a startling ?? we still to- accept ...


... 1 - THE ADVENTUllES OF JEAN PAUL CHOPPART. T Entertaining Library, Vol. 1. London : La~mbert tion & Co. chai The books of ehildlaood, like all others, to be eon- Rev sistent, must take the impress otf the age It is doubt- Thle less a progressive one, and no astonishment must be inte aroused if we find them differing` from the Jaok the anel Giant Killer species. The impulsewhich has generated ...


... T-f. -v;-nr fhzlo- two t.t I ?? Id t, - ?? - ?? . at- Last evening, the ?? of the interestinz course of lectures in G connection with the Young Men'a Christian Association was of delivered in the lecture hall of the Collegiate Institution. Mr. P. A. Clint occupied the chair; Mr John Cropper, the Pev. iH. mlLuntdie, the Rev. Henry Wright, Mr. It. A. M'Fie, and other gentlemen were also on the ...


... fE' SHELDON WICK.a Tbe sweet dew is a blessed thing; t] Where'er it droppeth down, Y It beautifies the wreath of spring n And comes the earth to crown. g It creepeth in the waking buds Ii Insensibly and still, b And maketh fragrant all the woods, n That shake with music's thrill. t] n It falleth in the silent night, To life and beauty give; And welcome is the morning light To ill that bloom ...


... - - -AIE- Ig A - - 8 At | Tho drawvirg of the Livertpool Art Union took place on IMont,'oy lust, at 'tih Clayton IHall, Clayton-square. Thera wa's4 lut a sletcler attentdiauce, thc uiual attractionnS of tho e c XhIIition room being absent. t2. F. Salt, Est., the ese socrtrary to the Philgaihophical So-iety, was called to the he Ichan, - d there were present, besidas the offi-ers of ttie h | ...


... ARCHITECTURAL EXHIITII. , A intere*ng lecture on the infuenf e ofisglttd shadcw in architeeural composition, beit g thc last if a iseries i onnestieon with this EBbibitioi, as duliwers.'eui ITueeday eveirtg tn a numerous ?? hT ?? I Esq., arbitect, at tbe roenm in Suffolk-t ralleall t Eant. Mr. Allae Fointed out vesy ?? valuaeto r architects of a knowledge of the eftects Ibimaybe pro- duced by ...


... MU&s.c l WEBR KAI STyS THRATRE. | Ththe Oper seasoD, proper1 y Epeahindg, is Over, this theatres has not yet, like the other house, closed its door During last week there were three 'fare- well nights, st reduced prices1 fto tleo purpos of again bringing forward Bldlle. Pccolomitl er three ?? in La Fi91iaori6s in Do.s ' Poquaie, aud ioletta in La 7Iraica. OnThurs- day, in onsequtence of ...


... IAIAiUR PANITOMiME.- DRURY-LANE I |M THEA TBE. . I It is a long time since Drury-lame has heid such a crowded or such a fasbionable audience as that wbich filled it on Saturlay night, on the tcesaion of the repetition of the amateur pantomime. The greater portion of the pit was converted into stalls, which were principally filled by elegantly dressed ladies, while the large proecenium private ...


... SKE.TCHES OP LONDON ACTRS. IglLEIG MiURRAY. 09flthis gentlempan 5t my be truly said, One maa inl his time play3 many partt. Start not, reader; it s is not our intention to enumerate them; they would formu a list somnewhat resemubling the Catalogue of the British Museum-perhaps resemble it inr anotherI s enee-remain unread. A fewv it will be necessary ~s to glance at; the Imajority munst wass ...


... DRAMA, OLYMPIC.-A CONJUGAL LESSON. Mre. Lullaby is a lady of a tolerably strong mind, with a will of her own, an o0jection to any outings ol the part of her husband, and a decided aversion to his friend Brown-who not only sets as the Mophistopheles to the Lullaby Faust, but dares to miake secret love to Mrs. Lullaby. On the rising of the curtain we find the lady id her bedroom, awaiting the ...


... MUSIO. GLOUCESTER MUtSICAL FESTIVAL GLOUCESTER, TrnnDj The festival is now fairly begun. The 6t4 morning a not the fashionable one, and it is co:t wnd an Ill omel of pro.perity if the cathedral is hbll filled be this morning not only ware every seat oecupied down to o remotest position in the aisles, but a conaiderable of extra tickets hed to be issued for the floor-the Prieix sects. The ...