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Freeman's Journal


... MUSAJ.~ 7 .. .. . I j X e AN 1IEXT ?? last of tuese ooneorts 0or tne sea- eon, which took place on yesterday eveDing, was, In one way, the best of these performances during the season; Damneiy, that it was a ?? concert, the Welcntion consisting ot madrigals and. oncerted pieces,, interspersed withaongs and duet, all- ,eiive in. their way, and all well given. A-A better tralned ac'dotre ...


... P1'',FASHIONABLEk '*T)IGEA#CE. I. - I. M - MA_ -s ?? {)SBBNZ,- MA-v 22o.PiiZ~qFrtiei~k Wilia.Vn of Prussia arriveadat Oaborne ?? a visitto her- Majesty, attended by Lieuteniant General Baron BSuchckenstein. Prince Albertmet his xoyal highlessat therailooay statibn'at Portsmouith Her :Majesty's car'riages were in rea~ied ss to ?? and suite on board the royal yacht Fitry, where he was.recelved ...


... PlAlAS. : . . I1 . - 'I S& ?? -This fair was held on Monday, and was, as qausi, welt upplied with a good assortment of store cattle, sheep, and pigs, the demand for which was so brlek as t cause much more than tha value to be obtained in the tna- jority of instances. There was a dreat falling off in Ahe sop ply of stall-fed and half-finished beasts, conscequent on the late idrought, but there ...


... : J. IDo s ,pLIUBNT TO I R'oyal Admy of Berlin just conferred ?? honbuouion oar digtibuishaed 'ioutmt ,n 'John:O'Dot ?? q., ?? by electing hint Iti oerresponding'mer P ! this country :ad: if nlnounceo the e lrduwtancs with i Idaw; cor QXXplera9ur, feeling tkat the ;COmpilflr'nt' is PaIid 'not only to .the ?? trai5iitcr ok the ,Annals of 'the Fonr astet~rs, but-~ to;nour anglent national ...


... A AB ?? .FASgzIONABLE. INTELLIGENCE_ I OSBOBNg, JULY 23--Tlhe Queen and Prince lbert, areompinhied by the Princes8 Royal, Princess AUco, and ice Arthur. left Osborne this morning at a quarter past ten oclock, for Aldershot CaMp. LadY Campbell has succeeded the Countess of Diesart as Lady in WaitinS. ALLEGE'D ROYAr. VISIT. There is not, we be- lieve, the least foundation for the statements made ...


... IN. - ' - EATRIC- . ;: QUEEiN's ROYAL T'EAATnE.-NrioV that the season fl p- pronoates when dramatic ead musical astertanrents 'wilUlbe rife In Dublin'. it seems to nii but mere justice to 86ordto Mr. I HCensy Webb, the enterprising and talented lessee anid msanager of the Queea's Theatre, the meed of praise due 'to binm'for hIs' extraordinary exertions in providing lerilng ite cdead season ...


... - - ?? - - ?? A__ _ R ?? TVC't&- T 'HE COUzT.-)@OlUiSn J - :Auus ' 2O.-is Royal Highness PrinceAllbert embbirked inthe Elfin yestetti, a1d went - up the tsoutbamnton WaPter to -inpeet:the prqreasof tbueworksoerec(ing94tthe oyal Vidiorle Hespital. ReM ajsll' aftards JoIned thedPilnfc?' who rctumcad w oth thc OabeJn ihe ilalry,. Viscbulnt and vie eoautess stimerston ived'oiatttoi' hei Majesty, ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE I THE CounTr-L-yMoulyr, WEDNEsEAY, AU. G UT 13.-The Queen and the Prince, accomparied by the Prince of;Wales, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Alice, and attended by Lady Churchill, Hon. Beatrice Byng, Right Hon. H. Labou. cbere, and he gentlemen of the suite, left the royal yacht Victoria and Albert at eleven o clock, and embarked In the Falry yacht, and ...


... :PASHIroNBE INTE LL1E-l: ORAL, -S;Xr. 1 .-Y -esterdey het -~ the Queen, wlth tho Fi'iucc COIes an'd the royal chiudwen. in tl#e nolghbonrhood of the5j15..* In the afternloon hh, - a~ned tii royal. highness ?? Hllgh' tee tbeO,- $ibe Rev. Dr. Staples aud family letGo~ r l Tuead4y for Tramore. lasrney de DMontmoiegy1 Esq iB staying st4,. : 3'e Dean of Eiphin and Mrs. W bnuto: 1e lelt o'lrrovvgate ...


... (''aox OURt OWNi ERlPOSTEB.) Ballinaslke, Wednesday, 9 o'clock, 0 The great fair f horned stock 8th October, 1856. commenced this day, with the largest supply I have ever seen. Up to the present the C greatest dullness prevails, very few sales having been yet & made. The stock masters say they are willing to sell at J last year's prices, but the buyers are all hanging back, and I k should say ...


... TIELTRIUALB, ?? i - ' i +.e I A 'EAW1RTE flOYAL±SL1 1TA~IAV f REHAS-Yerotra geavt work, If 2'rovatore, was perfor aced- yesterday :eve ?? 1in Ipresence of an audience whic0h,1 in; Point of numbers eirlI high reap eotabllity, wie may say we have never seen e asddo perhaps equalled, throughoutA the couras'eof'many yearks' plBY- Igoing experience in Dublin' 'ABe'la the ave of La Fhwlhfi .L ...


... THEATRICALS, &i. .- I THEATRE REOYAL-BEN5EP.LT OF Jimr .EEIaSu.-The per- formanvei last Saturday evening, on the stage of our metro- pobtan Theatre Royal, presented for the benetit of the lessee, Mr. Johu Harris, were honoured by the attendaneo of an duoience, which thronged the entire house from dcor to coillog, and included In box circles an array of nubility and gentry of both sexes, such ...