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Advertisements & Notices

... NEW CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, UPPER BANGOR. T:HE OPENING SERVICES will be continued .Tin the new Sanctuary, on Sabbath next. In the Morning, at a quarter to Eleven, the Rev. J. W. C. DRANE, of Hanley, will preach. In the Evening, at half-past Six, by the Rev. THOMAS ADAMS, of Stone. A Collection will be made after each service, in aid of the Building Fund. t B A PI Q U JE T IN IONX OIJ(I 01' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W A N'T-E D. 'T A SITUATION as HOUSEKEEP ER for a Single A Gentleman, or to wait upon an elderly Lady, and do plain needlework. Satisfactory references can be given. Apply A. B., Post-office, Tremadoc. NEW SONGS. THE DYING CHILD, written -by Miss OWEN :1 T the Music by E. SrAsu. b THE CAPTIVE OF AGINCOURT, sung by hIJ Madam CLARA NOVELLO, composed by G. A. AIAC- D. London CllAMER, BEALE, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CTHII{D EDITION.] Establhed in 185O, in connection with the I North Wales Chronicle,* to be had every SATURDAYX Afternoon, of ROBnRT ROBERTS, at; his Slhop, 90, Wellington Road, and at the Book Stall, Railway Station, in time for the early posts. - - . E I1..M t SEshelbv 4 ?? .. I I nx- (17-1- I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I _ _ _ _. - a , ?? I:. . T - -lp-1 NOTICE. | ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIAN MAILS. FASSAGE MitONEY, £14 AND UPWARDS. TACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH AND S, BAUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL PACKETS. .VI'C Contract to carry Her Maijesty's Dlails in f5 - . i i.n. Sailing from Liverpool on the 5th of each 4 \Nillith, for MELBOURNE, forwarding passenge s D by w nn to all ports its Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, S. Jt ship's Expen1se. Ship. Tonnage. Captain. Date. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ORIGINAL ' RHYL VISITOR' AND DIREC ORY. all tHE PUBLICATION of the O R I G I N A L * R H-YL VISI 'TOR,' in connection with the ' NO 1Ttt WALES CROrntCLE,' as formerly sold by Mr. W, L. Sharp, will be be RESUMED for the Season, on SATURDAY Pext, June 21. The Publisher hopes for the continued encouragre- ment of those parties who have supported this List, since its commencement in 1850 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHOTOGRAPI'1IC DEPOT-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ESSRS. NEWTON, 16, Jubilee Buildings, Iq Lord-street, Liverpool, Manufacturer of Cases, .Matts, Preservers, Cameras, Stereoscopes, &c., Im- 1porters of French, German, and American requisites, offer to Dealers, Artistes, arid Amateurs, unusual ?? Articles ?? ?? Price List forwarded. TJHE NORTHEEN TIMNES, the Oldest Daily A. Newspaper in the English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SERMION, TN behalfof the NA'TIONAL SOCIETY, Will be preach. en in BANcOoR CATHrEDRAL, On SUNDAY MORNING NEXT, November 9, by the Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. Divine Service will coin- menco at half-past Eleven o'clo-k. North Wales Training College, Camnarvon ADMISSION OF STUDENTS. ~79OUNG MI EN of good character, desirous of being admitted to the College, to be trained for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER SAIIMNGS OF THlE I 6PaUNCE OF WALES'I Steamer. wvi H CTYOFrDUBLIN STEAM PACKET a CO PAY give noticeethat the or PRINCE OF WVALES, - riterofte omay's vessels, is intended 01, to sail fronm IENA] BRIDGE (calling at LLANotDUDN-0, weather - pmitting), Oil MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, itt 10 o'cock a.m1. from i'ltI.N CE'S I'IE11-11EAD, LI VERPtOOL, WE1YttNL sDAYS and SATURDttAYS, at 10 are., till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... moo~ ~- -Om' ?? 'WilAR Ms' O vSEV 158, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, rl HE EXECUTORS of the late Mrs. HuGiiS, while thanking the public for the patronage so liberally JT best'owed upon her during a long period, beg to inform them that the business has now been transferrvd to Mr. JOHN ELLIS, who will, they feel assured, spare no exertion to merit a continuance of the same kind support. JOHN ELLIS BOOT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ONLY COMPLETE SECUICV IN LIFE ASSURANCE. 0 (Extracted fromrn~t The Register. St IIAT is ME~ANT'byanINDISPUTAIBLE POLICY? In the first piece, it is unlike other policies;, the adjective heitng used to ?? something to seark anti distisguith ouch a 1 Ppolic.yfromnil other policies. Intitseseconidplace,ist searis s~cud more it lnsplics tlsat the policy to Wlsiehbtte epilthet IsNDISPUAus-s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BILLIARD, NEWS AND READING ROOM, MARTIN'S Stationery Establishment, Caxton I-ouse.l NEW AN)) SUPERIOR SEEDS. FRANCIS AND ARTHUR DICKSON AND SONS, 1RES PECTFULLY intimate that their' detailed L1 Catalogue of VEGETABLE nd FLOWER SEEDS, &c., for the Spring of 1f56r, is published, and will be forwarded, prepaid, on aPPliaIn* Te greatest possible care has been exercised in the selec- d tion of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. In the condenisation of tle rePortt, publishled in our last, oftle case 0 tried etfore tilhe Eithit Pollee Coucrt, respectinig inseasornable C Rabllots, the ?? reloarlks frotms the Bellch wvere utmittedl:-E lce.. c t of QuiarterScssions have isistruected Ste Slcer- a inlteident of title Polhee for-e of tlse Decnbigh district to Uise eseryeerticla, aid to s^tare ho ...