Advertisements & Notices

... Adair, James M'Cleary, Thomas NM'llroy, Thomas Dawson, George Folingsby. Richard Payne, Treasturer-John Ahbott. Librarian-John Magee. SECRETARIES: John Armour. I Robert Hamilton. WI. Moved by JonN IIrNn, Esq., and seconded by WILLIAm BoTToNMuY, Esq.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... add to their number. That Mr. EDWARD EnLIs, Rhydyddauddwr, be ap. tt pointed Treasurer, and Mr. JOHN JoNEs, Marsh Inn, _ Honorary Secretary. (Signed) JOHN ROBERTS, Chairman. All friends and well-wishers to address their com-i munications to the Treasurer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast. January, iSSO. Azency of the NATIONAL PIROVINCIAL FIRE AND L]IFE lNSURANCE COMPANY. Ditto of BLACK BALL Australian and Arme- rican Packets. 238 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. rjllE CMEDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF Ia WILLIAM MORRISON, Haberdasher, who failvd in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Blrangn Qusen street ?? .. 1 o 0 Mr John Dodd, mallmn, Glsancvtn ?? I.. o D~octor and Mrs Flynn, Clonmel ?? ?? 1 0 0 Rev John Baldwin P F1, Irisabtown, Clonmel, ?? 1I0 0 Mr Patrick Fennely ohswnstrect, do ?? I 0 0 Mr John Prenderst d, do ?? 1I0 0 Mr Edward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N T S : BTFASTt .s. . GUSTAVUS HEYN. Ballymena. .. John Dickey. Dublin ..L. L. 1-. Deering. Dandalk . .. James N. Macneill. Londoudeiry. . John Lyot. 312 legal NOlen. FINAL NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. ENCIJMBERED ESTATES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Regiment Roseborough, Captain Lord, C Crompton, Lientenant Colonel A D C _ Dennan, John, Eeq Solicitor General, The, Al P Dickson, Major, lath Lancers Sweetnian, John, Eaq, T C Doyle, Coloncl, A Q M G Sweettman, Patrick, Esq Dunne, Jeremiab, Esq, JP Udney ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Matisicl H oenie W H IT Cogen, Seq i M A 93, Stephen's green, South; John Farrell, E'q, Merrio. equareA John Ennis, Merrionquatre, ast; ?? Eward Mh adDuunel, errio ' equaue - South; John AI'D,-netis, Esq; Merrin Eqipire, Esq ; Alder_ man i CoyA e Harcourt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and 'John's, Exchauge street; St Au- deon'si High street; the Rev Gentlernenof Rathbiines; the Rev Preauhers, the Right Hon the Lord Mayor, Mnslion Honse e W H F Cogan, Eiq, If P, 98, Stephen's green, d S0uth; John Farrell, Erq, Merrion equare John Eoali ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ryan, John, 237, Nelson-street, Tipperary, M.D. Wi Russell, George C., Stock Exchange, gentleman Wi Wi Sadliir, John, O P., 12, Gloucester-square, Hyde-park, esquire Sadlier, John, and John Whelton, and 21, Lombard-street Henry Luard Sanders, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fluentIv. A pplv to tho NXets-Letter office. 55 1TESSRS. GRATTAN & CO. HAVE AT ill present a vacancy for an ASSISTANT, of good ad(1ress and;1 compcteflt attainmellts. A\pplv, by letter, to Messrs. GRATTAN & CO., liledical lIll, 10 and 12, Corn iMarket, Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bishop of Lieblofld In A id of cthe Charity ait 3 loetok, And the Sorricer silltbo real in the Woi-h ~aecorce, by the 11ev. John Evnrs, Chapilain of the Society. The mentcal arrangennmen wilt he unuder thes slrreetion of Mr. Brtleyl Ziehardo, sebo bin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FEMALES. Lendon: John Churchill, -New Burlington-street. _ Just pubis~hed, fcp. 8re, Is. 6d., . T TrEADACHlES: their Causes and their Cure, f gL By Bl~p HneY G. Womoior, It.D,, Phvoiciti to the St. Penerno Royal Dispensary. Ph.London: John ChurehiU, Ness ...