... NEWCASTLE ASSiZES. THUJRSDAT, FBn. 28, (BDefoie Mr Baron MARTINO Tho court Pitt this morning at 11 ueckck. After the ?? peliminaries, the followin- genrtle- men were ?? on the grand jayrv:-P. Hansen. fore, man, and J. Jebling, W.J. Van., iaaorib2rgen, E. W. Ohalioner, J. Purdy Rennoldeon, T. Richardsnn, Wmn, 13. Armstrong, T, Bell, J. Jackson Scatt, J. A. Wood, 0,. M. Mowbray hilowbray ...


... _ COURT OF QUREN'S BENCH, WESrMIIN STER WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26. (Before Lord CantpbeWt and a SpeciafJury). CULVPUWELL V. SxDEDOTrOWe,-This was an aotion brought by the plaintiff, Mr Culverweell, of -North- street, Clapham, to recover 2,000 upon a promissory note, drawa by a person named Atkins, and gocepted by the ?? defence wae that the bill was given for mouey loot in ?? Serjeant Shea appeared ...


... An inquest was held at Mr Hind's, Brown Jug, Forth Banks, on Monday, before J. UG S-oker, Efq., coroner, .u Wie body of Thhomas AMilburtn, aged four yeare. The deceased, it appeared, on Friday morning, fell into a pot of boiling water, and was so severely scalded as to cause his death. The jury returned a verdict of Acci- dental ?? adjourned inquest on the body of William Russell, aged 14, ...


... WORTEUMBERLAMNDWINTER ASSIZE S;. ,, . _ The winter easizes for the county were heid in the Moot Hall on Tuesday, before ]ussell'Gurney, Esq. The following gentlemen were aworn inon the grand jury :-.Lora OUsulstodni XiP, forem&n ; the Hon. H. G. lAddell, M.P.; Rowland Errington, Eoq., Sandhoe ; 'Matthew Bell, Esq., Woolsington ; Q. W. Orde, Esq., Nunnylkirk; Dixon DixoD, 'Esq., ?? Hall; Ed- ...


... l On Thuday last, this court was -held, before Mr. W. A. Hul. torqhhe judgo. There wera fifty oases entered for trial. The x ?? was the only one possessing any interest:- THOMAS LATHaIU V. ROBERT RAWOOK, .AdMinisfh'or Of Alice Marcsh, deceased. Mr. Hall, of the firm of Messrs. Wright and Hall, solicitors, l Bacup, appeared on behalf of the plaintiff; and Mr. Saunders, barrister-at-law, ...


... NIDTZISEX SESSIONS. -MONDAY. EMBEZZLEMENT.- Joseph Boacher, 38, designer, de- scribed-as of-superior education, was indicted for einbez- zlngL the sum of ?? .li and a variety of other sums of moneywhich he hadreceived. on accont of James Jucquier, -a jacquard- loom manufacturer, In . Bethral - green, his master. He pleaded, guilty by advice of counsel. The Assistant-Judge sentenced him to ...


... INTERMEDIATEP SESSIONS.; .. . - . 1 I I Tbese sessions were held in the Court House,.on Thursa ia day, before T. B. Addison, Esq., and other magistrates. The calendar contained the namres oi 41 prisoners for trial, th 37 of whom were indicted for felony, and four for mis- B demeanour. These were classified as to their educational m abilities as follows:-8 could read, 16 could neither read El ...


... LiERTY OF VWORSHIP- IN ENGLAND. Atth.Dover Qaarter 5essioos, greatoisttere t says thI Dovei C ,ici'9,, was mnaifested by a densely crowded court, in a case wherein Jmasieb Brett, grocer, was charged with unlawfully disturbi g a ?? mesting and c=ngre- gation of 'Prtesatant disseeters svsembled for'religious worship at Dover, on the 21st of November. Th 'earned liccrder ?? Bodkin, Esq.), in his ...


... romm Pt,ICR~x CZ MASION ]MOUSIL JV MIL ?? Monday, Charles Bond, who appeared to be about 9 years of age, was borughet before Sir Robert W. Carden, charged with having begged in Threadneedle-street. Thechildatthebarisone pofagreat number of children who crowd about the baker' shops and sating-houses in the immediate vicinity of the Royal Et- change, and solicit alms of ladies and gbntlemen ...


... HIORRIBLE MURDER .OF & WIFE AND THRXE VHI.LDREN. A- horrible tragedy was -perpetrated early on Sunday morning. The murderer, -whose name is William Bons- field, is about 87 years old, and resided at 4, Portland- atreet, Wardour. sreet, Oxford-street, where he kept a small but very respectable cigar and newspaper shop. He had been married several years, and his wife had borne him three children ...


... t 1 - I F G lt ANX ISLE Or WIGZV- AkPE. At the Townh Hall, Newport, before Captain Hamond, R.N. (chairman), and Mr. B. Kerr, Daniel Hicley, a widower, and a private in the 88th Relgiment, of middle, age, withi a Crimean medal, two goodconduct 'stripes, anji a tremendous black eye, was placed at the bar, under the serious charge of feloniously assaulting the Widow Wdclih (a very ordinary ...


... rdURlDMR AT STROUM lroe tow.n of Stroudwater was on Saturday night week the scene of a cruel murder, which has created much ex- citemenrt from the rarity of the occurrencein the neighbour- hood. About four o'clock on Sunday norning, a labonring man, named Hodges, and his son, were proceeding along the road leading from Stroud to the village of Nailsworth, when, about half a mile from the town, ...