Advertisements & Notices

... OTI Eto PASSENGERS, for PORT PHIL. N IPP WtALMER CASTLE.'-ThIB ship being now on LI YEtb. PASSENGERS are requested to be. there a t'he. 0ith indiant, as she will sail at daylight rcd C o Agenb t 0hee ,J IL. Wilcooelp, Esq.-F'. Green and EVTTan MORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE 0 AhT HIIP-For LAUNCEST0ON direct, a regular tii~ esiereleportion of her cargo engaged and will P0Tiedia Cepthi, the ?? fast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThEVITT and MOOR It'S AUSTRALIAN LINE II .Y at PACIcIcT ?ii1t.-Fet ?,IELbOCItSE, Port Philtip, Dirret (xtidct cregi. ntct.7 a ith the Lorde Cam i'iixtcere at ctio Admiralty, alit clip amble ilcrpatiitii, thesolerdlil tyde-baattehip VANGL'Ati.D, A I, rcg.o. r 0 7 r.-. ittitititI V. teE, Comma, dert lyitg ire the 7. rid' te 1l?ch?. '1 1.1-i cc ? ci to ii u4i cec?clt, aect baa mode ecry mc. i.e p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. (311, LONDON STREET, DERBY. M RS. II ALL and CO. most respectfully inform the M LADIES of DERBY and its vicinity, that they have T OPENED the above ELEGANT held And One NEWLY-ESTABLISHED PREMISES PHI (Late the property of Wm. MoRLuy, Esq.), Where a Complete and Fashionable Assortment of .WERLY'S PATENT, and KALEIDOS' SELF-CON- writ FORMING PATENT CORSET, pros As approved by SirJAXIES CLARK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UOIUN(GLASSES - The COMMERCIAL I LATE GLASS COMPANY, Manager, CHARLES M'LEA, siC, 79, and 09. Fleee?0trOet, a?d ISo, Oolaed.5tXOCt (0010 the njw'i and the nmnbeni.¾ very raipeetfutly inmtc the Nobility, the Public, w tho Iroale, to inapect their enrefle no and niogeilltent StoCk of IISINEY, CONSOLE, and PIeR GLASSES, iaane-i in every P 'pozioty of etyti; tonoole, centre, and pier eabiec ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T2'UNE HAL EXTORTION AVOIDED -By 1Ii l~ s- utors and herc sn ed ltrlt~ives of deceaend nobleman, gin. tiotoco, tea;deanen, Lmnd olmort, aenriags in thc erot instance to Sif lL. L~liltl lt'S E4TAuBLIsIiIM ENT, CITE *ROAD, near bloasbury-aqusre, or No. lJ, NorCh-otreet, (luadeent, Brighton, inatetad of employing their o~tcololtcror, or teo neaireot undortaitcr, iwho, not posaealogm the cierittul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TfO be LET, at Exwick, with immediate I possession, a WALLED GARDEN, upwards of sa Acre, well-stocked with choice Fruit Trees, and a &(iesnhouse; with a COTTAGE, and the necessary offices. Application to be made to Mr. MAUNDER, of Fxwick. Dated JanuarY 1st, 18~60 EXhIINSTEB,-DEvON. Two M ,LgS J1sio) EXkTER. 0 be LET,. from LdYday next, 1866 a 1Tdesirable~ FAMILY RESIDEiNCE. 'known as 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIDKL?(G.GLASSES - The COMMERCIAL ?? rLhTE GLASS COMPANY, Manager, CHARLES M'LEA?d, ?sAT2i? rod ID, Fleet-etreet, on2 iii, Ordtreot (nele ?? name ?? teneebece), very n retfalty invite the Nobility, the Public, miottiheete, to leetiect their e?teeeive and magnificent Stoek 01 gttdNP.Y, CONSOLE, and PIER GLASSES, learned In every hity ?f ?? console, e5oire, ?? pior ablest; eofid mahogany bend ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTTERtY ST. MARY. ,p MjAYNE, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, C. c., begs to inform the public that, in order to -E 11is IEAV\YSTOCKofGOODS, hehasdetermined t, CIow TWVO SHILLINGS in the POUND for 1AS paymeents, to all purchasers of 6s. and upwards, -,g the months of January and February, N.B-All Good5 are plain marked. I : V!1ILY 31( URNING ESTABLISHMENT. * GREAT SAVING may be effected by - BUYING YOUR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IANOFORTES.-J. SYKES, 30, Boar-lane, P eeds tbe beet and cheapest Stock of PIANOFORTES, «ABi,[yNIt MS, CONCERTINAS. bs Wheatstone & Case, a Fletiat , Comoeaus. 'lirsioal Boses. Eiht-lseSed Cocoa Flutes, 21. each; Braow an~ ?? Violins, Violorcellos, Bows; French and En'.'ioh aaofsrtes i D great variety. t1rardts Dlouble-action Harb. £35. ?? lusiC at hallfpnee. Pianofortes Tuned by J. dykes, 30. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IO IARHIILDE~tih ie GREAT tb ?? btgiable to-announoe hat tOD 00E10'aa h General. !,tetlilk of Proprietorislbold it. ion 91,,, o jlths Oecter last4 'IAVE `BEB1X TAIj.EN 4nTave~ 1105ioar of the. Compny,;l7~ therelpre; Wilee t jle LTS finacial O, b he pirectors will not be under the nesb (S jns fsirther Cales On the bld Shareh is'h un et ~tty ~~ai ,et jefeadncte .the DijCbtot will be era- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iRR SHAN(HAEE IGjisteC ?? r-~e -W Ccv ec: or sli alipCL-ST'L PALACE, 44tosW reiten3r,1ix . i ir -ta frccli oyrp ,esoigiide opply y to JOHN t. LLIDiGto'1 a i~nd INGAPORF, Direct (laat s6hipping day, Jsn. 22), $ th ic rer-ba'itletc'ri;h clipper--hiip CoEhLEIIAL, A 1, 13 yeses. o e 3 41, ic.. JAMES i. IitYliMER co orniamdr ?? the( ?? t Ii'.tuc Itc-hoe Ircietot or partuge, applyyt nJAM~ES' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NGLO-PEUUVIAN BONDS.-Be it known Athat, by the declaration made onl the 24th of July of the prsntyar 85,beSnkn Fni fthe Anglo.Peruviaul Debt was Incrase Five pqrtcCW. -,a ?? cent. B[onds, and to Threelper.Cehrt. ?? plir lt~it`.=Bonds, the 3espective Interest on the redemption-belag accumulative ; avid that this concession in favour~of thg aforesaid Bonds having titeS fuly apliro~dtirtild , ...