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Morning Chronicle


... DR UY-V .LA N THEA TRE. The Wizard of the North has got a -Boland for his Oliver. As he has started a pantomime at Coveat-Garden, Drury-Laue has produced a Wizard. From the S8.W. by S. comes the rival of the North; and in Mr. Charles Mathews, Mr. Anderson may find what lie does not appear yet lo have met in any Englisbman-a dangerous competitor. Our ver- satile ?? Made his appearance in this ...


... 2E AROCHTEFUTURAL EXHIBITIO2. I The Architectural Exhibition for 1856 has opened for the season, the galleries of the Society of British Artists, Suffolk- streetV Pall-mall east, being engaged as usual for the occa- sion. The catalogue contains the names of 585 drawings, Including a few photographs ; and there is also an important collection of specimens of decorative art, materials, manu- ...


... * LITFIRATUR E. -4- ADY WILLOUGIBY; OR, THE DOUBLEl MARRIAGE. ady )1illoughbY, or ?he Double MIarriage. By lare lA TotcU1' tbnbou': Hurst and Blackett, h~is i8 au ec~eedingly brilliant novel, with a lot fall of interest and excitement, developed with rcnt skill, anl adorned with clever aketches of an0ners and skilful portraiture of charaoter. The a brief outline of the ?? , aloughby is, when ...


... - - -I . MD DM1 JI~Y OLDSCaMIDT LIND'S CONCERT. Ls' t ?? Madame Goldsohnildt gave tlie founth of her 0odcorts of sacred music at. Exeter Hall, the oratorio teing Handel's Messiah. Madame Goldsohmidt, in her deliery ofthe be5t soprano ?? Haydn's .Creation, bad shown that site ?? all the power, sweetness, and flexibilitY which are essential to the correct. and effective rendering of tbis ...


... COLBURWS NEW --ON.fllA. The contentst of ihi6. poptular periodical more than usually varied and are1 the present month. It would serve n pose to give a dull catalogue pf the 0 efi' p~y 4wevecr, s ute for partipular arties . ?? on Samuel Butler and Gust -and ba iographical ?? of adll L Several of the lighter and more amnusin full of dashing inident and gay hu artic one of the-articles, we quote ...


... A LADY'S SECOND JOURNEY ROUND THE 'WORLD. A Lad~y's Second Journey Round the World. By IDA PFEIFFEtI. In 2 vols. London: Longtran and Ca There is something really startling in. the very title of this work. One journey roana the world we should have thought sufficieut to satisfy the most ardent lover of travevting, especially when the journey appears to have. no other motive than curios ty. The ...


... TgB AIAGAZINES- QtjARTEERLY R.BVIEW. b ..001ber of this reviev aoctaini Be arenti ntitled to more than usual attention. iclea we may mention those of The tbete 'O ?? ; d of Idankind; oa IJauntism; ylito ears of French Imaginative Tb nY i a a genial artiole on the re., Tenir g in terms of just severity ita Dvaldsou Is 80.callod Book of Jashar. Dr .i ,diog article we quote a passage in ?? id ...


... jITRATURE. TE19 WVflITE; CHIEF. ,chi a Legenrd o/ Alorthern Mexico, yE C IAT:E REID. London: David g hoe. r f 4 The Rifle Rangers, The I C tr ,,and several cther works of a si- gjotefre; aromantic imagination- ro pos itic imagitionl. The seones which fe eoY reo5a;t those of every-day life-quite the ict3 ar eroe are not of the common stamp. r te. ewhat rough and rugged, is in per- 7yle, with ...


... - -LITERATURE eve VYNDICOTE HALL. 'Pu1 W~udicde .A Tale. lei Lohn: JHnry i c an d Jam ?? Parker. t GGossips of both vexes and of' alo ' a a anondi- i mjS1 tions mayperise tia lite t ois ie with great ad- D vantage. Unfortunately the l oe. and dispensiig the of gossip pervades all classes, 'and, as hth writer of M m the work remarks, its infection spreads as indie- tu'r .rimiuately as that of ...


... THE PROTOGRAPHJO,.AffIBITION. * A private view ef the annual exhibition of the Phota. graphic Society took place on Saturday, at the Gallery of the Old Water . Colour Society, Pall-mall East, prpeioun to its openingqo! the publio ,to-day. As a whole, the exhibition marks a decided advance in photographic art,.snd is of a bigbly creditable nature to the photographers, prefessional. and amatear, ...


... - A ADELPPHI THEATRE. One of the' mont anmuinog and most iogeniouily oaorlved fares that'we'bave seen for a long time wes ?? at thiii teatro last evening, utider the title of Urgent Pri- vate Aairs. ' The hero of the piese is onoe Dentatue Potts, a pauper dentist, who, under the martial inspiration 'of hie wife, bas become one of the Loyal Hammersnmith Volunteors. Odming home one night ...