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The Era

Advertisements & Notices

... T o SCENIC ARTISTS.-WANTED, an Artist to Paint a Large moving Panorama, at moderate terms NOne need apply who are not fully competent. Address, by letter only. to G. V- B.. 8, Fore-street, City. ION(ERTS, LECTURES, AND VJ EXHIBITIONS of the First Class. PRINTING forwarded by Rail to any distance with PunctflsitY and Economy. The LARGEST LETTERS in the World for POSTERS; modern Type! first-rate ...

Published: Sunday 04 May 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6474 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... G RE ENWICH.-WHITE B.BAIT DINNERS. THOMAS QUARtTERMAINE hoe the honour to inform the Nobility and Public that the WHITE BAIT SEASON has commenced, snd soliits their patronge to hise 'Two Taverns, the CROWN A7D SCEPTRE and THE SHiIP. April 5, 1858. STAR and GARTER, KEW BRIDGE.- 13 Proprietor-JAMES WILDER ADAMS. TABLE D'HOTE every SUNDAY at THREE O'CLOCK, Including FISH, FLESH, FOWL, and PASTRY, ...

Published: Sunday 06 April 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6563 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... D7ERBY CGIFT S F OR 1856. On thc payment of TWENTY-SIX SHILLINGS, Parties will be supplied with the ERA Newspaper for ONE YEAR ro, the date of Subscription, for which a Receipt will be given, specifying the NUMBER OF THEIR CHANcE in the ?BRA DERBY GIFTS OF 1S56, which will be dis. tributed according to the following Scale:- First Horse .100 Second Horse ?? 20 Third Horse . .. 10 Every other ...

Published: Sunday 03 February 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1201 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... D R.CULVERWELL'S MEDICAL WORKS, Orthodox, Anti-empirical,'and Original, is. each; by post, Is. 6d. WHAT to EAT, DRINK, and AVOID. Abstinentia multi carantur morbid What! neither smokc nor drink, nor feed our fill, Nor stay up late o'nights lest we be ill, Nor suffer thoughts from sober life to stray: Nor by our passions o'er be led away; Pshaw ! lifei s carcely worth the gift!,'-the rake, he ...

Published: Sunday 14 December 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6174 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... STIRLING'S STOMACH PILLS.- kJ INDIGESTIoN, BILE, &c.-For liver complaints, siek head-ache, habitual costiveness, Ilos of appetite, disturbed sleep, lowness of spirits, with sensation of fulnesg at the pit of the stomach, pains between the shoulders, and the distressing feelings arising from debility or indigestion, STIRLING'S STOMACR PILLS are the best remedy. They ean be taken at any time, ...

Published: Sunday 10 August 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6087 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. W. S. WVOODIN as RACHEL in Les Horacea:' R. W. S. WOODIN'S OLIO OF M^ ll ODDITIES.-This new Entertainment, illustrated by Fifty Instantaneous Metemorphoses of Voice, Character, and Costume, and a Panaroma of the beautiful Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, will be given in the new and elegantly fitted up Polygraphic-lhall, King Wil- liam-street, Charinig-oross, EVERY EVE, ING. at Eight ...

Published: Sunday 10 February 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2826 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... D.CLVERWELLS MEDICAL WORKS, DO-rthodor, Anti-empvirical,'and Origi al Is. ecah; by post, Is. 6d. WHAT to EAT, D~RIN, ana AVOID. Abstinentia multi curantar morbo - - What neither smoke nor drink, nor fead our fill, Nor stay up late o'nighte, lest W be III, Nor suffer thoughts from sober life to stray Nor by our passions e'er be led away; Pshaw I life is scarcely worth the gift l-the rake, be ...

Published: Sunday 09 November 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6203 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BEST FOOD FOR CHILDREN, INVALIDS, AND OTHERS 'I OBINSON'S PATENT BARLEY, for Jmaking superior barley water in fifteen mninutes, haa not only obtained the patronage of her Majesty and the Royal Family, but has Decome of general uase to every class of the community, End i ?? edged to stand unrivalled as an emirentil ?? nultritiou6 p liolikhfbosd for infants and invalids; much aprove.or ma ...

Published: Sunday 04 May 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6261 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, price Is, post free, Is. 4d. O N the CURE of FISTULE, PILES, PROLAPSUS, Ac., Without the Operation of the Knife; with Illustrative Cases. By S. J. VAN BUTCHELL, Surgeon.Accoucheur. Being au abridgment of the Author's Work entitled Factsg arf Obser; aRin. V Ar c BuasLes name ant W 6kflon w haiyong b amiliar with. He is entitled, we cos~ilp a s s ure our tedd e rs, to k aunk ...

Published: Sunday 31 August 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6335 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ll ACES.-The only ?? in London to procure JLI, INDIA-RUBBER WATERPROOF CLOTHING, Free from Smell, is at 72, PICCADILLY, opposite the Bath Hotel.-J. GURNEY AND CO., Patentees. Wli R E S RESTLING. - CORNWALL and W t DEVONSHIRE WRESTLING will take place at the Jolly Caulkers, Deptford Lower-road, Rotherhithe, on Whit-Monday, Tuesday, and Wedoesday, May 12,13, and 14,1856, Proprietor Mr. G. Rsoke. ...

Published: Sunday 11 May 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2078 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Published, Price is. by Post, Is. 2d.. rjHE SPFORTING-. RESOURCE.S U. OF IRELAND, with Suggestions for Increasing Game, more par- ticularly in the County of Waterford. By a DPvTY 'LIsOT5NraT o Dublin: Bonoss, SMITH, and Co., 10X, Grafton-street. London: Jimses RanewwX, Piecadilly. RlURAL SPORTS BY STONEHENGE. Price lOB. Sd., half-bound. f RITISH RURAL SPORTS. By LB STONEHENGE. ...

Published: Sunday 24 August 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5489 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... MADAME TUSSAUJ)'S, BiAZAAR, BAKER STREET, PORTiTAN.SQOAREE-Full Longth Portrait Models oS DOVE and PAILM ER arc uow added to the Elihihition. Ad iittaiee, Vn e ShiIllng. Extra Booms, Sixpeoce. Open from Eleven In the .tlornig till Ten at Nlight, Brilliantly illuminated at Eight o'clock. ftOI{DON'4 CUJMMING, the LION HUNTER, will be at home in his Encamppment, surrounded by the spoils and ...

Published: Sunday 26 October 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2336 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices