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Advertisements & Notices

... LEA &I EX3f T L'T of a11'''N rON':OI$SSI ;, i i Gi: (iENiIl.! .A\N at Mndria, Mta, t, hetther et To BE TilE Wry IB ? g 3' , ?? $LTGOOD S. ~ ~ e 1 'iti;: &PCWNo !LY @ , $ ?? t ril Cl ;,CO; ttIt.'eW 1 $ A A LC.l-L; 1 ; e 'e te it 11:dia, ui;l i itt raty I pition. U a rvn: ell 'is^;Ti 3 ait 'Hl i s ell o Ut OF Di~t Crr ?? 9mli.ih 0pC'vt~P~g irsiii >- SAxito VZ . ! -, ?? zr -il:i: i*1, ?? Ai, c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ppROACHING CORONATION OF THE TOE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. ejetors of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON f ~le.g diepotobed aeveral Artists to St. Peters- d hgscovs have the honcurto announce to their bsr9 bers and the Public, that the interesting cere. bef EMPEROR'S CORONATION, and the Iodeniatsrep~rsry and subsequent to it. will be fully ieottsedt i sente numbers of this Journal. ports of the proceeiings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LE 6 CHURCH SERVICES, PRAYER IB, oKS' &e., in Morocco, Velflt, Oak, 1Rose. end other bindings, the best a d bheapeat Stock i3 lbs Ndorth ol England, at FsiWPet B, 39, Grainger. -t ~EWEEL AULD 'TYNE. 2nd Edition of this popla SogbyR. R. Aingworth. It PfP1reeI 6d Morland and Co., Newcastle-upon. T'NO W R EA D Y, Small Sos,. Priep 6s., U oRTEN in OUMBERLAND and WEST. By ROBERT FEIRGUSON. 1 M0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N APPRNTICLE WANTED to the Grocery Buai. A J a'ply to Robert Bell and Co., Grainger. . ?? LADY, accustomed to Tution, wisheP A1 Ei sNGALGEMENT aa DAILY GOVERNESS- - for sb tbe usual branches of an English Edu- te - gstd ~French. AddressM. W., Coureata ?? d DRU~fflSTW.-WANTED, a si ' IATIu' na above, by te advortiser aged 23. 0 ertOrr' ?? as to character, &c, Adresij, A. , post otutco, Ciete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tEAP ER BIN BP & OaEgE3ATED L~~~Af ,CF.D DY 1 ' EXTRACT of a LFTTRE :080 * . b~~Pon: a BLDIC.Ud -viwolssl! GF.TLE'AN at Madras, ?? to his Brotbor at SO i LBs WOORCESTER, May, 1l51, (,001)SvCV1 Tell Li.A & PEIIlthNS ,,,lgCgt;rx TOr_- esteemned in Irdia, andu Is, 1gDAFLtCA ~, It;ii' in my o;pilno, the most Y VA rJ.II~T~ i _ : palotabte as vre~l as tle 11103ty.holesome ismeetba | oF DlS israudo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MCINTYRE AND ARTHUR, WOOLLEN DRAPERBS, HATTERS, &o., ESPECTFUILY ieform their friends and the public generally, that they have received their J A WINTER STOCK Of Beavers, witneys, Pilote, Kerseys, Tweeds, Doeskins, Moleskine, Cords, &f., &o. ALSO, A LARGE STOOK OF WITNEY AND BATH BLANKETS. Eaving bceen neleeniy eelected by Mr Arthur in the various markets, we have every confidence in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Foth! SLIILLINGS PEA POMIND, T 1 IH, RIPE, STRON6, OLD.FAS1IONED TEAS-Carriuge Paid oil P'arcels of Mmx Pounds and upwarde JLV RIPE b~poif witbin 1OO miles of our 1p]oce of busineos. WILLIAM STEWART, TEA AND COFFEE DEALER. 18, GRUINGER STRERT, NEWCASTLE. C HE A P P A P E R I A N G I N G ! BEG to announce that they are SELLING OFF the ?? of their act vez'i STOK coosiotiu , PAPER HANGINGS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VICTORII LONDjN DoCrI S. THE attention of Shipownns and others is called to Tthe redu zed charges ijiade, and tho great facilities af- forded by these Decko. Thc charges will ba found to beconsiderably les3 tban those usually levied by theothev_. Dock Conapanic9, in s6roe cases full 50 per cent. Colliera waiting marlcet, and sailing veosela fitting or laid up, are charged Id per register ton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... si3 USE PORTABLE ELECTRICITY, AiS EVOLVED FROM MBINIGkI , ?? F'OR PERlSONAL USE in INERYOLS, R AItrU TATIC, AND FUNC. rts effiri~trY t~is i truly marvellouls !!Tbe first year's Ueo- 4dby olst) contains 42 I'AGE O. LET'EliS ?? (ilraltl~ sl 5 C0 5vl~I FU PtT, N;AMIE:S AiD AD- 'IOtc d 5ceely by this ?? AIparatus, hich ,S*Sd crt'5 m epviards, at 103, Leadblill Stryct, and may be,;( lr ned fromr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OVCINGS in the Country, nlear a railway-station, j,, a Bingle lady or gentleman. For a referenne yplY to the printers. [6 O DGiNGS.-Comfortable FURNISED APART. MpENTS may be had let singly or as Lodgings. No. Favenonsortb-teyraoe, Gateehead. [22 f l.RNISHED APARTMENTS, to accommodate One ,r Two Gent'enien, at the west part of the town. pply to the office of this paper. [36 : GNISBED APARTMENTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O1R THE B3ENEFIT OF SUFFERING I~vMA. IT.-Aretired Gm'tlemstn having cured j, ties ?? rvous Debility, ?? with ~~lef~hlte~0t e~igt, after Suffering upwardls at 25 it isduy o mketh rmedy known for the of he fflcte. Io wll orwrdthe particulars for ~1Creat hesae o te ece~tofa stamped envelope, ?? irete~dtra3 ev ~. OHNSTONE, 1, Park ~erOO Heyiree Ee'e, evonshire. ?? N I NG B A T H.- p11c iselvdi ...