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... GREAT ANNUAL CA'TTLE SHOW OF THE ROYAL ACRIC[JL'I'UqAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY OF IRELAND. ATIILONI., W1D3NESDAY, AtUGUsT 18, lS'6 -,At a very early hour this mtrning despite the most violent torrents of rain that have yet falleit. during the pre- sent wveek, the Judges entered the siow-yard for the purpose of examining the horned dattle, swine, sheep, and poultry, and were occupied iin the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... follioll and !arictio. T fI E C OU T R T. Nit\oSsonl, i Y-.\Iaior-General the lion. Sir t:l ardl Cost airriveel at the Castle on a visit to the Quoeen veste (ray afternoon. lii thlo erening the dinner partv included the King of thle leigians, the Dachress of Kent, Lady Fanoy 11 . vard, rtironites do Spoth, the I-Ion. Sir Ed ward rtsot, Colonwl tho l-I.n. N. and Ladylv Mary Hood, Sir .1.fmes ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fnoltiolv and THE COURT. THE Queen received addresses o0, the throne respect ing the pelace, on Thursday afternoon, at Bucking ?? Palace, from the University of Oxford, the Uni vvr sity of Cambridge, and from the body of Presby torian Ministers. 'l'he delegates front the University of Oxford followod by the members, and headed by thle Ear of Derby, wealring his gold robe of officc as Chai ...

Selected Poetry

... #elected ?Oftrlf- CIHILDHOOD AND IIIS VISITORS. ONCE on a time, iheln sunny Mlay ?? kissing lip the April showers, I saw fair Childhood bard at play, ?? a bank of blushing flowers. Happy-he knew not whence or howv, And smiling-who could choose but love him? For not more glad than Childhood's brow Was the blue heaven that beamed above him With circling lip and glancing eye Guilt gazed poll the ...

Selected Poetry

... jf?lccfcd ?!Oftrll. THE TRUTH DOTH NEVER DIE. Taouoll kingdoms, states, and empires fall, And dynasties decay; Though cities crumble into dust, And nations die away; Though gorgeous towers and palaces In heaps of ruin lie, W hich once wvere proudest of the proud, Tb'e truth doth never die ! Wc'll mourn not o'ei' the silent past, Its glories are not fledl; Although it4 ilmen of hiigh renown lie ...

Original Poetry

... Oriolual goetrY. TOYING WITH HEARTS. How true it is the toy with which we play Pleases our fancy only now and then Possession makes it valueless to-day- To-morrow it becomes a priceless gem. Oh, for the heart that I aside have cast, Carelessly thinking it would still remain; Clinging like ivy midst the stormy blast, Giving it help the ruin to sustain. Often have 1, in proud, disdainful mood, ...

Selected Poetry

... ,!F1iectd fetrit. THE SINGING OF THE POET. [Tin poet mentioned in the following lyric, from the Oxford and Cambridge ilagazine, is Mr. Alfred Tennyson.] A PoINT came to an ancient town, And sang a song that was strange; And all thronged round him with open ear; But a little while, and the many smiled, And said, he sings we know not what- Fantastic fancies together stringing. But he-heeded ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?flolliou and q1tarieflo. T IT 1. COURT. OsnoUNr.. Aro. 7.-The Queen and Prince, the Prili ( .f Wi lc-i Prince Alfied, th1e Princess RoYal, ?? I'vinc Alice cruisel ill the Fairy yesterday afterinomin. TIho Earl a ad Coun tess of Clarendin, Liotmmi ?? Sir \V. Codrington, and] Colonel the M mi. W. L. Pahenliata aicompttiinieil her Majoity. C(lic1 tile lion. C. 13. and* Mrs. Philips Miss lPlipis ...


... Tim: TItitN, FOR JANUIAIY. London: G'oonltbridgse 4 Sons. 'I'U appearance of a new illustrated monthly maga- zinc written, almost exclusively, by men whose ?? rary reptitation has yet to be establishied, is not of frequent occurrenco. 'he 'speculation is not one that should not readily be embarked in, and often fails even when supported by tile most unquestionable talent. The magazine which ...


... F E B It U A R Y. (m11, Wviiter's l)ower is broken, Illis throne is falling now, se\ sce th joyfil theln Il tile ?? lwiliis sinmilillqi brow A lthiouglh t lie rn),t vet Iiiigers, ?? Nvalks ablroli at llight, Ali, 1 drks lhis ncld, wbito tilgerls \Vithi dro11 o c et'ulst1 brih41t. tie ee it ill tile brightness iii t in lriS 'sclemi nloontide rly; We se it ili tiw lightness () tbw last sweet ...

Court and Fashion

... 2'olart and tfaslioll THI' COURT. 11 EI M A J 1E S I' Y'S L EX'E E. 'Illl: Queen held a Leve on Tuesday afternoon, il St. .1amnes's Palace, I,0nt1Oi. Iler Maljesty and his R:tvftI llighss the Prinrce Consort arrivedi from B t kid).ati Palice soon sliter two o'clock, ?? by a detachitnt'nt ol the Life CGuards, and were rO ( ?? atl. St. Jiln(oS S by thle grred t olliccrs of State. Ilk R,-yal ll ...

Fashion and Varieties

... f?mouiolv alld T. arittleo. THE COURT. OSBORNE, JULY 19.-Her Mujosty, accompanied by the Princess of Prussia, Princess Louisa, the Princess Royal, and Princess Alice, drove round the camp at Aldershott yesterday-morning, and inspoc- ted the 18th Royal Irish Rogiment immediately on its arrival in camp from the Crimea. Her M:jesty, with the whole of the Royal party left the Pavilion at 3 o'clock ...