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... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAVY. [Before W. S. TRACY, Esq., R.M.] TInREn were thirty-three prisoners for trial this morning,. many of whom were the regular /albit(sea of the dock, brought up under the customary cir- cunmstanices of drunkenness atid its natural accompa- ninetit-disorderly conduct. LARCENY. A woman named Edgy mado her first appearance, charged with stealing l3s from the house of ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURTYSSTE1RDAT. (Before V. S. TRACY, Esq., R.M|, and JAMF 5IAC' NAMARA, Esq.) CASF O STABUINO. John MoreUl iaes elar-ed by his wife, Margaret 3\orell, with having, on Siturday last, stabbed her in the fare. - h M.Iargaret hMorell, who appeared in court with a deep wound on her cheek, stated that she had lived separate from her husband for the last four years, d-uin part of ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. [Before W. S. TRACT, Esq. l.AI. I A FEW unimportant custody cases having been dis. posed of, Mr. C. A. Russell rose to make a charge of ILLEGAL LIOERATION AGAINST SBAD-CONSTABEi, M'INTYIIE. Mr. RusSELL at somne length stated his client's case. George Thompson, the complainant, was then ex. amined by Mlr. RUSSELL, and stated that on the even. ing of the 22nd of ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. [Bofore Wme. S. TaAcY, Esq., RM.] ASSLULTS BiY A MILITIAMAN. William Johtn M'Dade, a soldier of the Royal Antrims Regiment of Mlilitin, was charqed with having assaulted Win. 1M'Cormack and Constables Bennett and 13ingham, on Tuesday evening. M'Cormack stated that he was ?? down Done- gal Square West with a horso and cart, in which he was giving somei childreoi ...

Legal Intelligence

... IXtod vatt you. BANKRUPT COURTWcDNESDAV, JULY 30. (Before Mr. Commissioner MACAN.) In re Alexander and George Clendining. TnaE: was a meeting for audit, proof of debts, and dividend. Mr. Meldon, agent to the commission, was in attendance. Mr. Creighton, QOC., and Si'. Levy, appeared for creditors who had put in proofs of debts. Mr. Dillon was for parties who had ob- tained an order in Chancery ...

Legal Intelligence

... ?ytffy sell MICHAELMAS TERM. 7Monday next being the first day of Michaelmas Term, the law and equity courts will be opened with the usuoal formalities. to Thie3following gentlemen have applied to be called John Patrick O'Hare, Esq., MI.A., ?? only surviving son of Martin O'Hara, late of Claremorris in the County of Mayo, merchant. James Henry Monahlian, Esq., A.B, ?? eldest son of' the Right ...


... 13ELF AST POLICE COURT-SATUIRDAY. LBc'ore thle MsvoR] CAUTION TO CARTERtS. During the past few clays a number of persons h ave been brought nolero the ale a 1, charged with driv- inm carts through the tewn vii hoat names on them, andi this norncllig ?? P01so0s %Were brougiht uP, charged with tihe same offence. Ihe cases having been provpel in evidetce by the constfalhe, a fine of 56 and costs ...


... BELFAST QU ART'EIl SESSIONS. YE~STERDAY, at nine o'clock, thie Assistant-Ilarrister, ?? GinsJO, G O;q., tooki his seat in thoe ceout, and proceeded with thle civil business. ili tile case o t' JnioeS H, oiz ii, s je-iltei', (1 iliiol- ivelt, wv hich was p,.Stpoll Oil o Saturday till this dy, \h.Tl TTty., lie ?? for one of the crtditors, aa ?? of miscilie duct towards a client :,riguinsthe ...


... TRIAL bF WILLIAM DOVE. THIRD DAY-FRIDAY. TiE DEFENCE. Mr. Baron BAiAtwEiLL took his seat at nine o'clock, lon' before whih hour, the court was again much crowded. The prisoner having been placed at the bar, Mr. Baiss rose to address the-jury on behalf of the prisoner. . He was convinced that if the jury would view the-facts of this extraordinary case, as 'if they had never heard of them before ...


... Tim investigation at the- 3vloldstone Terminus is still being proceeded with vigorotisly, adti ?? rtimnnurs are afloat as to circumstances which, it is said, will traispire open its . terininatitn. Such rumours ought, howvoer, tn be received with ex- trtIDO Ocaltioll, as th yare tot eei'ilnly warrantedl bv: ?? ,tatemeots otrictimtiti-ti withi tho'e who aloile ?? give ttlm wji'ht, and(] who ...


... KINGSTOWN POLICE-OFFICE-SEPT. 1. PEN-AIR PREACIIING-RtONIAN CATHOLIC INTOLEBRANCE. 'HAT Kingbtown bids fair to maintain the reputation ir hitolo lance which has been attached to it from tcent occurrences will be abundantly testified by a sse which came before Mr. Porter this day, arising at of the following ?? Sunday 'ternoon, about four o'clocik, the Rev. Robert Wal- ce, of the Kingstown ...

Legal Intelligence

... PARI COURT OF CFrANCERY-WEDMESDAy IMPORTANT DCOStON2f. O'Flaglertie v. M'Dowell. Tills matte came before the Mlaster of the Rolls on the 14th of July, in the nlature of an application for tile appointment of a receiver; and, at the close of the argument a further application wvas made by Mr. Smith fbr an injunction to restrain the respondent, James Sadlcir, from receiving his rents or ?? of a ...