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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TO WHOLESALE BUYERS of BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, PRINTS, PARAkSOLS, CLOTHS, COBURGS, FRENCH MERINOS, SILI;S, SHAWLS, &c. WHITE, FAIRWEATHER. & Co. D ESIRE to intimate to their oxtensive (and rapidly thrm inereasinl Tow inal Cenietry holesale connection that, licg this scawson, tlien have iuersoiiIY visited the various Mainfactur- wco ing districts, both inl Scotl~d and England, an that they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SUPERIORITY OF GRAY, DUNN, & CO.'S BISCUITS H S created for them a demand hitherto nnparal- lLlelecd, and notwfithstanding the repeatod erection of addi- tional powverful Steam Machinery, G. D. & Co. recommend Cus-I tomers to forward Orders before being in immediate want, so as to prevent inconvenience, in case there might be a little unavoid- able delay in their execultion. hlR WtILIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. r AUl Communications, and articles of intelligence, intended for t publication, require to be authenticated by the name and address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Corres- I jondents may rest assured that no attention wtill be paid o their communications. 1I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Grass to Let, by Private Bargain, ON BUXBURN FARM. BOUT 20 acres of First Year's GRASS, in two A , well watered Fields, to be Let for Pastuof. Thec Grass, wlush is very flue, is on the old landl of Bnxsburn, and the greator part of the Grass has been top-dressed with Ni- trate of Soda, and is very close, as well as luxuriant. Apply to Mr DAVIDSON. Buxburn Farm, 5th May, 1S56. Monymeusk Grass. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New Dress Wiuseys, Cobirgs, Prints, &C. A BERDEEN and Perth best nmade WINSE.YS, 500 Pieces Cso *oumvilc[ItCRS, us every shndc, from 4d to Si Is 2aper yard. I 470 Pieces New W-1de PRINTS, :3d, 4.1, 5d, 6d. New Che'ked WINSEY l;IESSE`S, 9s to }(;s. New FLOUNCED DRESSES, 12s Wd to 22s. The' ile Striped l;iyasey Pctticoat, teore Ivithount a scamt, Ss 6d to 12., Gd cech. AT FATR1ICE: COLLIB'S, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS& AU Connmamications, and articles of intolligeneo, intended for publieation, require to be authelnticated by the name and address of the wvriter. Unless this is attended to, Corres- poldents alay rest assured that no attention Nvill be paid to their communiiieations. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Grass Parks for Sheep, TO LET. There will be Let for the season, YItW0 ENCLOSURES of about 16 acTes, on the S Lawn, in front of WILLIAMISTON HOUSE, Parish of Culsa- moo0d. One of the Fields is first year's Grass, and the other is four-rear-old Grass. The land is well known to be of the first quality, for Grass, and it is now nearly ready for Stock. The Fields will be shown, and Offers received ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G LENFIELD 'PATENT STARCH, XT USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRYI AcND Pito-NouENcE) BY HER MAJESTYVS LAUNI)RfSS, to be AS THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. Sold by all Chandlers, Grocers, &o. &c. B ESTA AUSTRALIA1N ROYAL MAILS, WHITE STAR LINE. Under Contract with the Postmaster General to sall for NEL- X BOURNE, on the 20th of every month. a ig Shigs. . Tons. Captain. To saill Prosl ME AD13,20 . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAILS, WHITE STAR (4: LINE. X Under Contract with the Postmaster General to sail for MEL- BOU RNE. on the 20th of every month. Ships EA Tons. Captain. To selil. GOLDEN 1ERA 14 Brown, 2t ue b MERMAID 13120 ..E. Devey, 20th July. 'J WRITE STAR 2460 ..20th Aug. vapo Forwarding Passengers to Sydney, Geelong, Adelaide, Hobart 'Paitin)1 Town, Launceston, &eat a 'ebynugh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Royal China and Glass Warerooms, 55 CASTLE STREET, 55 ABERDEEN. 1]H FRASER rcspectfully informs the Nobility, tL 0> tGencry-, and Public, that he has lately Improved and Eularocd his Establishjlont, and added inniOensely to his Selec- tion of CHINA, GLASS, EARTHENWARE, and cn iulhesitat- ingly state tbat his Stock is by far the most extensive in the North of Scotland. H. F. invites inspection, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPE T A-NH? D rFllENISTSINCG DEPARTMENT. INlPOnTANTI ?OT5ACl TO C A R P E T B U Y E R S. 1MEAESSRS PRATT & KEITHI, 51, 'Union Street, 1V have the honour to salicit the attention of the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry, to their large and varied Stock of . j CARPETINGS AND HOUSE FURINISEINGS. They have also the pleasure of intimating that they are in a osi- ib tion to oilbr decideldl aelvitlltgeS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Magazin de Modes. M ISS ROBERTSON has the honour to ann6Ynce 1 1T fi that her SHOW-ROOMS vill bo OPENED for the Winter Season, upon MloxNDY first. The present importation of Parisian Millinery has been sclected with great care, and lvill be found in gre at varietv, both in useful cheap Bonnets, and the p most eleTant and expensive; the same in Mantles, from Cloth, e at 16s to 10ls, and Velvet ...