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Advertisements & Notices

... X R. W. MAY will SELL by AUCTION, y On the Premises. on MO'NDAY Next, d All the Live ead DDe PARMING STOCK, AIjME au Y, Grass, Ploughlai LCider arness, Dairy Utensils, pr_ of, Xro 1 WTh. king a 1ov TlKNof U Somerset. quitting the Farm. u Refrethmentl at Twelve. Sale at Two, No reserve. ivW. MAY will SELL by A-TQ~ lvi On the Premises, ofl TUESDAIF Next, All tetokfgeunC-DRcepingabout 3800 sGal. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WlubilatiOfl. NE;W NOVEL,.: - BY THE AIJTIIOR or EMILIA WYNDHAM.! Now Ready at all tljeJibrarieslin Three Vole., -VVEL Y'N M~k R STO0N. E By the Author of Emilia Wyndham, Two Old Men's Tales,' &o. Also. just Published, VEILED IIEARTS. By thi Author of TheWife's Trials, &c Thlree Vole. hTE SORROWS OF GENTILITY. By Mis5 JEwsBuRy. Two Vole. MODERN SOCIETY IN. gOME. By J. R. BESTE, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ONDON X C HANGE 'AVNEFUND, AN LIFE ASSOCIATION.- For DICOUNTIG BILLS, and 1Effectlng BILLS of. SALE, E~h~JLITAIM:OflOR ZIANS to any Amount. NORTHERN ASSURANC N COMPANY, LONDON, EDINBURGH, GLA SGOW, & ABERDEEN. a Established 1036,and incorp'orated by Special ActofParliSmentl, 81 F'DR FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE,- q AT HOME AND ABROAD. p Capital, £1,259,760; Annual Revenue from Premiums above C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iRISTOL SAVINGS BANK. 13T ie ANNUAL GJiNER4L ME;ETI of -the Trustees, oand Managers, of tlie BISTOL SAVf.lGS BAN3, )wfibe iield at the SAVINGS BANK, ST. STEPEN'e 6Vtt S,V on SAtTURDAY, the 23rdd!V'yof Febhraafy instant, VOTeO.k Secretary. slith February, 1856., ONDON & 0O'NTY 'JOINT-STOCK Li BANKiNG COPANY. 1~-` Notice is hereby given that. DIVIDIOND, at the rate, of 10 per Cent. per Annum on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE ARTS. E ESSItS. FARGUS will Sell byAUCTION, I/L at tbe Large R000, No. 8, UNION-ST4EET, on TUESDAY Next, February 12th (to 6sae time and expense of Private Sale), The most extensive and valuable Collectlon of High-Class PROOF ENGRAVINGS, Framed In Gold, of superior finish and fashion, ever offered in Bri tol,; being ypoitively the last Consignment from Messrs. Greaves and Co., of London. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARRY ISLAND.NEBARO':ARDIFF. FOil ALB.' m w4R.T. 'ATKINS is instutd yI.0 ARMS HOTEL, in tetw fCRIF tTeefrFu 001lo0k In the AfteroonTUSAtethdyf August, 186,' slobjeottsuhCniinofSlaswlbehe .an~ there produced The valuable ER2ATO knavrn as Barryv fl1and, in the paris of BULLY, in the county of'Glamorga-ncontaining 183 Acesl, of I/AND Arable,,.Pastutre, and Warren; situated on the Noerthern'Ahore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by PRIVATE Ss B I-bed ARD TABLEtnd several New sid Seconldhiand BAGATELLE TAt.-Apply Jmmediately to Mdr. J. SM1ITH, Auctioneer to akisi .Apprieiser. Old-Marlcet-striet, Bristol.. A Ltcensed PUBLIC-EIOUSE to be LET, inla good ellunti~nfl, Going-in, £70; Rent, £19 per year. Apply as above. Thiis isa go2 opportunity for a-person with a small apital.F ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. MERCHANT'S PARADE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3MnotttaflCfesornp~anflC0 __ ATIONIAL PROVI-DE NT C N INSTITUTION. . 48, GRIACEOHIJRCH-STREETLONDON. T Fr ;MUTUAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES, ANNUITIES, &a. GEi Chsauiman._SAMUEL 11. LUCAS, Esq. RA] Secretar -ilJOSEH MARSH, Esq. MOI The next DIVISION OF PROFITS of this Society will 13th take place In. November, 18bl. Be Pcrsdons assuring prior to 20th N{ovemaber, 1856, will be en- now titled to one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * t bv Auctton. ILUlMINATION DEVICES. ^ IE SSRS.FARGUSwill SeilbyAUCTION. at their spacious ROOML No. 4 CLARE-STREET, Bristo'. on THIS PRESE;NT SATURDAY, May 24th, at Twelve o'clock precisely, Severalviery expensive DEVICE: S, well snited for the ap- prosobing Illumination ona the 2Dth instant. .On view the M~orning of Sale. DbNDRY, SOMERSET. ESSRS. FARGUSwill SellbyAUCTION, A at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HINTING, of :every description, executed Psith neatness&despatch at T}IE BRISTOL MERCURY. -E 1.A RUE'S STATIONniEy, p SOLD BY MAIDON, 6, REGENT- PLACE, CLIFTON. tao I1E NEW IVORY COLLODION PORTRAITS. T 60, PARK.STREET. T GALLAWAY begs toecallattentiontohis NEW IVORY .LION PORTRYAITS, equal to any MiRiature Paintings GOLO lc~ the aprecteaken in a Glass Gallery on the E~ntrancee ileSAlRgeOSS's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1URENISHING WAREHOUSE, i 27 and 29, CORN- STREET, BRISTOL. BIRD & SON having bought largely before the late consi- derable advanob in wool, are enabled for a short time to SELL alt OLD PRICLS.- Brussels Carpets .. is., ae. 6d., 4a., 4s. 3d. per Yard. Tapestry Ditto .. 2s. 6d., 2s. 9jd., Ss. 3d. Kidderm ineter, BrusselsIlI. gd., 2s. Id., 2s. 8d. Felt Carpets .. .. Is. ld. to 2s. lOd. Stair ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Not fro. ~Rom £100 to £500 ready to DO B Advance or to urohase, Freehold Property in the itoFeBltl~drss P, No. 10, Stokeas croft, Bristol. El rrI'H Gentleman twho took a HAT in mistake A.from the Gallery in COOPERS' HALL, lost SUNDAY EVENING, may reneive his own. in whichwas a Gold PiF, in e~ch~e. o appyingat BNGH~PS, ookseller, Broad-st. ,O THE U1!;IcIrPAL ELECTORS T OF TIll WARD OF CLIFTON. ...