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Freeman's Journal


... PAIRS. I -IVLI- f-t- a -- - - BALLYnAY.-Thls fair came off on Saturday, ad wa remarkably well attended. Of horses the show was co55 derable, and many excellent naga were paraded so, 81. ing as high as 701; average price from 1n1 to 301 each sell a smart business was effected. Prime deseriptions Of De were 6d per lb in sink, and second quality 5d per lb; tat cattle, according to quality, ...


... FASHiONABLE INTELLiGENCE. TUEsmyATI'FmtAIOy 12.-His Royal-Higbness pr~ne Alert odeon-horsebaok, yosteirday morning, attendedbY~ bla Euerr In ~isiing, er Mjoat andthe Princee, attended: by MjorGeneal ~euvrieand.Capainus Piat, visited her Roya Hihnes th Duhes of ~o~co~orat Glouceatel-houa55 in te atemon.TheQuen ?? ?? honoured, the Ol mpo Theatre with the! prse-s ,rn ti.: evening. The Rosal: ?? ...


... ?? - It - - ' ;]xgSA'tW IGAL ?? I I . - - ' 'l Tanvas Rdorax.-VXcoBBGACoMIIlW liWroL-.The env 4ertelnuesnt ati this tng Fere..prodnd by. .e.ommaiidl aai4 u4er, the speelil t sa f !g hi Siesileney. * agc~pnfl~dj~ 4inuls. ap rt. _qfo ,prseeutation~on tie'eainwr' h Inr~-rty~li TJ7ie Mlon24iW U E atflOt~Y h ?? ganraB ?? e Charming. ?? dress b .1x begna'tb ib-e izpptr :tlier 'iifully' obupied ...


... LITERATUR. - - - f nnX THEn BrnLEAGOEED 1HsAseTn; A NVLVnO Dolman; Dublin: 0. Bellewo).-A kind' of. msitery, which o 'ilbe altogether new to the readeso asinbe O5] pavdsti really singular story;- for it deals With a classy of ideass -which we have never happened to 00 ,f0rming thle d satple of such a book tef'ore. It vo~ldd be quite wrg to Is el'itar gous novel, for it differs entirely f'o th ...


... 1, 3BOYAL VISIT ,-T0 ,AlBB= ?? -A& ?? .TO LoanD HARtDINE..Tho Queen, a i i bitMttlflUD ' VfohsB the Guards belog th6zeig~lt traetibfl. Diho- oeve, ?? l dy attIfgW- drenchedtotheskin. ;Theplumiti oft sy I&IfIl Accident, with wfilcF ?? Hdh 03iOars that shortly after the rayglpitJ PtAia i Wh1c had been prepared ort0e !hei e Me 1 Jestk Was hi conversto ihtegaln ~ ~ ~ n the tetO room the .pcqldent ...


... I A STIIONA nB, INTELTIGEA!CE. I WINDSOR, Nov. 20.-The Queen and Prince walked in the Home Park, this morning, and visited the Duchess of Kent at Froginore. Prince Arthur and the younger Princesscs took a carriage drive. BIRTH DAY 01 THE PIr NcEss Roy.4L.-Yester day (Frday) the Princess Royal completed her 1lth year, having been born the 21st November, 1840. His Excellency the Atrbamsador of' ...


... W A . ?? , * WINDSOR, lxA. B table'(4ibe 't accompanied by the Duke of lbarbr-1ge, and'attefnded byth Marchioness ofii Ir~ ld eir lleatt'ie liy'rg, dly ve out its os open carriage yesterdyy aiterlu)oon, and honloured sMr.' Ward, l.A.,I by visiting his studio at Upton..psork. Prirsoe Ernetst .,f Leinlugen leftithe ut~vsi for thei Contieatit :Prince Augustus-of Saxe Welmat arrived on a visit to ...


... THEATRICALS; &a. QUnace' RoYAL TZAT'iY-@GIIISON AMM'ina i TnnA- TiucaLs.-It having been aenaunced that the Ofofers of the Garrison Intended to perform a series of plays during the season of Lent, the first camue offlast evening. 'His Excellenoy the, Lord Lieutenant and ?? arrived shortly after eight o'clock, and'oeoupied the state box, speclally decorated for the osoaslon. ?? of the boqse was ...


... FASIIICNABLR INTELLIGENCE. ? VW'NSoR, ?? rThe' Earl of Clarendonand Colonpi 8teeleo'CC ObAd5~ 1Giuards), late ?? 9eo~etary to .the Commander-in-Chief in the Crimea, arrived yesterday, afternoon on'a Visit to her ]ajesty., The dinner .party included her Royal Highness the 'uchess of- Kent, her foyal Highness the Princess Royal, hi ESerene Highne9ssPrince Ernest of.;Lelngen, the Bel. gian ...


... I - . ?? Ta~EATRICiALS. l- -. I THtEATtE ROYAL.-The engagement of Mr. George Van- deahoff has been still further enhanced by the engagement also of Mrs. George Vandenhoff (late Miss Makesb) of the United States theatres. Of Mr. George Vandenhoff we have already had to speak on several occasions. The very name iteelt was a passport to our favourable attention, and we may add we have had fair ...


... I .fl_ *LI2ERAT1 A -- ?? I , - ?? . ? w . I *: ~Tiu DuuAwr Th411'BITY MAUeGi (Dnb~un: Aoiges- ?? &esitk)..-The iuwmberfr the- pr~eit month suppliea an Wre , c i~f t'eades '~llosoob3', roiaman',peradc11 ?? gd 4aiiy.The: p'hi~6b3, however' isameawbsthibar, as-tho. rer of the dimertator iz~'ha t&& C* O ytk w fl's~oi die ovr? for lkyoui~ge loet in tap elei a~~ijpintiai pe~nl~$.1 h~ii sens. Moe ...


... Tho ruins of the late theatre bave been aicentre of interest to Agreit number of royal and aristocratic visitors. Among the earliest visitors on Friday was hisa Royal Highness the .Duke of Clambridge-a constant and liberal supporter. of the ,tIoya Italian .Opsra, HaIB Royal Eighness vas reeeived by Mr. G~ys, end conductel over the wreck of the building to those point. of viewv from whioi the ...