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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... TNPORTANT to SCHOOLS rand EDUCA- et CATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS. COLLINS'S TWOPENNYimproved HEAD-LINE COPYIIOOKS, e0 tcp. 4to. Collins's Twopenny Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. e, CollinssThreepenny Superior Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. Collins's Fourvenny Superior Engraved Head-lint Copybooks, ,ost Ret. 1. Initiatory lessons-2. Combination ef letters-3. Combina- t tion of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAND BAZAAR, THIS DAY, Juie ftth, by the kind permission ot the Royal Toxopholite SocietV fi their beautiful ground., in the jlegent's-i'ark (entrance by iork- gate), ol BIEHALF or tilhe h1OSPITAL for CONSUMPTION anid IOISK1ASES of the CHEST, Brompton. Admission, le. each. Children. of. each The Blizaar will hc opened at Two oc;ock.| Carriages to enter by York-gate. Now-road. PHILIP ROSE, lHon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEURUVIAN THREE PER CENT. LOAN, 1 1853.-Notice is hereby given, that t11e following saulip, viz., £25,549 10s., the amount or the Redemiptioni Fund for the Six Months endiug the 1st April, 1835; and £1,404, the amount of accumulated Intprest of previous Redeuip~ti~fl, have been em- ploycid in the PURCHASE of 2 Bonds, Letter A, for e1,000 each. 16 , B for £890 each. 391 ,, , C, for £100 each. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RWqBROTHERS'AEN p-- B 'SUSPBNSARY and FOLDINGCHAlLORTABLI either ae eeat or louige. For vertible into temporary beds for house or camp iriiui N contripetal and side-spring chairs, for library, dra, Office.-165. Plecadlilir, London. .e IHIBB RESPIRATORY ORGAN and - T PREOTECTOR-FOO, COLD, endl NIGHTAI f SPIRATORY ORGAN and CHEST PRtTgCTotrl d the patentee, Mr. COOK, 10, Princes-stree l ta j of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('1AMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ELECTION.- sJ Lir. DENMAN'S LONDON COMMITTEE SITS DAILY at ShoTrahlpT Hotel, Sprintg gardeni, Chariog-Cross. E. H. BUNBUNiY, Chairman. J. G. LONSDALE, Vice-Chairmanl.. J. i. KEHMLE, : . G. C. FUSSELL, Hon. Secretaries. F. ELLIS, J UENOS AYRES FOREIGN DEBT.-The D Commuttee of Spanish Axmerican Bondholders request a 'MEETING of the HOLDERS of BUENOB AYREAN BONDS. at ,the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !! o UTE.-STEAM to INDIA ?? VER1LAND., I- G~l.Th PENINIWLAR and () O C IN AVkt A`IGATION COMISANY BOOK PASSFN, 0i1FT'L~'0TEvsOod, and parcels for the Mediterltafleat), Egypt- ao ad No badr5s andCOloutta, by their matilpackets, Bsroblt o 155n the Onh and 20th of every month ; and for 3idebrs tb5 ito by those of the 4th of the month. ,,,O 5 hd Straits Y apply at the CqmPay'e offices, 122, forhC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R0d7 a OOBS AUSTRALIAN LINE FyITT $d -l Foyor GEELONG, Port Philip, direct, | 1x P A^Chi ` 5 7a.rfo on bosrd and shipping, and M P rloeipnl part ofws olleiv, delivering at the wharf, the |t r: Jr aI slg ?? 1 12 rs 533 tons register, a *A i3LL 0n>s, Titt,,lnti. commander, t 0! *e vokg Hen; excellent accoonmodations rEN . Se. Eatbar e DO1-~For forms of freight or passsge tj lvn,iuthc5 bhin stee. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- H It Ir respectfully anuonrcei tkat Her Majlety's T ti acre will RE-OPEN early in May. Engagemuents of greit interest las,. Leon effected, both hi Opera and Ballet, aud tho beet exestions seod to snake the arranlemeits worthy of the ootasalsu. Tie Proslectus will ?? be issued. Pit 3oYes, 120 to 160 g>uineni; Grand Tier, 19d to 200 guiaeaa; One Pair, 120 to 150 guine=s; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A.R EUCK, Eqq. AIX., wim PRESIDE J o Clat a PUBLIC M`Eiitlria upon ADIneS1TRhentheF REpRM at tha LooL Tavern,on Saiurdlty, June21, whenthe chair will be taken at Two o'clouk preOis'el5 T YERU MAJESTY'S TE- EA NISTRE.- j~LMine, PIC~OLOMI NI-~GRAND ETANGT On Th-\IORR next, Janco IlS, will be repeated Verdl's highly sticceesfl ipnto p LA TRAhIATA. Violetti , Mdige. iro; ?? AlfreIAe SBig. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HI FiR MAJESTiY'S THEATRE.-la _n Fi,,t Appearance of Mdlle. JOHANNA WAGNER, a TO.MORROV EVENING. Saturday, June 14, will o performed Bellitil's opera, I CAPuLE'1'Io ED I MONTECCHII. Rofueo, Mildile. JOhali55 Wagner (her first appearance); Juist, Mdllie. jenny Dour (her first appearance); Tenbalde Sig. Reichardt (his S first appearance at this the~atre); Lorexizo, Sig. Bouche; and Ca- polIht, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE RACES and FETES.-tLADIES lwill find T j the application of ROWLANDS' KALYD0tlt 0ratOtui V rv freshing in preserving the delicacy and beauty tilet ?? ansd skir. from the baneful influence of the stll anad du9_t, dh li-il the cloud of langour and relaxation, al a3 ilg all irt:.biliti aS! heat, and ilimedistely affording the pleasing, ?? a2tllt. 1.1 on restored elasticity and healthful state ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITAL MA E T FOTS TT - FS E A ONLRE.- jJ.CATREWtNE 11AYES.--JULLIEN'S CUNCEPRTS, Wadliesday. N,,s'eilbei- 6.-M.JULLIEN linetthe honur toanl- ,oruice that %ith the olligilig conoeit and invaluable aid of Mr. Mitnedll lie hls succeedelldin affecting an 1i1its'cieit for a fewh Mlghts with the retmiloed rotari Etun froear. being lo r first appearance in Europe iomnce ho retu ronp an unprecedented ...