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... BELFAST POLICE COURT-SATURDAY. [Before the MAYOR (S. G. Getty, Esq.,) and Wm. S. TRACY, Esq., R.M.] A DISSELtTR. Johe Wifer was charged with being a deserter from the East India Company's service. Sergeant John Malone, 50th Regiment, stated that the prisoner had given himself up to him as a deserter. The prisoner did not deny the charge, and was remanded till his case be reported to the ...


... MURDER vN TILE HIGH1 SEAS. (Pi-aom thie Melboutrne HUerald of &~ptemtber'I ?? A charge ot' ti is nat ure was pr'eferired. y esterilay at the D~istt'irt Police Cor gi~lid Cii C ?? chief njat'' of thle Quleenl Of the Seas, lately a rri veil in port from Ncw Yor'k M~r. I fackett, S.M., pro- sided. 'Tite! prisoner was dlefeniled by MrI. 'Turiier, andi the Iio llwinty witnesses were o saninied [oni ...


... THrE MURDER OF MR. LITTLE. LATOST ?? Tuis tra-gedy still remains involved in the samo mystery which has enshrouded it from the coMn. mencemeut. The ingenuity of the detectives fins been exerted to the utmost, but as yet, wve believe, tbev have been unable to find ally clue which might leadl to the discovery of the pierpetriator. It now appears establishied alincoct boeyoad doublt that plunder ...


... ANTRIM PETTY SESSIONS.-YESTERDAY. ([agistrates presiding, lessrs. Clarke, Mont-omery nod Brook.] IaiPORTAYT TO RtAILTWVAT TRaAVELrLE'S. Upon the nnagistrates takin- theirseats, Mr. AL.vX O' Itorlni, on behalf of the Belfast and Ballymena. Railway Company, made an application that the case at ?? suit ?? C. Hazieton, of Belfast, should he proceeded with, ?? beiti granted, Mr. O'Roinas stated the ...


... I VALLYMENA QUARTER SESSIONS. Thursday, Oct. 16. THE CRAIGBILLY RIOT CASE. Ox Wednesday afternoon, it may be remembered, the charges of riot, malicious assault, and common assault, alleged to have been committed on the 21st August, at Craigbilly, by a number of persons was understood to come on for trial on the following (yesterday) morning. Subsequent, however, to that arrangement, Ar. RVA, ...

Legal Intelligence

... Wfol INSOLVENT COURT-SATURDAY. (Before Mr. Commissioner Flatchell.) In re Denis Doyle. Tim insolvent was opposed by Mr. M'Nally and Mr. O'Driscoll, on the part of a Belfast creditor, with whom it was st:ated the debt had been fraudulently contractvd. It appeared that the insolvent was a grocer in Belfast, an, had purchased gools from the opposing creditor for ready money, but whenl he got them ...


... CAPITAL CONVICTION OF THE MURDERERS OF MISS HINDS, AND SENTENCE OF DEATH. CROWN COURT-FRIDAY. THE prisoners, James Murphy and Thomas Dune, were placed in front of the dock, surrounded by a number of the constabulary. They both manifested the most perfect composure until their final removal. Of the two, Murphy seemed the most sensible of his awful position. The CLERIK of the CROWN, addressing ...


... I COUNTY KILDARE. Athy, M1onday, Jusly 28. Angeli v. Gcalbraith. Titm hearing of this case was resumed this day at the sitting of the court. The Rev. J. Galbraith, ?? the Rev. Dr. Toddi ?? the Rev. Dr. Lloyd, S.F.TC.D.; Rev. Drv Moore, ?? Rev. Dr. Harte, ?? Mr. John Dillon, foreman of the Univer- sity Printing-office; Casamero Luceresi, an Italian .qiyristi; the Ilev. S Haughton, ?? and Dr. ...


... K IL ) ARE ASS SI Z ES. Friday, Jll~Y 25. 111(leli v. Galbraith. 111.O'DaiscoLT, oplned the pleadings. Mr. BATTeaS13, qC., stated the plaintiff's case. It was all actin?' for libel, published by the de- fendant, and for oral slander spoken concerning the plainitiff at ths Board of Trinity College. Tohedo- feadant traversed part of thle paragraph as to theI oral slanlder, and as to the ...

Legal Intelligence

... Wvilill ??111telligow. PREROGATIVE COIJRr-LoXoox, THuRSDAY. In the Goods of John Stedleir, Eslq. (a telo dose.) 'inv Queen's Advocate saili that Jothn Sadloir, late f Gloucester Square, ?? Park. died on the 17th t Fetirutry, 1856, intestate. 13y an iiqoisition, aken at ?? oi the I Iths of March followilg, wai found that the ldtcoa-d did feloniously take is Own life, and a verdict ofd tlO ide ...


... ON n1101ldy, Captain J. I. Hlatton, tile Chief of theo StafFordshire County Police, had an interview with Sir George Grey, and vas afterwards engaged in inquiring into the circumstances connect- d with the death of 'Mr. J. Parsons Cook. It is believed that he lias succeede! in ilablillng ?? imnlortallt evidence, vhich will lie forthcoming ?? the trial or the alleged proisner inl March next. ...


... TIlE SAINTFIELD MURDER. Tnr criminal business of the Down Assizes closed on Saturday last with the most solemn and melan- choly of all judicial proceedings- the dooming of a fellow-creature to a public and disgraceful death. The murderess, Agnes Burns, was sentenced by Chief Baron Pigott to be executed on the 25th of April next. We report, in full, the affecting and sadly-instructive terms of ...