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... 2HE POLICE COUB28* BOW-STREET. Thomas Akehurst, a boy of about fifteen years of age, dressed in a suit of corduroy, was brought before Mr Hall, charged with firing a pistol in the Green-park, to the c dauger of her Miajesty's subjects, and further, upon hise own confession, with stealing 41., the property of his fat her, a working man, in the service of a tradesman at Brighton- Henry ...

Law Intelligence

... Knitw Inrittllm re NOTICES-THIS DAhY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. AT 10|.- BemoRs Tus LoaD CIANCNLLOO AND TUB LoaSw JUSTsC . -Petition: Beavan v. Earl of Oxtord. Appeal motion: In re Wins ing.up Acta and the Royal Bank of Australia. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY.LANE. AT IO.-To be mentioned: Whather v. Maredet. Canoes, &c.: TyadalL v. Annesley, part heard ; Blake v. Mowatt; Armstrong v. Bcaciala ...

Law Intelligence

... Ralm ivitittkieure. NOTICES-THIS DAY. ROLLS C11AMBERq, CHANCERY-LANE. A to 1: At 11: Ilodgson v. Hodgsen: Guy v. Landall; Drayton v.Daniell; Catty v. anaonad; Fortress v. Steer; Gibslon v. Wills; Chandler v. Easton; Woode v. Industrial, ?? Company; Powell v. Morldoc'k; Ta~l r v. Mansell; Pe'arrson v. iulk; Dtahon v. Port Tenant, &a., Coal Company; Lyon v. Lumley; Lord v. Colvin; Few. ler v. ...


... l MYSTERIOUS MURDER IN SOUTH STAFFORD- SHIRE. On Tuesday an inquest w~a held at Swan Vil- lag., eear West Beonowich, South Sraffordshita, on the body of a young man, uamed Bobert Grubbi', about 20, years of age, which wee lound in tbe Ca on Saturday afternoon last. The threat was cut, and two large stones were in the pockets of the jaoket, weighing, t0e one seven and the other two pound. The ...


... THE BUGEZEY POISONING CdSES. RUGELEY, THURSDAY. This inquiry was continued after our report was despatched last night; George Whyman, assistant to Messrs. Mandle and Weaver, of Wolverhampton, being then under saaminations. The witness swore positively that he sold the prussic acid to William Palmer at the time stated. A customer named Hill was present at the time the pursbase , was made. I By ...


... P'ROP'OSED INTlRODU6CTIONC OFx CON V'ICTS INVTO N4ATAL. We bave advices from Cape l'own to Nov. 8. The Oape Colony is in a quiet tstate. A number of the inhabitaints of Notal have petitioned the Quaeen that coeviote, tot being ticket rof-leave men, may be sent out to be employed on she improvement of tne hetr- bour, and on other public works, sic'ompsnied at the ame time 'by a. sufficieut ...


... MANSEON.UOUBE. ie The Lord Mayor, upon taki;g his seat, handed the follow emp! iog communication to our reporter, which he haa received amp n respecting the ten Aborigines of Walpole Island, Upper Wh ,d C-nada, ?? of whose asoe appeared in ou columns etc, ,rB a fortnight egwo. Lod tim n ?? Marage presents his respects to the Lo lett be Mysor cf Landon, and begs to state that, in compliance ...


... THB POLICE CO URB S. MANSION-HOUSE. Fe Mr. Alderman Wire attended before the Lord Mayor for tre bc the purpose of making a statement which he said he teuetedthba I would have the effect of putting the benevolent portion of disocdf I the community upon their guard, end of induting them to colnstal make inquiries into the charaeter of persona who applied to his duii them for peosuniary ...


... ASSIZE IN2ELLIGBNCE. fai HOME CIRCUIT,-KINGSTroN MARCH 24. th ESO5 Jr.OISTlOR COLERIDGEL tic Edmund Hlentry'Plucitmmer, tbe defendeat in the action wM ?? v. Plummner, reported on Friday, was to-day de tried upon an indictment, chayging him with wilful and be corrupt perjury in the evidence he gave at the original trial tbi in reference to the same proceedings. rio S. rjeant Shee, Mr. IRibiton ...


... GILD ALL. Francis Samuel Shuttrkworth, alial Johnson, aliss Smithers, alfas Mitchell, acd other aliases too numerous to mention, was charged with uttering forged orders for the delivery of g ods. There were 'tpwards of 50 casts in which the prisoner had obtained goods upon forged orders within the last few months. Mr. Turner appeared for the prosecoton. Frederick D neant said-I am a ...

Law Intelligence

... gaw i NOTICES-THIS DAY. COlURI OF CTIANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. a AT 10S.-BErO'E Tru LatoRn CtHANCULLoa.-Appeals: Flight v. I Carnac (7 tltles), part heard; Saunders v. S Ruvderm, a AT 106.-Biu'Oii. THE Loans JvsTiitsa.-Appieals Rooliev. Ken- nM eington (2); Fenwick v. Potts. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY.LANE. 8 AT 10.-For judgment. Pitt v. Pitt. Motion; Re l'orwich Yarn B Company, part heard. C.'uses, ...


... MURDER IN STAFIORDSHIRE. The county of Stafford has again been the scene of a fearful and revelting tragedy, the horror of which is how- ever, very much mitigated by the conviction that the perpe- trator of it was the subject of mental aberrstion at the time of the commission of the terrible act. Alstonefeld, where the frightful occurrence bees taken place, is an extensive pariqh in ...