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... Expenses of .he American WVar, from 1773 to 1783., No. 33. I Iistoteical Review of the Faiseal System, from the Accession of the Whigs Inl Iq' ta) their loss of Offlic in 1841. Nos. 34 & 35. 'lile Benficiil EsTecta of Reduced or liepcsaled Duties upon Cansunliption ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Expenses of the American War, from 1773 to 1783, No. 33, 7 Historical Review of the Fiscal System, from the Accession of the Whigs in 1830 to their loss of Office In 1841. Nos. 34 & 35. * Tlse Beneficial Effects of Reduced or Repealed Duties upon Consumption ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a aimeily. In addition to the usual branches of an English education, she is competent to instruct in M;sic, French, and Du~whig. Also, Lbs Rudiments of German, if required. : Adcbcss to No Jeo-rcal Office, Aberdeen. - Cl lrk Wanted. A Young MA N, expert ...