Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES CROUCH, CHIRoPODIST, 28, Holloway-street, Exeter. Qif READY TO ADVANCE ON £800UV MORTGAGE, in one or several.Sums. Apply to J. T. SHAPLAND, Solicitor, Southmolton. C IDER for SALE. About SEVENTY I C HOGSHEADS of good FAMILY CIDER, near l the Passage House, Quay, Exeter. Apply to Mr. Wmt.i PIKE, Royal George Inn, Quay Hill, Exeter, WAITER, COOK, BOOTS, 1 IANTED, immediately, for an Hotel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [.-..DVERTlSR~ENB S.] THE GREAT INTATIONAL WORK, CASSELL'S ILIJtS- TUe.TED UISTORY JP EsItELAN1D,-This is one of the greatese triumphs ever achieved in ',he history of cleapliteratture. The text to the reign of dwardt 1I., an vritten by J. F. Smith; tndfiron.e thatperio( by W Williaiul]w[owtt. It it a ULstory ef the People for the Peopie; ainld the ramsi of the'Authors, aswell as those ofthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW. IRISH CHURCH MISSIONS SOCIETY. isN 5nday, the 14th instant, sermons will be preached, Y) if God permit, on behalf of this society, by the Rev. s. BABDSLEY, one of the association secretaries; in the morning, at Christ Church; and in the evening, at St, Paul's. The annual meeting of the Preston association will be held on Monday evening, the 15th instant, at the Corn Bxchange, when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B LACKB URN. H. F. JOPSON GSto inform his Pupils and friends that he will LI resume his professional duties on Thursday, thle I 24th Instant. Blackburn, July 4th, 1856. FEILDEN'S ARMS, OPPOS1TS THE 'rOiNr SALL, BLACKBURN. RI . BEARDS WORTHl is prepared to supply Fa- milies, Innkeepers. arid others, with ICE, In any ?? lind. 1856. FBILDEN'S ARMS, f(pponite the Town-hall), W ILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eplfomthe body what is necefsary should be expelled there- frM. These three are the Stool, the Urine, and the Plorest. These must be kept In a healthy condi1tion, or ?? is Certain. THIS IS, A FIXED AND POSITIVE LAW - and nohuman being can safely' disregard It. In addition to t14 the Livejr must be kept in order. THE LIVERt la THE LARGEST ORGAN IN THE BODY, and has some Of the most important ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BL A CBIu RN. GRAND WHITSUNTIDE FESTIVITIES. T IE Committee of the United Socielies beg to inform the Public of Blaekburn and its Vicinity, that in consequence 1 of the Mayor and Corporation having refused the use of the Park; after being promised, the Sports will be held Field at Higher Ouzebooth, adjoining the Park, on WHIT-MONDAY, MAY 12th, 1856, when A G RAXND P RO0C E S S I O N Of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PR.INCbB'B I, A1. Under the Management of Mr. Chaarles Xean. ne deMathnee, i1-be pcenied 8hoakrperaes play of NT0' TLEheore, oMr. C. Kenn; HIemtlone, by Mrs. C. Neon. 'Preceded ?? VICTOR -VARQUISHED. HAT'MARXET THEATRE. Under thes Management of Mr' suckstone. 7OINDAY. June 9th, anddcueing the teek, in eno~sqneco f ihe geat -aol- ?? leda itt res-toccl, Mre. B~oone's _,-cmdy at' SINGLE LIFE. Jn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNPORTANT to SCHOOLS rand EDUCA- et CATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS. COLLINS'S TWOPENNYimproved HEAD-LINE COPYIIOOKS, e0 tcp. 4to. Collins's Twopenny Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. e, CollinssThreepenny Superior Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. Collins's Fourvenny Superior Engraved Head-lint Copybooks, ,ost Ret. 1. Initiatory lessons-2. Combination ef letters-3. Combina- t tion of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAND BAZAAR, THIS DAY, Juie ftth, by the kind permission ot the Royal Toxopholite SocietV fi their beautiful ground., in the jlegent's-i'ark (entrance by iork- gate), ol BIEHALF or tilhe h1OSPITAL for CONSUMPTION anid IOISK1ASES of the CHEST, Brompton. Admission, le. each. Children. of. each The Blizaar will hc opened at Two oc;ock.| Carriages to enter by York-gate. Now-road. PHILIP ROSE, lHon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEURUVIAN THREE PER CENT. LOAN, 1 1853.-Notice is hereby given, that t11e following saulip, viz., £25,549 10s., the amount or the Redemiptioni Fund for the Six Months endiug the 1st April, 1835; and £1,404, the amount of accumulated Intprest of previous Redeuip~ti~fl, have been em- ploycid in the PURCHASE of 2 Bonds, Letter A, for e1,000 each. 16 , B for £890 each. 391 ,, , C, for £100 each. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE XV Cfardlia.Alexanair IL-denoralCrtoe ho .1 hitiha DfTenmark-lfllleyHici lghem the Duke of Cacbrictge -the Eo errad Emplress Of tioeyFrechl-the.Emperor &.Empreeo I ,fA,,!er-liTI'h St- &Jen0ud-LOOiniaf ?? Paebn-lstteJ guila ef ?? s-~rae theeshRye. Th ROYAL CRXlUOlUI CARDENS.. PuROPielOR, MRl. T. B. SurMInoo. Open Daily, Adinlsslon.One Obillitng. .4'I~O-HOF~tOW, end during the week, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R.~ ELSA1WS ESTATE.-The K etosesce forhwih togendearlcu]c5 teref to us5, the Ufl3 Cs' solcior fr heinpeloa 1 har ~sut, hoare about tolditribte Mj.. Ito ond whch avecometo hsibisds.Allcruditovs wihe Omit to - sed n hirclim n r eor te ~t ayo Marchinstlt will be T ILOdJwyCabes ?? the inspector. T NJ OTICE is hrb ieta h atesi JLectu ers, endrthotle or, S rin of ?? 1, tosn~iil'b teen ...