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... SPOR TIG. THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' PLATE, &C. TO THE EDITOR OF THE DAILY NEWS. SIR,-The Liverpool Cap has been one of the greatest surprises the ring hba experienced for sore time. The three first places have been obtained by oussidess, Brother to Grey Tommy being in that division until yester- day. Typee'e fuiends bave receivei a blow from wbich they will not recover in a hurry; and her ...


... 8POBTING? ThCol TATTE RSAL L'S-MONDAY. . Teoaychange of imuportacec wssa the promaotion of Fls- c rowr to the premiership for the Eastern Counties Hanudl cap, ViCe his stable companion The Poacher, wrho hae retired. ?? batting on the Cesarewitob and Csmobridgeshire showed Ino importan~t chanuge. For the former Middletoan was quite .friendlest. EASTERN COUJNTIES HIANDICAP. .3 to 1 agst ...


... I- GOODWOOD.-SECOND DAY. TO THE ZDXTOE OF THE DAILY NEUWS SIB,-There are so many horses at G3uodwood that I am fully persuaded there wtill be lsrize fields b ith for the Goadwood Stakes and the Stewards' Cup. For the former upwards of thirty arifflsf are On the spot; und for the (6 Stewards' Cup ?? of forty. Several animals have been introduced during the lost two days into lhq met leet for ...


... 8P0.RTING. IPSWICH RACES.-P11AT. A Pcnnny }HANDtOOP ol 10i envs, each, S ft. Gentlemen riders. Prcfeeeirnals 61b enira. Halt a mile. (4 cubs.) Mr. Skobinnsn'a Goilion Plover, by the Reran, 6 yra, llat laib (iincludinig 6ib ex'ra) ?? ,, ?? 1 Mr.r Dnd's Vtolige, S yre, lvrt ?? Cameron) 2 Mr. it. Lane's Joahue, 4 yre, ?? Boyntun) S TNB lira Yrava, D Ssulit.. of S eons. eacb, with SO atded; colts, ...


... t i c I N t II II I I ad vrs. i t --b V v~restminstcr, i yru, 7st Dia 5 yr,- st aot IFreckle, 4 yrs , (lt l0ib ; Napoleon the Third, 3 ype, fa.t j. 91t ;: Onsar J asha, 3 yrs, Gat 7bh; Diego, 3 yrs, Gst 71h ; tl i th Va ; ;ok *yrs, 6st; Curious, 3 yrs, 6st; Sirocco, S yrs, h iit- 6 t-L; TBu-bt i, 3 caTs, 5st 101b. d eep A GOdId Cup, the gift of Lord William Powlett, did not r rd. ?? aedU ...


... NEWMARKET CRAVEN MEETING. THE SUBSCRIPTION ROOM-MONDAY NIGHT. Little disposition was evinced to resume speculation. Some interest was excited, however, with respect to the Burwall Stakes, owing to the apparent uncertainty which existed relative to the starting of Cannobie ; 5 to 4 and 6 to 5 was betted on him b but the layers in each instance stipulated for a ran. 4 to I was taken about Cock ...


... SPORTING INTELUIGENCE. LINCOLN SPRING MEETING-WEDNESDAY. The Lincoln Spring Handicap Stakes of 5 soVS each, with 50 added. The winner of any handicap after the weights were published, 51b; twice, or a handicap of the value of 100 sov8, 71b extra. The second to save his stake. One mile. 17 subs. Mr. Elwes'e Flageolet, 4 yrs, 7st ?? (H. Bray) 1 Mr. E. Hodgin's Vanessa, 4 yrs, 6st 41b ?? ...


... IUNTING APPOINTmENTS. STAGHOUSDS. Her Mijesty's-Te.mortow, Maidenhead Thioket Fridsy,1 slough-eleven. Kent, The (Mr. Roberta'a)-Friday, Hadlaw-twelve. Petre's, HOD. F.-To-morrow, the Watren-farm (Writtle); J Friday, Hare and Hounds (Boxwell)-half-past eleven. Rothscbild'o, Baron-Thureday, Hooklaygrnnge-elewvD. FoXHOUNDS. * Atheratone-Wednesday, Cricket's-ina; Friday, Arbury ; Saturday, Ceombe ...


... -JoRTING INTELLIGENCE. ,SPORTIN TATTEP,9AL L'S TATURlDA STEWARDS' CUP (GOODWOOD). ' to I agst Flacrow (oferoed) s to 1 - Olympus (taken) 14 to 1 - M tonarque (taken) 10 0 to 8 - Dramatist (taken) to 1 - Artillery , t o 1 - Coal-black E lose j to 1 - Fallcon GOODWOOD STAKES. 5 to 1 agst Goldhill (taken and offered) ;to 1 1 Zeta (taken) 1 l to 1 Bandalore (taken) -s,0 to 40 - Lady Tatton (taken) ...


... SPORTING INTEUIGENCE. ?? &- EPSOM, TUESDAY.-THE OPENING DAY. The prelude to the Great Event which is to take place this day, was played with, perhaps, unusdal success. Al- though the attendance of general company did not exceed an opening day's average, yet the sport was of the most interesting and attractive character. For the principal events the fields were numerically important, and in eur ...


... ROYAL TIIAMES YACHT CLUB. I The entries in the concluding race of tile Season ?? the yachts of the third and fourth Jlas-zo of tb:. ?? club have closed, and exceed by far, both in the i= :e and sailing qualities of the craft, anything that sigiLt: lrt been anticipated, and cannot fail of proulucing a ?? rate day's sport THIRD CLASS. Over Twelve and not exceecing Twveity Ton,. Fawn, 13 tons, ...


... SPORpTIN'G INTEFLLIGENCE. DON'CASTEP, SPRING MrEETINCG-T1;ESnA.t Additional particulars of tire last twvo races: Shoffield and Rotirorhanal Plate. Red House in. Mer. Bowes's Grieculus Esririens, 4 yr~s, 8st 21b (E. Har- M~r. Wdisosr's Platusibjle, 4 yrs, let . ?? 2 Mlr. W. Wood's JPers, 3 yrs, Oat ?? 3 Te following also ran :-Mr. .Morris's C~orns, 5 yrs, Sat 2Ib (lBasham); Mr. P'ickering'o ...