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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTINUED SUCCESS! Baths Assenb'y Room, Ban-or, GOM PERTZ'S PANORAMA OF THE RUSSIAN WAR W ILL remain open until Wednesday, October 1st, W on which evening it must finally close, being already announced to open in another town on the dllowing night. .THE BANGOR AUXIIIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. A PUBLIC MEETING connected with the above ASccie'y will be held at the NATIONAL SCHOOL- BOOMI, on THURSDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ban-or Local Boaritl oe 1iealhXs. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT On FRIDAY, the 25th day of April, 1856, at T the BoARD Roomr, Bangor, there will be an Audit and Examination of the Accounts of the Bangzor Lo- cal Board ot IHealth, under and( according to the pro- visions of the Public Health Act, 1848, and that a copy of the Accounts to be Andited and Examiiied will he deposited in the Office ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11OWARD'S ENAMEL FOR THE TEETH, IRICE (INiS SiHIL,.INGi O)R lillito lgeayel teeth, tuiwe oerlitrelie cavity. ti* Sl- X perioc to) ao\ thinig ever biln e ulsed, az it id pt~xced iii the onvto in a soll stilte; isithlol any prsisilrc or pain, anin iii it Short tine beconiev ats hirrd ai the ?? and till eivsnin fib In ill t, too-til for niany ) :rs, reioleA ing extractioa untiecesgitry, anld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VTh 0 i). _ _ . .. . _ ?? . ?? . . ?? I I ?? I~, I,, N, _ ?? p A;i.- .. ;. ?? n ?? ' ?? ?? c ?? .e;z, Tn \ _Ba, ?? ! f ST.rl lAll, --it ?? ,TsittieQueeln-street,T.igIllIolbori. Aodn LEX. ROSS,-'S IlBp'I_,rTO~gy, for removing W~ent tottle On Itprlltons ba ir from the face, nleck, arms, and hiattdst e Itbo't tlie sgllest inj ry to tle sIkin. A. It. Mill waiaratlt it tot itji)tte the lesh lvlt te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLANI OGW EN CHURCH. C HRIST CHURCH. Gheai Ogwen, will be Co N- SEClRATE]) on TIIURtSDA', the 9th of October. Further particulars i a future advertisement.I X~ILL be given at tire NATIONAL SOIHOOL-RoohM,- V MAenal Bridge, onl TUESDAY EVEN ING, Sept. 23rd, for the benrifit of that Institution. Mr. HAYDEN and SON wvill preside at the Piano- flu forte and Harmoniunm. Tickets-Front seats, 2s. ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE C NORTH WALES CHRONICLE FOR 1857. Our nsual ALMANACK, containing the List ofI 'Fairs, and to the correctness of which the utmost at- I tention has been given, is presented gratuit- ously as a Supplement to all Subscribers and Pur- s chasers of the NoRTHI WALES CBRONICLE, 011 C this day It will be frund very useful for reference s in the oflices of Solicitors, Auctioneers, Bankers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H AIR DESTO1YER-1, TLittle Queen-street, High Holborn London.-At.EX. ROSS'S D5EPILATORY, for removing effectually t ssstpelf I3 us hair froui the face, icek, arns, aind hands, vithissit thle ?? itijury to tile sin. .A. R. vill sas rant it not to irritate tie flesh ill tise smallest degree, a;n2 the hlsir to be tentirely cestroyed. Sold ill bolttles at 3S. lid.,lIs, 5 d. G sl t lOs. Gd.sor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES OF TlHE CHRONICLE. Stamped, per anntum, on credit . £1 I 0 6taimped, per annumn, in advance . 0 19 0 Stamped, ointle clopy . . 0 4d ~nslannped, singlo cops (to be had onrl at 3Bogor) * 0 ° 3i- U~nst~zt ped, per aniuuts, on crnnlit, litio . * ' 0 IUnatumpned per anenun. itt advance, dlitto . * ° .ive Postage Stattlp t be int, osenl wyith orders for silngle 1 copies or they cannot be sent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mR. ELLIS ROBER'TS'S ANNUAL IIARI' ENTERrAINMENT. Di. ELLIS ROBERTS, Harpist by Specil A pi- 0 AVE pointmelit to His Royal HiLhness the i ince of Wiles,begstonntiuouticethlithe will give his ANN ITAl. MIUSICAL EXTERTAINMlENTI, August 11th, at Denbigh ; 13th, Llandudntio; 14th, Beaumaris ; 1ith, Be Abergele; 20th, R1hyl. Llarwst, Flint, Carnarvon, Tremadoe, willfollow. Illustrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAtR.DESTROYER. i, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, HIGH HOLBORN LONDON . A LEXANDER ROSS'S DEPILATORY, for remnoving effec- A tnally superfluous hair fron, the face, sneck arims, a al hlds., without the slightest injory to the skin. A. It. will warrant it f lot to irnitate the fle li ill the smnallest ileeree, and the hair to le t entirely destroyed. Sold in bottles at 3S. ld., 6s. eid., ad IlOsi 6 t er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALESSANDRO CAVAZZI ¶ILL deliver ORATIONS in B3ANeoR and i4V BEAvMAItIC, in the course of tile ensuing week, on POPERYZ IN' ENGLAND. Notice of tine and place evill be given by placards. BANGOR LADIES CFIURCI-I MISSIONARY t ASSOCIATION. I HIlE ANNUAL MEETEING of the Bangor La- 2 T (lies Church Missionary Association will be held in tile NATlONAL SCHOOL RooM, Dean-street, Bangor, on TUESDAY, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [THIRD EDITION.] _ i _ in I Established in 1850, in connectioji with the 'North Wales Chronicle,' to be had every SATURDAY Afternoon, of ROBERT ROBERTS, at his Shop, 90, Wellington Road, and at the Book Stall, Railway Station, in time for the early posts. ?? ? -&R? - 1..INE NOTICE. '£he Publishlel of the Rhyl Visiter and Directory,' respectfully ventures to express a hope that as the Paper ...