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North West, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW. IRISH CHURCH MISSIONS SOCIETY. isN 5nday, the 14th instant, sermons will be preached, Y) if God permit, on behalf of this society, by the Rev. s. BABDSLEY, one of the association secretaries; in the morning, at Christ Church; and in the evening, at St, Paul's. The annual meeting of the Preston association will be held on Monday evening, the 15th instant, at the Corn Bxchange, when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B LACKB URN. H. F. JOPSON GSto inform his Pupils and friends that he will LI resume his professional duties on Thursday, thle I 24th Instant. Blackburn, July 4th, 1856. FEILDEN'S ARMS, OPPOS1TS THE 'rOiNr SALL, BLACKBURN. RI . BEARDS WORTHl is prepared to supply Fa- milies, Innkeepers. arid others, with ICE, In any ?? lind. 1856. FBILDEN'S ARMS, f(pponite the Town-hall), W ILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eplfomthe body what is necefsary should be expelled there- frM. These three are the Stool, the Urine, and the Plorest. These must be kept In a healthy condi1tion, or ?? is Certain. THIS IS, A FIXED AND POSITIVE LAW - and nohuman being can safely' disregard It. In addition to t14 the Livejr must be kept in order. THE LIVERt la THE LARGEST ORGAN IN THE BODY, and has some Of the most important ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BL A CBIu RN. GRAND WHITSUNTIDE FESTIVITIES. T IE Committee of the United Socielies beg to inform the Public of Blaekburn and its Vicinity, that in consequence 1 of the Mayor and Corporation having refused the use of the Park; after being promised, the Sports will be held Field at Higher Ouzebooth, adjoining the Park, on WHIT-MONDAY, MAY 12th, 1856, when A G RAXND P RO0C E S S I O N Of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTON UNION. CI)NTR&CT FOR PROVISIONS, CLOTHING, AND BEDDING, &c. FInST, FOB PROVISIONS AND NECESsARIEs. A LL persons desirous of Contracting with the Guar- A dians of the Preston Union, from Saturday, the 29th day of March, 1856, to Saturday, the 28th day of June next, inclusive, for the supply of, viz., best First and Seconds Bread, and best Seconds Flour (household use), Oatmeal, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATTERTHWAITE'S CELEBRATED' OUGE. . . MIXTURE D OSSESSES the property. of immediately relieving I Coughs, Colds, and Hoaraness, Difficulty of Breathing, &o. It promoteds a gentle expecstoiation, abates the ccugl,- quiets the nervous system, lessens fever, and allays the oon -2 staut irritation which Is so distressing daring the niflit, and will be found a grat souree 'f 'omfort'topeir6ns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C8RIST CHIURCH, PRESTON. DAY SCHOOLS, DAILY INPAJTS' SCHOOL, AND LARGE DISTRICT LIBRARY. N Sunday net, the 10th instant, the ANNUAL U J COLLECTIONS are to be made in' Christ Churcb, for the aupport of the ?? valuable institutions. The sermon in the morniag, by the Bev. JOHN OWEN PARR, MA, Vicar of Preston, Hon. Canon of Manobes- get, and RUTS! Dean; in the afternoon, by the Rev. G. ALKEB, M.A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVERTISEMENTS. APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOLMASTER FOR THE 'BLACKBURN WORKHOUSE. MiEIEGUARDIANS will, at their meeting on SATU'R- .. DAY, the 12TE JANUAuY iN8T., proceed to appolinta competent person to fill the situation of SCHOOL- MASTER of the Blackburn Workhouse. The person appointed will be required to be folly quali- fied to give instruction in Reading and Writing, also to possess a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DENTAL SURGERY. ESTABLISHED IN VIE NORTH OF ENGLAND FOR UPWARDS TWENTY YEARS. IW SSRS. MOSELY, SURGEON DENTISTS, Of 80, 1PJL Berner's-street, Oxford-street; and 42, New Bond Street, London; 15, Chapel-street, Preston; and 92, Bold-street, Liverpool, have the honour to announce that they may be consulted daily at their Preston residence 15, Chapel-street, Preston. The Messrs. M. are now enabled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAPTIST FOREIWN MISSIONS. trQ MORROW, two SERMONS will be preached in Tthe Avenbam' Institution, by the Rev. JAMES SMITH, from Chitoura, Northern India. Morning, half- past ten; evening, balf-past six. on Monday evening the ANNUAL MEETING will be held in the same place. The tevdas. Hugh Howell Brown, of Liverpool; N. Haycroft, M.A., of Bristol; C. Williams, of Accrington; and Major Conran, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTON NATIONAL SCHOOLS. oW SUNDAY), March 16th, 1856, r0 O' a5 illbe preached in the various churches, 'j sb5l0;°' tbe aboInstitution, after which collections, sill be ma:;ie will Commence at half-past ten in the pse 5@dait ?? six ia the evening. PRESTON BALL. take place at the ExaOTApSO, ASSEMBLY BALL will tkest opan TsoosDAI, the 10th of April. R ODgS STEWARDS: John Swainson, Esq., Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SECOND EDITION, PRICE SIXPENCE, OR forwarded free on receipt of six stamps by the Author, J. HOWARD KYAN, DENTIST, 74, Fishergate, Presto.,-TREATISE ON THE TEETH, with Coloured Illustrations. A well got up ?? Chronicle. Clear and ?? Guardian. Plain and ?? Pilot. A useful guide.- Western 7ies. Contains valuable observations, and useful direotions. -Chelmsford Chronicle. . Is well ...