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Freeman's Journal


... I . LITERA URE .. THic RoarAN CATAoom5.-Byl he Riepr.J. ?? Nore- cots, MNA. (London: C. Doans. 1 rein: G. Bekw, tuo ) There are few subjecte more interesting or more novel than that which is treated, by the masterly hand of a scholar and a Christian, in the small volume now before us. The cata- combs of Rome are perhaps the Most wonderful and the moat expresasive monument of the early history ...


... -. r FA8HAZ SMONABLE INTELLIGRNCE. WINDSOR, FEB. 6.-The Queen and Psince drove open carrlage yesterday afternoon. The Theohess of i ln6tonj thHon, Beatrice Byng, and the Hon. Mary Bulteel fouhw~e~dn~~acaond carriage. .The Equerries n Walting attended ; THE F atECIH EMBASSY.-CTIhe Countess Per- s9igny gave a the dsiseanto on Tjiesday evening at Albert-gate ouThs. A great mnany members of the ...


... I - YAIRS. ?? I BELIAST.-The customary monthly fair of thisatowu, which took place on Wednesday, was interflred with considerably by the weather-heavy rains falling throughout the entire day. There was, however, a good supply of beef cattle, nearly all of which were sold at from 4*d to 6i per lb., sin- ing offal. Mntton brought from Gd to 7d per lb. Yoi1C cattle were very scarce. Store pigs ...


... I ,fAsBjOIABLE -INIELLIGENCE. . I The Queen had a dinner on Saturday at Buiick- ighaen Pai ee. The company Included the Duchsas of Cam- bridge, the Princess Royal, the Princess ?? of Can.bridge, the Tur ish Ambassador, and Madamse Musurus, the Hanseatie Auinis ter, the Marquis of Breedalbane, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Earl and Countess Grey, the Countess Somers, Lord Panmure, Dervish Pa~ha ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGEMCB. BALMORAL, OCT. 7.-The QUeen, accompanied by the royal Princesses and Prince Alfred, and attended by the ladles and gentlemen in waiting, went yesterday to Glen Vcg, whenco her Majesty and party rode to the top of Craig Clumy._.. His royal highness went to the hill deer stalking. The royal din- ner ?? the Duchess of Keut, the Prlnoess Amealia of' Hohenlohe ...


... FASHIONABLE 1 aTELLIGENCE. I BALtnO11AL; SEPT. ?? Queen, the Prince Consort,' and the Princess Royal attended divine service at thc parish church ofiCrathlie. Mr. Vance, M.P., and Mri. Vahee have left Spa for a short tour in Holland, Colonel Lake, C.B., one of the illustriotis de.- fenders of Harsi han left the Gresham Hotel for Cork. Sir Roger Palmer, Barn0 left town yesterday for kenure Pari ...


... I F 'FASL~ZO~4E~E '1T.9LZIGE*CE - . . v , . V'CletEALt COUBT,_-Hi Excellency entertained km T0I Y*evephgs.~.H Grace the Ar-chbishop of Dub~It 5Md, Miss Whatelyi, Lay Dover, Him XL -A apel, the- LaidChanceflor, the Chief BAron, the Alttrnej-Geh~j1-, tlhe 'Solieltor-General ,colQ61,laand hirs'Xdrcom; Coloziel asd- Mrs lsrowne,'CzpfaIA ana M'~rq cjofton, CaptalA psid Mrfs Whjttg, Mr and. Mrs:J Q ...


... I mUSIC. I 3 ASTIENT CONCERT SOceTy.-As interpreters between suoh an expon ent of musicil art In this country as the Antient a Concert Society and the public, we feel It our duty to protest I against the species of concert given upon last evening, and . further, as the excellent artistes engaged, and the programme 3 seleetedonly enhanced their .unfalthfulneaa to the object of their foundation ...


... iRE&TRICALS, MUSIC, &o. QrUEEN8' BOYAL THEATBJ -The brilliant engagement of Mr. T. C. King at this little theatre was brought to a close last evening, when-he appeared as Virginsus, In Sheridan Knowles's fine trasedy of that name. The performances were for his benefit, and the theatre was crowded to the very doore. The acting of Mr. King was, as usual, marked by that correct taste end judgment ...


... 1IcFASHIONABLE ANTTEMLIGENCE. WINDSOR, TnUrtsuAY, OCT. 16.-The Queen ann Prince Albert, with the Princess Royal. Prince Afred, and the princesses Alice, Helena, and Lounds, attended by the Dttchesf of Wellington, the Hon. Mary Seymour, Lord Pasnnure, Major General -the non. C. Grey, Colonel the 'Han. 0. h. Phipps, and Lieutenant Cowell left Balmeral yesterday morning at eight o'clock, and ...


... EXEIBITION OF PAINTINGS-ROYAL IRISH IN- . STITUTION, COLLEGE-STREET. We have great pleasure in directing the attentiots of the lovers of flue art9 to the very fins collection of- paintings now, being exhibited in College-street, through The mrmi. ficees' of its owner, Charles lrien, Esq., of High-streaet for the very laudable purpose of founding chemical premiums in CoDnection with that useful ...


... .F.ASHIO2AVA#ZETELIG;NIs - - f' - - --n tbe D~ietbhc princes Maryof Cabr and be ?? of WlIngton, the Marquis of Bzesdslbane, the, 'ld^s of Abercern 0Conics von Hacke, Countess Orlolla, Lady *nnavria Dawvson, Lady Geraldine Somerset, Maame von Stern. erp4,lroness de SPethi, Cotut BOOs, Count Buckler, Baron d'AI. bervsben Lieut. Cotone de Bojen, Baron Ernest Stocmnar, Major and the Hon;-Jarnes ...