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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... OOKING.GLASSES - The COMMERCIAL PLATe OLASS COMPANY. Manager, CHARLES M'LEAN. 7ii 79, and L0, FleeWt.eet, and 165, 03 44etreet ;tve tts riarne r~d thtanumnbees), very neenre~t~tiile v~ete the Nebilhty, thte Public. aad the Trade to ?? tinar extensive and Wagniticeflt Stock 01 CHIMNEY, bONSOLE, and PIER GLASSES. framed in every tYmtea; C ! gt),ia oonole, centre, anal pler tables; solid mahcgany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -,UEUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED - B lot J4 Execautors n bereaved Relatives ofdeceased noblemen, gexi f- fisotradesmen, and others, scoring in the first instance to SHlL- the LPIEE'R'S ESTABLISHMENT, CITY.Rt)AD, near Finebury-square, of or No. 12, North-strtet, Quadrant, Brighton, insteadi of ?? their upholsterer, or the nearest undertaker, who, not posessig tile, tenl needlul requirements, resert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and W. SNIT~H will despatch the following T~ ?? SEEPS: Ships. ICton Commandt~ers. Destination. To Sail. !I Earl of Shattesbury. IsO J. HI. AdatuonO Calcutta . JanU 10 Otty of Patacce.. ?? 5. Arch't. Young Calcutta . Fe. 9 ?? Joseph'Taynbcc..1CCiCUttO. .July 12 Btenheitn . o0, J. F%. Atkinson ?? 14 ?,frlb rough.*4'IF 1.fiih.Cacu tta ?? I Ques n of thc Wave' 41 WV Wri~ht ?? IMadras.Jats. 29 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR HOBART TOWN Direct (a regular trader,1 will have vcry eonsiderable despatoh), the splendid f aet-sailing baylorE CORNL'BIA, AIl.Teglgt(e4-i! toes, W.,ELIJSON, orommendei,- W'ingij the Lndondo Docks. This ehip heas nfull poop with first-rater lt F~5,f~osifatiOn fr cbin pasoengere -For terms of freight and' t pasi go applj to I )EVIT r and MOORE, 9, Billiter-street. NT WERP, BtRUSSELS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOKL~o GGLASSES - The COmMERCIAL PLATh GLARS COMPANY, Macner CHALES h ?? i 701D, and sO. Fltesee~tret, end 15, 0O1trdd-treet kalee the rfl esmd theasmerst), very reepeotfully invite the Nobility, the Public, and the Trmde, to inspect their extensive andd magaifiteent stoc t of CHIMNEY, CONSOLE, and PIER GLA8SSE , frared in every varlsty of style; oneoile, centre, and picr tables; solid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to ED SORES.-HOOPER'S WATEI B CUSItIOss8 for Bed Bores, Gun Shot Wounds, &e., w bethec breatesed writhsloughing, or in which sloughing haa actually takie place The comfort afforeed by thes waier nauhions is greater that D..n be conoeived. The publie should notice the inventor'e stamp or t them. Orders bv telegraph, or otherwisi. fromptly attended to.- a HOOPER, Paol-atanfucturer, 7, PallmnlUl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAS CHANDELIERS, GLASS LUSTRES, GUALL LANTERNS, &o.-To Ga-fitters, Ironmongers, and the Tradle ?? most complete assortment In London of every description of COcs-ilttings for drawing and dining-roome, hihlraries, halls, Ste. Every article manufactured on the premises, and marked with the wholesale prico. Dr. Arnott's improved yentilators, petent gas meters, &e. Sole manufacturers of the new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -rOTICE to SHIPPERS per Steamer ROBERT IN LOW1E-All G~ioj)S ty this ship for CONSTANTIN'OPLE and the Crimea rmu-t bc en board and cleared by WEDNESDAY naX, ItIe bh Mat., asokne wilt poeitiiely leave the Dicks on Thursday mcorning. H~an ?? room Jfr licht ?? freight, &n,, aloply to , .LIN DSAY and Co., 0,, AuAl infriars. r IA, CHI, AUSTRALIA, and CAPE of J. 001)lit~L-W 0.YOUNG will denpatcla the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .0OKI. 0-GLASSES - The COMMERCIALI PLATE GLASS COMPANY, Manager, CHARLES X'LEAN, f ,25,, and SO, tleat-otreet, and 65, Oxford.etreet (Rote the RcIu' we ibeciumbere), very reopoeetully invite the Nobility, the Publie, mca the Trade, to inspect their citnasoive and wagailicent Stock Of GAMINNrY, CONSOLE, antd PlhR GLASSES, framed in every varbayof etyle; conoole, centre, and pier tables; seod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T RIESEMAR.-On the 29th of May, 1855, an J Injanotlwar granted by the High Court of Caner and an t the 11th June tollow Iwa rmade perpetual against loeph Franklin and others, to reatr htbem from imitating, mder a penaltyof P £31,00, this medicine, whioh in protected by kyia Letr Patent of 1, England, and secured by te eals of the Ebole de Pharmea de Paris, and the Imperial College of Medicine, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tie Thirdl Eit'on. in ?? Volum , Ceo. ctO CO., ¶~ IPI.E id ARNOLD'S C(PIOUS and J1 citrIC tLENILIII-I. TIN LE~t ?? on the Gerial LAtinl N itonary 1F I r. ChirleA ErNeA t ftwr4ts. AR..i qnc pos.t 81o. price t0.o Cd., AN AlDBIIlGMk.Ti h al 1e, lhy Ithe S. J. C. EOIOP0, late Fel- Ine nio Toor T Trinity ,IIO, Cambridge. Londonl . lno,1114 Iton recoi, aud Longinan, ?? and 6hso IIIlin ztin.f YJE% ...