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Freeman's Journal



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... - ANTIsET CONCERT RoOMs-TiEl MElROANTILE CHORAL Ueezon.-Labt evening this society gave its second concert for the season, In the large:lEaU of this Institutiou belore a highly r~epecteble audience. On a former occa'ion when speaking ot this society, we stated that it was calculated to do much good, and would bc the meausofactively promulgating reflnedtate and combating with thit great and ...


... ?? .FASiIOVAE Bi 'I TET:l son; N WINDSOR, OCTOBER 23.-There*Ywa5- 11O ?? tionto-theroyal dinner party yesterday. The Queon walkedin the CVtle grounds this morning. Prince Albort, with the Prince of Wa8 and Prhice Alfred, rode out o llorseback. The Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Mary visited her Mjeity. Qrieea Christina ot Spain will lesve in a few days for Rome, where she intends to pass ...


... LITERA T7RE. BnowNsoN'S QUAIRLraeY RiEveaw.-(London: C. Dot- ia -ao; Dublb: G. Bellew.)-The leading characteristics of b, Dr. Brownson's style-lhia good logic,-critical acumen, and .11 forcible writing-are eminently displayed in the current er number of his Revkstu. In the first article, however-the 5- i 1ission of America-we Bnd Dr. Brownsona views ron -i native Americanism' urged iu etrorg ...


... GARDENrIN OPERATIONS FOR TH5E WEEK.-FLOWER GARDEN AOSD SttaUBsERY.-Tbe demand for bedding out plants (in the 8prxng) is frequently greater than the room devoted for their wintering can supply. It will in this case be necessary to commence propagating to make good the deficiencies. For all the soft-wooded and free growing plants a common dung frame, having a slight bottom-heat, will suffice i ...


... rAIRs. REELOGUES.-Thir fair, one of the best generally o Mayo, was largely attended on Saturday last. Prime 1,t5 were disposed of at fair prices. Several lota of heifers and bullocks changed hands at prices from 91 to III la All lots over 101 in value sold well, and cattle under tha All did not ?? fair prices. Horses were much in deta Prie and sold well; so much as 221 were given for driving ...


... I PASHOAA BLE IN-TETLLIOENCP. - I VICtEiEGAL CountT.-Hiv Excellency the Lord Lieutenant entertained the following distinguished persons at din. ner on Thursday evening at the Viceregal Lodge: -Lady Burke, the Dean of Lismore, Sir Richard Packenham, Hon. Colonel Col-' borne, Sir Philip and Miss Crampton,'Majr Browne, C.B., Royal Engineers; Captain and Mrs. Lindsay, Mr. and DMrs. :Edward Geale, ...


... I FASHIOIVABLB 1DATELLIGENCE. I BALMORtAL, SlEPT. 14.-The Queen drove out yeteraattengded by the Marchioness of Ely, and subsequeilitlY wleinthe woods of kamoral. H~is l~ayal Highness went ont eecdoe Stalking upon Lachnagair. Thle Pdrincess, Royal rode out, at- Id tenided by the Hon. Mary Seymour, .The Duchess oflKent, the sti Princess Amaslie of Iiobenlolie~ Schlsllhigfurst, Lady' Augusta at ...


... RLTHMI'E8 FLORICULTURAL SHOW. -. ~ ~ ~ ~ .. - ?? lA ?? ir tbB The flowsr show of this society was helci gea rul . ?? grounds of Mountpleas ant-squars. The weather was do- ?? fine, and favoured the exhibition in an eminent degree. The attendance was numerous and higbly fthbeor able, but owing to the advanced period of the season thr was not a great variety of flowers, nor was the ahowe I ex- ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLJGRNCB. I WINDSOR, OCTOBER 29i.-The Queen and Prince, accompanied by the lrincess Royal, the Duke-of, Camnbidge, the French Ambassador and Countess Persig y, drove out iu op48 carriages yesterday afternoon, attended by Viscounts3s ,Joeelyn and the Hon. Caroline Cavendish. The dlunnr partY included her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. her Royal Highness the Princess Royal ...


... FASHZONABLE INTELLIGENCE. I ARRIIVALS AT THEI SHELBOtn1tNIDn HIOTEL.- The Bon Thomas and Mrs Ffrench, family, and suite,; Mrs Col Kelly and Miss Warburton, Coloriel Higgins, MP; Mrs and Miss Gore, Mrs and Mlse Bstiler, Mr; M~rs, anld the Mieses Young, Mrs and Miss Newconmen, Mr and Mrs Berry, Miss Chester, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Evens, Mrs and the Misses Browne, Mr and Mrs Sarmnsi, Captain Llold, ...


... _AIRS. BAILIRBOROUGn.-The MaBy fair on Monday was a very large one. Of springers the show was good, and a ?? doenand was experienced at from 91 to 121 perfiead. Store bullocks averaged 41 each. For two year old hbiters Si to 61 10i was obtained, and for yearling St a head may be taken as an average figure. Beef was rather a scarce commodity at the fair, and the quality indifferent; 529 per cwt ...


... ZITERA TUBE. TiHic PSiRtie ColLLECTION ;- TIsa ArootBWT MlIX ?? iPtiLA-Nt). jidred bif Gwry,r Peotiit IL, D BHiA. V PJU..A., Voii. L (P~rial jro,` the Ssrtji for A; Preaer- valilm and jil.a eltqe of th jjjo4oti of Ireland-) It would L) hard to say in wliroh obaraef T this ?? of the anaient melodies of Ireland will be most prizid-wbather as a musical, a litlarsty or r aD tiu ia publication. In ...