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?? 'juroaAT, tto LA. e| > , Br. ff. 0 !* _(-B i ;.vnf!C BllT—lT-.- -, (T, apart. eßapiayof

... , aat nab' past 3«h. Adah t'rtni, Baei-nsl Seaia, a -«,, Mar— l —AW »itl n^j_ak .Ba Kew Ya M **_£r.T»V'Vt OMXT *eisWrrS be wm appear •Stmrrcm. ~0&0SS, % COMMB«O_L t^Tß*— T, 1— KB/ foire fanfa.atl.alsa la his Weak, of raoat. Be^.uir.. .TKO WOBas, ?? for Pnaea gr tb* Drawb .ae^SarrA R.'bla. and Praptr Books, Poekia Beta ?? a,, .'■aMl' — ?? .. ba' Mf - PHOTOOBAPUIC BaJSk , ?? a— spteti to the ...

Published: Tuesday 01 January 1856
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2591 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? ?? SENTIMENT Of fIOVG, T. ?? at l##j H^ lihn— w~ Mn_i Mimhiri Tt-Bt g—M Lw: Back Seat*, id.;

... Members and S^h-criben Malf Pric. tc Fwitt 6eaU. and ?? a lady on tbt same te-ins. J M. H WALLB, jjk_rian and Sect-tary. -T>EA>»OBD SUBBCBIPTION LIBEABY- D & ANNUAL MISTING of PROPRIETORS will bs _fa on Mondau, ths 7th qf January next, in the Lihtary, HH_% SUMt. CUr to he taken at Ekvn o'clock precisely . BICHARD HARWOOD, Hon. Sec. Bra__^ Dec- 8» 1864. P'Ttil'lll nirTT HALL, BBADFOBD. 43 *'■ ...

Published: Thursday 03 January 1856
Newspaper: Bradford Observer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 21102 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

JL . S__n ?? SMk THE ROYAL HORSE GUARDS OR OXFORD fTT ANTED for thf above Regiment of House- 1

... TT bold Cavalry, a few fine active Young MEN, of good character, to complete the establishment. Yeung men six feet high wishing to avail themselves of the opportunity of joining tliis distinguished iw»»ont, may apply, either by letter or personally, to Corporal Major Johnston, at the Wool Pack Inn, Buxton-road ; or by letter tdtfxe Adjutant, Regent's Park Barmcks, London. Youag men likely to ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1856
Newspaper: Huddersfield Chronicle
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17606 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

discharged, lit Jan., 1556

... TERRY and WATSON, Solicitors, Bradford. A CARD.—Mr. CHARLES TILNKY, CIVIL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, &C. (late Surveyor of the Borough of Leeds), Office, No. 1, Warwick Place, Leeds. PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS.—CHRIST- If AS HOLIDAYS.—Parents resident in Leeds and Neighbourhood are respectfully reminded of the opportunity afforded them for obtaining FIRST-CLASS PORTRAITS those of their Children who are ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1856
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 71 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

BROOM PLACE—Tbe duties of Miss LONG- DEVS Establishment will be resumed on Tuesday, the 2'

... S-~RRTNG VALE.—The Misses CASSON re- spectfully annoußce tbat the Duties of then- Establishment m be resumed qxV^onTHURSDAV, the 24th of January. FOR YOUNG LADIES, W . At the above Esuw._hmen^ecias B QCK ftnd Miss Vgg^ Young Friends. L _I D TEST^ST: AIusyMENT ) MASBRO- M.™. ALLWOOD begs most respectfully to inform her Miss ALl_w ,wu **• ' h purposes Opening a Friends and the 1 übli. generauy ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1856
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 29983 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

mJfiftoe* *w 1856 ; j£™gtt, re^toed. »od improved. ?? peerage, baronetage, IVI rRTGHTAGE, Ac, for 1866 ..

... gW. -f 'w^tukrr and Co., Aye-Maria Lane, London ; and .11 fhsokseW»rs^» York. ■ - ■ ' r^RUCTION TO THE INVaUaiD, IriTNiture of the WATER CURB, in connec- i,-»kh tbe Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs «/ SilSon snd Nutrition. (With Plates.) By JOS AH JmRNEE, Ml), Licentiate of tbe Royal College of JJJoo,, «d Fellow of the Royal Medical Society of jMb*urgh, *c. gas 1 know thyself: all wisdom ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1856
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 26618 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

AD7IBTIBMINTB. Public Matm-tm isr_rxT_r_rirAnNE ci__Xp^_nr. £h BTBDAT Nbm, Jan 18, BEBMONB wiU be preached, Man ..

... Chapd, by tm. E. H IGGINSON, of Wakefield, on which occasion Collections wiU be made in ?? of the West Riding Unitarian Village Mission -Service begin* : at » Quarter before Eleven and Half-past Six, NgW INDEPENDENT CHAPEL BRIGHOUSE. This Chapel wiU be OPENED for Divine Worship (d t ) on W«P-__d_t, January 10, 1556. The ?? is the order of the Services -.—> The Rev. ENOCH MELLOR, M.A., of ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1856
Newspaper: Bradford Observer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22024 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

I_Sucation. t ?? ESTABUSIf ' VENT No 5, St. George's terrace, Sheffield, r^in__d by' the M^es EADON, will be Re ..

... on Tues- Conducted -) «* January 22, 1856. The Calisthenic Classes on Saturdays. X-— i^WOOD VILLA, SHARROW HEAD.- The Duties of Miss OATES' Establishment will be Re- sumed w ToßsnaT. the _-d Jannary, 1856. S^RTNG _ VALE.— The Misses CASSON re- ,f,,ilv announce that the Duties of their EsUbUshment S t 6 ™J, OV on Thursday, the 24th of January. wiil be Resume. > .) on w» r^TT^o^^pA-lK^- Mis ...

Published: Saturday 12 January 1856
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 36630 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

PURSUANT to a Decree ot the High Conrt of Chancery, made in a Cause H ALLl**y ELL ,n Infant) against

... HALLIWELL and Another, the Creditors of RICHARD HALLIWELL, late o'i Fitiroy- street, fit-troy-square, in the County of Middlesex, and of No. *. Great Ryder-street, Saint JeoWa, West- minster, m tbe same County, Gentleman, deceased, who _ied in or about the Month of September, 1845, are, by tbeir Solicitors, on or before the 13th day 0 f J ANDAKT| 185% to come in and prove their Debt,* or ...

Published: Saturday 12 January 1856
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 29948 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

D ME L 4xrsi_^^ W A £&££ a ? d Co - will offer ?? whole ° f their SiOLK

... of hats, caps, silk handkerchiefs, scarfs, ties, shirte, fronts, collars, umbrellas, carpetbags, stockings, gloves, Berlin wools, worsted, lambs' wool and merino shuts and drawers, flannels, Irish linens, frontinir &c at a TREMENDOUS REDUCTION in^ricj X Twhote must be cleared in a very short time SHOP to LET, and HOUSE at Westfield. BEAVERS, Pilots, Witneys, and Mohairs ior Overcoats, T weeds, ...

Published: Saturday 12 January 1856
Newspaper: Huddersfield Chronicle
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 21186 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... THE MISSES PARKINS respectfully announce tbat the Duties of their Establishment for the Board and Education of Ladies will RESUMED THURSDAY, JANUARY 24TH. Ivy Cottage, January 9th, ■KIORY, PONTEFRACT. TIIE MISSES WATTS, assisted English and Foreign Governesses. and First-class Professors, continue conduct their Establishment or. the same approved Method that has secured to them such gtatifying ...

Published: Saturday 12 January 1856
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 141 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds