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Advertisements & Notices

... BRACKLEY CORN EXCHANGE is inow open Bevery IVEDNESDAY froin Half-pastTwelve until Two o'clock. Admission free. C Corn Factors' Stands, I0s. 6d. annually, AIR. EDWARD ROUND, TOWER STREET, DUDLEY, (OMMISSION AGENT for the SALE and ( CJ PURCHASE of OAK, ASH, ELM, & otherTIMBER. Also OAK, ASH, LARCH, and BEECH POLES. The Advertizer has an extensive and valuable connection in tile South ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 ANTED,-A Youth, writing a good hand.- W Apply to J. G. Betteris, law stationer, Oxford. ADAM3 JENNY GOLDSCHIMIDT LIND. -Farewell Concerts.-Exeter Hall-mr. mitchell respectfullyannaunces the LAST CON'CERTS which will be given by Madaie GOLDSCHMIDT in this country:- Wednesday evenivg, June 11, Grand Miscellanieous Concert, with full band and chorus; Wednesday evening, Junc 25, Haydn's Oratorio ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SHEPHERDS. W5TANTED,-A steady active Married Man, V V who understands his ?? at Whit- church Farm, near Stratford on-Avon. EVENLODE, WVORCESTEI3SHIRE, Less thran three miles from 'moretonz-in-marshz, a First-cilss Station ?? oni the Oxford, Worcester, aind Wolverhamipton PREEHOLD ESTATE, T0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, T By W. LYNE, At the White Hart Inn, Morotoll aforesaid, on Tuesday the 30th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Established 1806. COUNTY rIRE OFPICE, 50, REGENT-STREET, LONDON. Capital £400,000. l'0tlsssisltsoleyllolf;s £210,500 p OLIC'Y-H{OLDERS are respectfuly informed I. that the Mideeninier iRenewals9 are now in) the bends of the several Agents of tile Conmpany, and should be paid before the Dth of July. Farming Stock and Implements 3s. per cent. No extra Charge fur Threshing by Steam. The PROVIDENT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BURGUNDY PORT & SHERRY SACK, PATR.ONISED by the Clergy and the Medical P Profession, for their great purity and freedom from acidity and brantly. These WVines were showmn Zlring the visit of the Queen and Prince Albert to the Great Exhibition of Parisi in 1855, and gained for their exhibitors the reward of the Prize Mledal, Class XI., No. 3546. Unequalled for body, delicacy, and price. Sold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALady wishes to recommend a youn12g Person, £.ans LADY'S MAID, who hail not iet beeit out, bmti whom she Iknows, to be thorougl,,1y res) vretal lo anrl ita very good dressmaker, and whbo has, a knowledge of hair dressing. -Address, S. W., Journlal Office. Oxford. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. W. hVOELCKER, Professor of Chemistry in the R3~'Ioyal Agricultural (College, Cirencester, and Consult- ing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW DlUSIC. TIIE BRASENOSE WALTZ, composed by a ALe'mber of the University. Price 2s. To be obtained at M'Ir. RusselI's llusic Shotips, Iligh-street and Turl-street, Oxford. HA.RACTER FBOt HANDWRITING. 3/ADAME KARL SCHLOSS will delineate M character frotll handwriting, on the reeeipt of thirteen postage Stamps, and a: spocifmen of writinfg', stati g the sex of the ?? toi.Iadaino Karl cilloss, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Maps for Excursions and Pedestrian Tours. tHE Maps of the Ordnance Survey of' England -land Wales being on the unusually large scale of one inch to a mile, and having been prepared with the greatest accuracy and precision, are peculiarlyadapted for Excursions and Pedestrian Tours. Tlley possess the advantage of being sold in small divisions, and the cost of eaell, unmounted, is from 6d. to 2s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Messrs. SECKHAM, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE, ESTATE, and GENERAL AGENTS, 6 ansa 7, ST. ALDATEg' STR3EET, OXFORD. PROPERTY, Estates, and Clerical Dilapidations .Lvalued.-Agents for the best kinds of Artificial Food and Manures. ?? Insurances effected-Fire, Life, and Accident; also Live and Dead Farming Stock. C An ARTICLED PUPIL wanted. VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAIND, STONE QUARRIES, And 8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARNEFORD ASYLUM. A Special General Meeting of the Governors will be holden, by ar-n'is-sions, in the Board Room of the Radcliffe Infirmary, on Tniesday next, the ITth of June, at One o'clock, to receive the Rcport of the Com- nittee of Managemont on thle revised Rules and Orders of the Institution, in conformity with the Resolution of the last Annual ueeting. By order of the Committee of MI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1856. CALENDAR FOR E WEEK. Jtly 26 S. St. Abnx, - 27 S. TwNTit 8UJNAY AFTEn TRINITY' --lorning Legsois-1 Kings 21; John 15.-Evenling tessons-1 Kings 22; Tit. 2, 3. - 28 X Night Sh. 2in. long. - 29 Tu. Sun risus at 4.21 ; sets at 7.51. 30 V. Length of day, 16h. 23111. -31 Tu. NN ew Moon, ).S pmn. Aqu. 1 F. Lamnmas Day. Notices to A drereltcis, A een 18, aid Correspond ieits. To prevent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEGARS.-Tho HAVANNcAll 1LANTATION SEGAR Co.'s VEGUER0 SEGARiS are Unnqepstsiolaaly the I choicest ever. imported: teaelrginsze, and rich in to flavour-d2s. per 300, NegV n uwadolb.. 10s, 6Wh po per ttundle--sainples (3d. ec;i,-ptfre, for Os. Gd. 01 (tarnits or- ?? or yqatity, small or 4, lag, tratnsmissaihie by railo, of htogqaiyol - i~ltn~ede.-JAMES SANDR, gn o ErpN.P6 Strand, London. All ...