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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... STEA0I to AUSTRALIA, Carryiug only onO Illsa of passengers at £06 ?? Earopean and Austra- iU ai3'lil Company (Limited) will despatch their steamship i o E'UOPEAN, WILLIAM PARPITT, Commander, 2,350 Tons, and 030 H. P., 5oetilaucptol, onu Friday, the 12th December, 1866, for Mel. t arSydislev, carrying H M. Nals and Cabin Passengers beerie ~ Fares to ?? old. ,, Sydncey ?? .. 5 guineas. 5Excl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JENEZIJELAN FOREIGNf DEBT. -The MEETING i o f VE!NEZUELAN BOND HOLDE 8S c alled for Wednesday, the 17th Inst., is POSTPONED to MOid y (THISS 3)AY), the 22d loatant, at. Two oeclock, at t he London Tavern. ALFBI) GODFREY, Seeretary t th te Crasnitto of Spainsh American Bondholders. 1I, Austinfriars, Deemberr12 1285tl. DORTUGUESE; TflRlEE per CENTN. DIVI- .1. DENDS. .-The HALF.YEARLY DIVIDEND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'INNEIL to the GUARDS on their RETURN JLIF from the CRIMEA. COMMITTEC. Chairman-The Right lRon, the LORD MAYOR, Vice-Chali ?? RANE;AG II; Liout ?? BlROWNLOW KNOX, M.P. The general desire expressed to give a dinner to the Modal Men of the Guards having resulted in a large subscription, sin invita- tion was forwarded to the ?? thetregiuctits, svho accented en behalf of the non-couinissioned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YCEUlM THEATREP.-Great Attraction for I L or, cunght only, THIS EVENING, March h , M rth. BEoNEd M i cf f Mr. ALLCROFT, whose sudden a id severe indisposition hasi rendered himtincaptble of ttenil Btobisinees. Mr. Aroldbac a generously given th e Theatrep and she follo emienet atiste I volunteered their services on thi O~c'otn r. SluiniReeves; witOtI ope'sa of FRA DIAVOLO. Fra DiavolO), Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r[o ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, and CON- T TRAOTORS.-ZINC ROOFING, including timber or iron framework, Is as cheap as slates or galvanised iron, lighter end more durable. Certiflcates and models of various descriptions nay be seen, and estimates obtained, on application to the Surveyor ,sf the Vieille Montague Zinc Pdining Conmpny, 12, MIanchester-build. Inge, Westminster. Roofs constr ucted under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMPERIAL TURKISH SIX PER CENT. .3.LOAN.-Tie Contrmctors for thlisLOAN,B,~aroiil. L. deGold- sid 410 J. Horslcy Palmer, ?? notice that the HALF.YEARLY D TVIGEND on the BONDS for £LOO,0,00Di negotiated by taie. due on the 10th April next, will be PAYABLt these t office of their agents, Messrs. PALMER MACf tILLOP. DENT, and Co., ?? rln-vI, London' 'ad Nic.;rs. Bischofr~nclul, Gold- chdt dXAnti, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~0 ilc~ ?? P SSENGERS per SERINQ%- I ~l fir 31ALA)SAIl COAST and IBOMBY-ft5si 1 PAlJA* ,; ravesend T'IO.MOltltoW (rueeday. thu 15ib), aod rot0 to Iducdy, thu l13th ilnstant, PASSENGERS aft), ton eq t1ltob5llo during the nioroling of that day. ~ WUBRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM A BUR BERLIN, LEIPEIC, RS. N e-e asg fI7 5olA,.%Reo~uo lse~are 27s. end 208.-The ANTWERP C*l IINNz BARON OSY, F. W. PuiRcOS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jjDURSUANT to in Order of the H~igh Court of1 Chace iiast.s ont the 18th day of December, 1855, in the mate f he1th and I1th VIctoria, chapter 96 and in th miatter or the will of Martha Jane Barr, deceased all persons 'claiming to be the NEXT of KIN of tlie said MAkTHA JANE EDAUt late of Trafalgar Villa, Cold Harbour-lane. Brixt~a, In the ze (toiltty of Surrey. widow, whodled on or aboutthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGH WATER AT LONDON-BRIDGE THlIS DI. Morning ?? 13 min. pasto. | ?? 27 ia M ARK YOUR LINEN.-The Pen Super, 1VX -The most easy, permanent, and best aelbl 10: ing linen, silk, cotton, rough towels, books, &c., ir vlitht TENT ELECTRO-SILVER PLATES ;by means otwhichil articles can be marked in ten minutes. Aly ?? them. Initial plate, Is. ; name plate, 29., crest plate, S numbers,2s. Sont freeto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nwi; ?? ' l.~r'ehy LlilVCil, tho. r ''r11thle lii M iill i he undlorimentioiitd lflace~,4 D ept ford, thle Eost India a, Woolici% lick' aud City Callal, tle w aI I Iinoi Cc ',rIlrO' 1 n r or' h 27th instant,. .i - Id T~ Ii~tirC'.incal f Cotrac,0, %Var Depiart- ~doeilarked on, tile ouitsideedrfr reuestuld to 113D no form but that which L rti Direotoe General Conutracts. 'N I U o~CTION, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICA. rIONS. THE FLORAL LANGUAGE INTERPRETED. ElevenithEdition, coloured plates, silk binling, a beautiful Gift Book, price 10s. ?? post free, THE LANGUAGE of FLOWERS. T By the EDITOR of the FORGET ME NOF. Dedicated to thle Duchess of Kent by permisojon. Saunders and Otley, Conduit-street. TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. A complete and Practical Guide to this beautiful ecience, entitled FlHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - SALIE OF OLD) STORES AT DEVONPORT. AD51I1tALTY, SOXIFRSYT-FLACY, MAY 2, ISN. Co .n~r: for ?? the Office 1jih ,I,,ir~loftie Uitd Kngomof Great rin. ki rrelv give notice that ont Tueadvy. the 2sth ~ 5 .1tT~'cockin te forinoolt, tte Admiral Superinten- ?? t I p ?? SALE, in Iter Mojesty's Dockyard at Devon- &I I~a Lots Of OLD STORES. ~ lt I noe ~1tings. Shaking5, Spun and Rope Yarn, 1.( 15Hm ...