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Advertisements & Notices

... r HONOUR TO THE DEAD! GLORY TO THE t, BRAVE ' e To the Worshipful the Mayor of Portsmouth, G. C. STICIANT, Esq. r tt nTE, the undersigned Inhabitants of the Borough of . . Portsmouth, viewing with-heartfelt gratitude the C success which has attended the conduct of our Army in I e the East, and feeling that this Town being the place a h where so many Invalids from the Seat of War have b e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROilJ'lf OF PORTSSIOUTI- EASTER QUARTER SESSION. HGFERBY GIVE NOf ICE-Tb;at tie nixt Geteral QUARTER SESSION of the PEACE, for tie Borough of Portsmouth, %will lie i Ild at the Sessions' Room, on Friday, April 11, Iiti, at Ton l o'clo kl in the Forenoon. The Jurors aiid all Persous1 bound by Recognizance. arc ?? to bl ;n attendance tr at tlec Opening of the Court. tl JOHN HOWARD, Clerlk of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE RING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA. WI M R. HOLLINGSWORTH has the hon0our to M announce tlat, by permission of the respective ry Colonols and Officers, the following B.ANDS play at his -i Roono:- Eu The 22nd, every Tuesdav. Ch The Staffordebire, every Wednesday. Vs The Surrey, every Friday. No The Armagh, every Saturday. Ha At Half-past Three in the afternoon. Po Amateur Plays in Rehersal. Vf NAVAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - - - at MISSING, o'C S UPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED on 1 the 16th day of April, off Southsea Beach, WILLIAM FOSTER, aged 28 years. At the time he left home he wore a Cap, a Spotted Waistcoat, LE with Sleeves, Dark Trousers, and Mackintosh Coat. Lx TWO POUNDS REWARD will be GIVEN to any - one on the Recovery of the Body, on application to Mr. IHOLLOS(oWORTH, at the King's Rooms, Southsea. Ea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE XING'S ROOMS. SOUTNSEA. T 5 IR. HOLLINGSWORTH t1&s the honour toA. 1 announce his ROOMS are NOW OPEN for the Eu ilnter Season. Ch The next BALL, Monday, February 4th. VN No By permission the band of the Staffordshire Light Ha Infantry attends every Wednesday afternoon ; and the P band of the Armogh Light Infantry every Saturday. V NAVAL EDUCATION. SOUTHSEA, PORTSMOUTH. Cal OUNG GENTLEMEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AWITNE & SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT, ' NEAR THE DOiKl-YARD GATES, PORTSEA, ANT) OYSTER-STREET, PORTSMIOUTII. N ATHANIEL AITTILL embraces the pr tent N Season to return his most gratefli acknowledg- f1 ments to his Friends auni the Public, fot tho very grcat c share he has received of their Patronage for the last 30 years, in counnxion with the late firm of ANTILL, C PETERS & Co. He uutw beg; to call ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DROXFORD UNION. CONTRA ?? FOR Pilo VISIO.VS. T HE Guardians of this Uttion are dcieous of receiv. aing TENDERS for the SUPPLY of th., Work- house, at Droasford, for the quarter ending the 25tih of Deiember next, with Best WHEATEN BREAD, at per 41b. loaf-best Flour, at per ?? (fore quarters oily,t weighing not less than 14lbs. nor more than 181bs I per quarter), at per ?? (Aticking pieces, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE FURNISHING. ANGLESEA FURNISHING MART, 8 & 9, QUE rSTRXErT. I'oIITS'YA. PERSONS about to iurnish, or ?? increasiu' P their present arrangemetnts, are respectfully solici- ted to iusp: et the Great Variety and Superior Quality of the DRAWING-ROOM, DINING.ROOM, & BED- CHAMBER FURNITURE, at the Cabin,,t, Bedding and Upholstery W}ar honse, 8 and 9, QUERN-STREET. Spe :ial attention is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1M102;EY ! MONEY ! I ONEY ADVANCE!D in Sums fiolm £10 to A £1,000, on Personajl alni othlr S rurities. Office-ST. PAUL'S VILLA, ?? Gri'g-slreot outhseas. Forms end every other information transmitted ou receipt of 12 postage stuinps. OV110LESALE & RET-AIL ROPE1 , RAG, METAL ASO GENERAL WARHEHOUSE, ) 2, & 3, KING-STRl ET, POwrSPMOUTHI. '-ogA '\')VYA'TT bses most respe tfully to inform p huic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 3. P ALL , il AL L F A SC, L ON DON.' Etat1jlishedi oit 5544. CAPITAL . 500. P ARTIES desirous of INVETIN.MO EY re 1 Jrrequested to examine the P'au of this Institution, - by which a high rate of Interest may be obtine ht t pordtt sci s e c u r it y . To tiha Novo~l anti Military Professions, and Persons C going a~broaud, it wvill he found a peculiarly eligible 1 Bauti for, sthe ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW NAVAL UNIFORII. ESSRS. J. GALT r. spectfully acquaint Ofnicerz M of Her Mh;. sty's Flo, t that they will be abl, to supply NEW REGULATIONS immediately the alteration takes place. DANIEL-STREET, PORTSEA. WT FREEMAN, PRACTICAL WATCH V . AND CLOCK MAKER, (successor to Mr. CHARLES,) iuforms th. lahabitanta of Poitsmoutl and the adjacent neih.,ouiloood, thathe hasPURCHASED tihe above BUSINESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA. /I R. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to i M announce that the BALL in honour of HER MAJESTY'S BIRTH-DAY, will take place onl C, Monday, May 26th. Si 0 PORTSEA ISLAND HIORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. rfHE SHOWS, during tie ensuieg Summer, vill l take place or~Weduesday, June 11th ; July l6th; C and August 27th. it The Subscribers' Books of Tickets are now ready at i Mr. ...