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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... coultirg 1POU00S to net. : lIAMILTON. , TO BE? LET, FURNISIOD Foe TltE MIocs'rns OF MAY, JUNEE, JUI.x, AN5D ,UOUS5. ;NEXT, ;| A Vl LLA, in the immediate vicinity of the 'town o(Ii~amil. A- tol, of tbe most comfortable description,-,nd very con- veniently situated to the Bailray Station. The House contains Dining and Drawtng diooms, Iibrary, and Five Bed Room9, with Bnth Roonliaving Wdyi;Cold, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LT ?? Monday cot, a Black PO.OKET BOOR Conr 1J taiin6 a ^.d bltteya illsI.O.U.'s, Ownefs A ?? Cards, aid' stindi'y other Papers. Whoever returns a the same, with all tire d'cumentst will ?? a Reward of £1; B if returned with eatssi a Rewfard ot £5'wi~l'be iveii.b ilib gie. b T OST, aMARTEN SABILE BOA, in Sauehiehall or Union _ U Streets, on Saturday. Any one returning it to 213 chiehall Sbreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAMIES DRUMMOND, who addressed No. 1265, Herald I c c Offie, on 27th August last, is requested to call at the Franklin Hotel, corner of George Square, on Thursday first, b the l1th curt., at 3 Glasgow, loth September, 185G. OST, on the pollokehaws Road, on the 5th inst., a L DELIVEBtY BOOK(, marked Couston Holm Weaving Co., No. 2. Whoever will return the same to Mir. Boyle, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fia opedff f or~ iglo T O BE SOLD, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, EHAT ElegantSEL F-FCONTAINED LODG ING, 2 Gros- T venor Terrace, consisting of Four Public Rooms, Eight Bed Rooms, and ample accommodation for servants; also, a r supply of Hot and Cold Water on each Floor, and every other . modern convenience. The situation is the fliest that could be obtained in Glasgow, 0 being immediately opposite the ...


... eg to intimate that their *SAL13, by Auction, of SOFT GOODS, which was Advertised to take plece on Tuesday firet, is POSTPONED until THU1TRSDAY the 24th current, at Twelve o'clock Noon. 18 Tngramn Street, I si Glasgow, 19th January, 1856>1 ri GLASGOW POLICE. NOTICE. T LIZABETH M'GREGOR, at present residing in Glas- . gow, daughter of JonN RoascuTeoW, soraetime of Edin- cl burgb, Merchant, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I . 0of, &. This Day is Published, Price Gd., r ADDRESS Delivered by ANDRIEW BANNATYNE, Esq., to A the GLASGOW LEGAL and SPECULATIVE SO- E CIETY, at the Opening Meeting of their Fifth Winter Session, von 26th November, 1856. Printed for the Society. JOHN SMITH & SON, 70 St. Vincent Street. Now Ready, crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. cloth, T fEMORIES OF BETHANY. By the Author of The ilL Faithful Promiser, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OST, between Kinning Place, Paisley Road, and Jamaica Id Street llcidge, a SILK BAG with Brass Clasp and Chain. Whoever will return it to Win. Gilmour & Co., 193 D Argyll Street, will be Rewarded. iTONEY WANTED-The Sum of £1000, on first-class .ilL Heritable Property in Glasgow.-Apply to Messrs. Howie & Lockhart, Writers, 14 Miller Street. hItfuationS awanwf. a W ANTED, a BOY for a Grocery and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTATE OF WOODNEUK. fHE, PUBLIC SALE of the above ESTATE, Advertised for ?? the 14th instant, WILL NOT TAKE TLACE tbe Estate lrvhsg been Sold Privately. S A. W.STW R o Vilncent Street, Glasgow,) 8thli May, 1856. -. ESS .S LANG & GRAHAM received the Communica- ?? ofi A Friend to Honesty, which is held as strictly N c!defdtelitial and *ill feel obliged by receiving a call from him il as early ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIRL A4ISSING, 11 her 1ome at Dalshhlm, near Illaryhill, a YOUNG _ J (IitI, aged 12 years, named Nanc n Robertson or sa ,,p l M is Yellow haired. 1Had on a blue frock with shaar,ts awl, and was barefooted. - illfilolartion regarding her will be thankfully received ?? ?? tertnte.e S l' f io m 1 8 King9to n lace, a Small WHITE SPAN. I;shr~ E DPOOD ,E D()Ganswe erstot tb name of I' ora sc l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - wlif Ibj bitbti~c D.5itta.i.t. i f e FOR SALE, a Large NEIVFOIJNDLAND WATCH !Y, DOG, and Two SICYE TEURIEUlS. To be stcen at ,1 W . 'uregor's, Gnrmnskers,44'Ironlgato, llurhanan Court. l'OR SALE, a powerful B3ay llORlSE. Soard; si.Y years F old; 14 to 15 hands. Has been drove up to within a . ishort period in an Albert Car. 4 To be seen at Lawson's Livery Stables, 350 Parliamentary o Road. 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOTVIYG ADVERT'ISEMENTS REACIIED US TO O LA TE FOR INSEER TION 1NO UR ARL Y EDITION. 0OST, Yesterday Morning, from Wallace Street, Tradeston, 1 an EAST INDIA PARROT, grecn colour, with red bill, and a red ring round the neek. Any person returning it to AMessrs. Aorrison, 32 Eglinton Street, itill be Rewarded. S TOLEN or STRAYED, from a Pairk near Kirkintilloch, 1 a Brown Fat I[IGIILAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jbzttoa~c g1of (c. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. COTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, J the only Oce which combines Participation in the WHOLE PROFITS WITH MODERATE PREMIUMS. The Premiums, at early and middle ages, are about a fourth lower t han in theother utual or Participating Offices. They are as low as the Non-Participating rates of the Proprietary Companies,-which they admit of being, not only with ...