Advertisements & Notices

... A MANTLES and JACKETS aie so f very generally worn this Beason, J. MAC LENNAN, S6, CHURCH-STREET, (OPPOPeTE i ARI P ttRISrCTar), Has naa'o arr.ngliiment. to have a Caao of Paris MANT[,ES and JAIJKETS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARSONS desirdlaofCONTRACTING for F the ERECTION of a NEW SYNAGOGUE in 1ilepe-Placo F at naky, irspect the Plans and Spedfleiatlon slier Weasi-esoa tends t 0sxT, the 23rd !instant, at MV, Wylle'e O ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... ATTENTION. CLOCKS! CLOCKS iI CLOCKS!! I-We need not advertise to make the Public acquainted with the quallty or prief a of our CLOCKS; but an many came and could notd g them, in consequence of the gre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HALL, LODNESN-; m To-mbamOw (SiTriA-) EVENING, the StI inshnt, AIR. ELLIS. ROBERTS, Harpist to his Royal Highness the Prince of W~iei, WILL Give 1IS POPULAR HARP IINTORTAYNMdENT, wIH VOCAL 'lLLUSTRATI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATMP.salOFFICE and bottom RO0fiI-Addlress T A ATC a Sacor~d Ian~l HJEtaSE, ingoodjc ..anition4t. i 8Y rsV'1, Meteor3 othier __ PC jj ANTI 0 a iiligt Siecoed-hand OMNXIBTS, ngo re. Sal W¶ odesV 16, Mer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUFFOLK HOUSE, TAVE.RN STREET, IPSWICH.I} BONNET DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK FISH flA purcased ?? Ltom anufac O;turetr ?? of T1;0 TIOL;SAND Vihite and Colored Slraw Tn,. ALL'E The whole will be arraned reay for Sale cnd offered to tbe Pub~ic sA 0~O MOND)AY NETS, ANT) DURING~e TH{E W\EES. WROLUALE AW 3;3?AZL. Novewbe 20th, ISv. The Eienhsg Ro0be made to order anud fasihonably trimmeds co~mplete for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OiUSEEIWI0I) FI1NITURE, I To be SOID by AUCTION' IBy 31r. 1 0I!4, On monday, January 2lthb. Iq, Upon the Prerai-es, -Upper Brook Street, ! Ipswich, TlE ctitrr 1IOU'SElt(J.1D '1:t''NITURE, I'L.NTE, T and l'LA'FI'1) ARtTICLES, PlICTUR'ES, caital 1 Iron Chest. and Effects. of MIr. Thoma1 |ss Dickerson, dee.; Coiprising. in the PIarlours-ralloozny hair-seatrd chltirs. sof. I Pembroke, loo, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To R*wi Couftraetors, Builders, & otbers. .Daibuoiho, Charmxfield, awl 1thertsringheam, near W `ickha m -Ma rket. Sulperior Lrhq Scotch, Poplar, Asb, Elm, AD OTHlEIR TREES. To be SOLD hv AUCTION. By B. MOiLTON. On Wedneesdaythe Sth day of Marcth, ISS5. at 11 o'clxc?; 60 FINE POPLAR TIMBERS, fromr 30 to &0 feet °O TIM DERASI; -10 ELMlS; pfo9 SUPERIIOR LARCHT TREES; 41 SCOTCH and SPRlCE FWiR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMURPMENT. THEVATRE ROYA'k, DRURY LME-q. Af.klMWesot. Luw6 My ?? SH1mS. _ h.Maltue~&' Stg`7nagmer,Xr.1L-R0Vay ftludseed Prime at this Theatac. ea ihflows:-Private, Eoictetold twoseoa tI~d, fistbrrehpersawssrear Grand TierX I1 sPro- eons 29 0, Goilotee ?? Pleat 'EDrls rid IsMoringPerorm ,rice.- Tehox omefree. Tone unti~lSxuniltrtheseu- iwgothc nightflyrover4,sw t tbess the I 'ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE XV Cfardlia.Alexanair IL-denoralCrtoe ho .1 hitiha DfTenmark-lfllleyHici lghem the Duke of Cacbrictge -the Eo errad Emplress Of tioeyFrechl-the.Emperor &.Empreeo I ,fA,,!er-liTI'h St- &Jen0ud-LOOiniaf ?? Paebn-lstteJ guila ef ?? s-~rae theeshRye. Th ROYAL CRXlUOlUI CARDENS.. PuROPielOR, MRl. T. B. SurMInoo. Open Daily, Adinlsslon.One Obillitng. .4'I~O-HOF~tOW, end during the week, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BL A CBIu RN. GRAND WHITSUNTIDE FESTIVITIES. T IE Committee of the United Socielies beg to inform the Public of Blaekburn and its Vicinity, that in consequence 1 of the Mayor and Corporation having refused the use of the Park; after being promised, the Sports will be held Field at Higher Ouzebooth, adjoining the Park, on WHIT-MONDAY, MAY 12th, 1856, when A G RAXND P RO0C E S S I O N Of the ...