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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... which the same meets Gordon Street, thence Westward along Gordon Street to the point at which the same meets Grattan Street, thence along Grattan Street to the point dit which the same meets Green Street, thence along Green Street to the point at which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Civil Engineering JOHN GODWIN, C.E. I JOHN F. HoDoGs, M.D., Agriculture .* - F.C.S. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Anatomy and Physi- Hu011 CAMLILE, A.M., ology. I M.D., M.R.I.A. Practice of Medicine JOHN CReEnY FERGUSON, A.M., mAB. Practice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Janson, Samuel Smith, Esq. Esq. j Le Marchant Thomas, Charles Johnston, Esq. l Esq. TRUSTEES. John G. Shaw Lefpvre, Esq., C.B., F.R.S. Charles Johnston, Esq. John Deacon, Esq. SECRETARY. Michael Saward, Esq. This Society effects every description of life ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rosemary Street. Messrs. HULL BROTHERS, Mann- t facturers, 13, Victoria Chambers. Mr. John Hitcbcock, Solicitor. Antrim . . . Medidal Offioer-Geo. Nixon, M.D. Armagh,. . Mr. John G. Deacon, Merchant. Ballymena,.. fMr. Daffin Sayers, Solicitor. Medical Officer-A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and are now ready for inspection. Friday, May 2,1856. 1385 JOHN ARNOLD Is now Receiving his SPRING and SUMMER STOCK of TRO US12RINGS, CLOTHS, VESTINGS, HATS, Lyc., at 45, HIGH STREET. 759 JOHN RITCHIE, JuN., BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT, 11, VICToRIA C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... spectable Chemists in town and country. Sold in Belfast by Messrs. GRATTAN & CO., CInshsSTS, CORX M&uRvia; and by Thlessrs. W. ,MARSHALL & CO., CItEMISTS,67 and 100, Hioe STRBaET. JOHN FINES, TEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-IAND 1LJ FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anthony Blacekburne to John Martley, which was also, by the same Deed of 12ti July, 1836, re- conveyed by the said John Martley to the Trustees of the Will of Anthony Blackburue. 681 MARBLE AND STONE WORKS 38 & 40, YORK STkEET. X JOHN ROBINSON V WOULD RE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Crests, Coats of Arms, and every description of Ornamental Carving, executed in the best style. Sketches of Monuments, Mural Tablets, Chimney Pieces, sent free to rany address, on application. T. & W. FITZPATRICK, CARVERS. 1611 JOHN ARNOLD Is now Receiving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Surrey. Thomas Cardus, Esq., Barwell Court, near Bingston- on-Thaames, Surrey. DIRECTORS. Chairman-John Cumberland, Esq. Dep sty Chairman-Willinm Black, Esq. John Mlalcolm, Esq. Benjamin Scott, Esq. Professor Morton. Thos. B. Stevens, Esq. James Part, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Solicitor for the Assignee. JOHN H. GOWAN, Auctioneer. Belfast, 22nd July, 1556. 2185 A MN1OST DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. To he Sold by AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 29th Instant, at the hour of ONE o'clock, at the HERTFORD ARMS HOTEL, Lisburn, by Per- mission ...

Advertisements & Notices

... certain, will give satisfaction on trhil, both as regards quality and price. 1724 Commissions promptly and carefully executed. JOHN CUDDY OFFERS FOR SALE:- CROWN, SHEET, & PLATE GLASS. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. ROMAN CEMENT. PORTLAND CEMENT. ALAB1 STER . GYPSUM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... {BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT T the Sale Rooms of Mr. JOHN DEVLIN, CASTLE LANE, Belfast, on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of July inst., at the hour of Two o'clock P.M., all that Piece or Parcel of Ground in Grattan Street, and Gordon Street, Belfast, with the Dwelling- ...