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Advertisements & Notices

... [R JOSEPH JAMES REYNOLDS, STOCK and SHARE-BROKER, No 21, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON, begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support received from all parts of the kingdom during the period he has been a BROKER OF THE CITY OF LONDON. M11r. REYNOLDS continues to TRANSACT BUSINESS in BRITISH and FOREIGN STOCKS, FUNDS, and SECURITIES, BRITISH and FOREIGN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JN coinsequience of' the lamrented, death of Mr, IFRANIC STrRANGEt HIARIS, the surviving partners beg to inform their friends and the public tint they intend to continue thle Business of AUCTIONEERS and VALUER1S in nil its biranr'hes, ats heretofore, under the Firm of 11BELCIIEiR and 13ELCILER,' and hope for a conthinuance of the favoulrs bestowed oon thle lato FIirms for so many years. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELIGIBLE RESIDENCE. (OUSE to LET, with immeldiate possession, H pleasantly situated nenr Magdalen Bridge, withi an excellent garden, stable, and olfices. The Rent and Taxes are low-about £50 per ?? particulars apply to Mir. Benwell, solicitor, St. Clement's, Oxford. 1R. A. ANDRPEWS, S URGE 0 N-DENTIST, REM3OVED TO No. 9, BEAUMIONT STREET, OXFORD. MANT LE S, At et reduction of onje-fourti t1he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNCLAIMED LESACY. HIfE under-mentioned persons, or their personial TL representatives, being entitled each to one-sixth part tf a Sum of One Hundred Pounds, wsith an arrear of Interest thereoni under the Will of the Rev. MAIMADuICE LEWis, late of Lullingstone, county of Kent ; -Notice is hereby ,given, that their respective shares in the before-mientioned sum will be paid either to themselves ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, P1. By C. RICHARDS, At the Cheqcuors Room, on Thursday next, January 17, at Eleven ?? HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, portion of a TAILOR'S STOCI, consisting of Broad Clotlhs, Dooskins, Tweeds, Waistcoatings, &e. ; also a few new and seeond-hand Coats-Catalogues to be had at the place of sale, and of the auctioneer, 104, High-street, Oxford. About 300 ELM, ASH, and other TREES, AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ClHArZLES MVACINTOSh1 and Co., PATENTEES of the VIJL CAN I Z ED IN DI A RItJU13P, I, aird Grelra1 Mirufroctuler's of WVATERPROOF?, AIRtPROOF, - arid ELASTIC RUB1113EI GOODS, begg to inform ail per- ' son., who desire to correspond With them direct, that their SOLE ETBIH ET r o3 anr-tcC et London, mIL.Qid Cabridige-street, Mlalcchester. This notice is necessary, as the terml Macintosh Dep~t, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r O be LET,-All that capital STABLING, YARD and DIVEWLLINCG 110USE, in BRElVEtRS- STREET, OXFPORD, known ns ' VICTORiA STABLES. -Apply to I. atid V. Fisher, 8, ligh-street. XI USIC FOR DANCE PARTIES. 1IATTHEWS'S celebrated QUADRILLE .LBAND can be engaged in large or small numbers.-- lor terns, apply at tbe Bioat House, Oxford. NOTICE. 1H:E ouly good LARGE SIZE PHOTO- Jl' ?? PORTRAIT, for ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BAKERS. T0 be LET, and entered upon immediately,- An old-established BARE-HOUSE and PREM ISES, with large Garden, and well adapted for business being situated in the centre of the Hiigh-strect, Thame, Oxon.- Applications to be made to Mr. lWinslow, Friday-street, Tliamie. 0 be SOLD,-A1 very powerful and handsome DUN COB, about 14 bands, qupiet to ride and drive.- Apply at Mr. Davis's livery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. FTN consequence of a DISSOLUTION of PART- . iL NERSElP having taken place between Messrs. W. and S S. OLIVER, the E1NTIRE STOCK will be offered at a GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. All Goods will be RE-MARKED to PRICES that sball ENSURE IMME- DIATE PURCHASERS. The Stock will be prepared by SATURDAY NEXT, January 2dth, when an EARLY IN- SPECTION is solicited. * * All debts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CIRENCESTER. PATrON -IIis Royal Highness PRINCE ALBERT. PRESIDENT OF COUmCrii-Earl BATEIURST. PRINCIPAL-Rev. J. S. HAYGARTII, Md.A. PROFEsSoRs, &c. Chcimizstig-J. A. C. Vocleker, Ph. D., F.CS. Zooloqy, icotgyiJ, &L Botican-Jas. Buckman, F.GS., F.LTS. lccl-ril~l6cl-y Jlelicuile &n Sii'ge-G. TI'. Brown, M R C.V.S, I Survvyhis, Civ it JAnyiiieci-in, &- 3jcitheici t ice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARACTER FROt HANDWRITING. MADAIME KARL SCHLOSS will delineate eharacter from handwvriting on the receipt of thirteen postage stamnps, and a specimen of writing, stating the sex of the ?? to Madame Karl Schloss, Post Office, Oxford. OXFORD STATION REFRESIIMEINT ROOMS, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. rT E Public are respectfully informed that the above ROOMS are now OPEN, with every accolmino- dation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. ANDREWS respectfully informs his friends MVI and the public that the duties of his SCHOOL are to re-commence on the 21st inst. Terms, which are moderate and inclusive, may be had on application. Malckworth .lHouxse, Netc Iw IInal-street, Oxford. N TI CE. THE only good LARCGE SIZE PHOTO0. G}3 RAPI IC PORTRAIT, for OiE SHILLN%'G, is at 26, HIGH STREET, near St. Mlary's Church, Oxford. OXPORD ...