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Advertisements & Notices

... LY STEAM COMntu- bit5i, LONDON Ad' NEW OTORK, cal.. ON 5dpwrfal steari-shliP 300 liorse powrer, L. E^5D' A C 0TD, Commauuder, s arch !. Cabin passage (including rinors bhich can be obtained on , 31 .-First fifteen guineas; selolld crte rates) ?? iratg.., is Feiht n, third clascgs; una.Fegd£ ! .-caSa an fie pr cat. ticods ibr shipment . a et ' and FoVe PinSteamn Wharlr, Lowcr East Smith- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 116ZAVAL REVIEW ntSPITHEAD.- ±1l NOTICE TO STEAM SHIlP OWSNEtS.-Whereas the at- tenion of the Board of Trade lies rtelts cloe' ti the serious cense- quotieca that may enisue frois the Overcrowding of Plaossgeri Steamt Vessels oln the day of the Review at Spithead. Notice is hereby given, that it auy Passenger Steamer plies with- out a Board of Trade Certificate pliced hi -, cotspienoud part of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? P, BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM. I-itt1ER N, LIll',ZItL', DI1ESUEM,', ?? pasotiga ?? ars,27i. an,l Q20s.-Tli ANT'*WERP A irslidid, aitti tety jarerlul tai'ui VI'BARION (SY Th F. W.pitilei, Commatntder% 14tl1 ?? Wharf, Toiler, every, Sunday at Tweci Jayl it`it'7fi1i Auth trlt every3. Weiloeslay moarning a of IiOedlly railroad frito Aatit rg tto Catigeia. qi'! Iln% brittle, tri;edett, tkc., With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUJCTION. LIBRARY of a CLERGYMAN, deceased; STOCK of the late C W. STRAK ER, Tbeolo-ical Bookseller. P UT'TICKS arid SIMIPSON, Au;ctioneers of Lita- a iL rary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great I Room, 191, 'iccasl*illy, on Tuesday, April ?? and two following days, a large anti valuable Colleetion ojf THEOLGGIOAL BQOOKS; i consistill of Fatbere of the (Cllurcl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... b BITISHaud FOREIGN PUBLIC LIBRARY, B iConduit-strect, Hlanover-square, contducted by Mle3srs. SAUNDFRIlS mil OTL3EY (late Colimn, Siatiders, and Otley). This EXTENSIVE and VALUAIBLE LIBRARIY, contaisning utl- wards of ONE HIUNDRlED THOUSANI) VOLUMES of the beht works iit English, Freneb, Italians, at1 ?? Igaogl:sges, with an ?? sutpiply of all the new pusblications as they appear, is reserved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -3STRUMTONuIN ART'may helobtalned br choolmasters and. &11Scho0118timse-af tsrllk and other Pqb1 it Sehools,-hy Pupil Kuahrer ?? rsaverillt, at the, chools of Art established Metroolita trft Scbools.-l~-Sotslflelds. Crisosln-treet--Vest- V ,GW~t-Pinshos y, lyiliiam'street, .Wlklmigton- ?? school. llepttord-road-St. Itartlua,, Vastle atzagt Xva -segKensington, Gore Hoag KessislgtOgi-95r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL, GRECIAN, CIT'irtOAD. BoeFirrua, Mn. 13.0O. 0sgtuxa,. T ,?Rytd~new nabTHtLRE. ?? hrdy and Saturday, A TAINT IN NOR~tO.'and urinPear, w-uidlngb wiseth aeod Friday THE HAPTVLBYNTSCE- uDO PAMS Mlir.odayandlt Oe~t, ML, ?? b Maene for Dancieghan Nine M'loli nR H ra Mocbethers55tcveu eenig TO-OROW ad mm hewek il he 4WSTUNTp-rO5A5 T OpenLEvFrTH E voPT5A Luml. Deena,H i onla Mos. hose-anc~n by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mos MBra&r l. 1 S.-cmiAreats; GaleyI Ceatsatic TGallerI, ?? WVAL Io-AX PAOPIOILYEimmic.SUAU %DAYI1 ?? LWHG CENCERT wl emwsithsplendidO Dt p es-.ol ,h ith AWtSaplm-t,) writtenA tyra- Mesre, Me ieg ?? Wyth-34W3 i and avnn A8elrcte ithllre the SIh., hacalf price. 6gth~o * Psstrra-H.RL Prmc j ,lirmbe Pt.rsof h *gebn,500,f ,sisllcdkF.NILor ?? oQUIEIIN ~~Zs15Z ?? Ise~ the EALo ECTlas weth speni Dhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SITD T~ESMAIL STEAMERS for) ~ -0l~j-Thcoo steamers are ?tow fitted with wvattr- V IN The stearners comprising this Line are the ?? ?? 1 BATC, Capt. COXSlecr, ; ATLANTIC, Atigit p I ET Ir apitdtsail fortuiglitly C , ,,AR Liero ednesa November 22. ADTIIATC, Wednesday, December 10. Atil every' alternate Wednesday. I,2 *Ciit cabin. 30 guineas ;second cabi,2 pstOprovsidons. No berth secured until ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | [ADVniTISE3E[rNTI.] oision TIE . UTIORIITy FOR THE OBSE R VA NOE much OF GOOD FRIDAY. nur a It is so universally admitted, as to render the production of proof unnecessary, that our blessed Lord was raised from the dead on the First Day of the week; and it is as universally admitted, that while on earth le himseaf de- ,EK. clared, Mat. 12-40, For as Jonas was three days and three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH. F Price Is. lid. and 2s. Od. per box. This excellent family pill is a medicine of long-tried olaic5ac for purifying the blood, so very essential for the foundation of good health, and correcting all disorders of the stomach anid bowel . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effectn The stomach will speedily regain its strength; a 1tealtiy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND BEST. 'VWeekly, Ose' Penny-Monthly Parts, Price 'Sixpence-,- quarterly, post free, 2s. 2d. ErNeLDS MS M I S C E L L A N Y, ft Of Romance, General Literature Science, and Ait. CONDUTCED BY GEORGE W. M. REYNOLDS. This Is the largest, cheapest, and most beautifully Illustrated Periedical ever issued from the Press. Each Number consists of Sixteen Large Quarto Pages, well ...