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Advertisements & Notices

... NOT' 'm Fsht by tl:c MXail SteftlP~0As to Haslifax and Boston, and to Newf, Yorl; sreot., £4 s'ar~ ton, and S per cent. primage. IP lralli on F.,rcelx 5r. eachl anid upwards, accarding to size. PA ILZ' gnri ditforont Congalgces, collected and maode, up in TI Sin to Pcleaer, dfrctcd ..on party for ?? in Amtl alti:cts tCU ' in l pM1OO5 oif- cycl--11ing the', pa!y:' ant of Freight, 0O a isoixop, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wregh byth ~ NOTICE. ;~IAby kdire team4 ers to, HAndlifax and Boston, and to No ork direct6. 4peratoh and 5pw per oent. primage. Xtelqhton. Pacl e ahadu rds, according to lsie, PARCELS for different Cos e8 collected and maode up III ding'.e fackag~es, ?? 0 ton0e party for ?? ID Cmrc, o h purpose Of evading: the payment Gof Freiht wil po eainiaatio5 in Americtaby the CUuhtooss,be charged TI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENT.. TheVe non, is apl JOHN WHITNEY, at Rlaphoe 8, CHAPEL-S1'IEET, ati the Back atf the Exchlange,' FATAL (For nearly 30 vears cannecu-d ?? the Albion NfCwva.56.12 Tue~da1y is Receivex ADVERTISIIUiIETS for all the ello step Lodnand Provincial News. Also for the London Times, house.T papers, . It 1 Gazette, adtei Mercantile Shipping Gazette, a l te i fleatela if to , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. Freight by the Mall Steamers to Halifax and Boston, and to New York direct, £4 per ton, and 6 per cent. primiage. ;,rIght, on Parcels 5e. each and upwards, according to sire. PACELS for different Consignees, collected and made up I Single Packages, addressed to one party for delivery in5 America, for the purpose of evading the payment of Fegts will, upon exa~ilnation InAmerica by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW. IRISH CHURCH MISSIONS SOCIETY. isN 5nday, the 14th instant, sermons will be preached, Y) if God permit, on behalf of this society, by the Rev. s. BABDSLEY, one of the association secretaries; in the morning, at Christ Church; and in the evening, at St, Paul's. The annual meeting of the Preston association will be held on Monday evening, the 15th instant, at the Corn Bxchange, when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B LACKB URN. H. F. JOPSON GSto inform his Pupils and friends that he will LI resume his professional duties on Thursday, thle I 24th Instant. Blackburn, July 4th, 1856. FEILDEN'S ARMS, OPPOS1TS THE 'rOiNr SALL, BLACKBURN. RI . BEARDS WORTHl is prepared to supply Fa- milies, Innkeepers. arid others, with ICE, In any ?? lind. 1856. FBILDEN'S ARMS, f(pponite the Town-hall), W ILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eplfomthe body what is necefsary should be expelled there- frM. These three are the Stool, the Urine, and the Plorest. These must be kept In a healthy condi1tion, or ?? is Certain. THIS IS, A FIXED AND POSITIVE LAW - and nohuman being can safely' disregard It. In addition to t14 the Livejr must be kept in order. THE LIVERt la THE LARGEST ORGAN IN THE BODY, and has some Of the most important ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BL A CBIu RN. GRAND WHITSUNTIDE FESTIVITIES. T IE Committee of the United Socielies beg to inform the Public of Blaekburn and its Vicinity, that in consequence 1 of the Mayor and Corporation having refused the use of the Park; after being promised, the Sports will be held Field at Higher Ouzebooth, adjoining the Park, on WHIT-MONDAY, MAY 12th, 1856, when A G RAXND P RO0C E S S I O N Of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R.~ ELSA1WS ESTATE.-The K etosesce forhwih togendearlcu]c5 teref to us5, the Ufl3 Cs' solcior fr heinpeloa 1 har ~sut, hoare about tolditribte Mj.. Ito ond whch avecometo hsibisds.Allcruditovs wihe Omit to - sed n hirclim n r eor te ~t ayo Marchinstlt will be T ILOdJwyCabes ?? the inspector. T NJ OTICE is hrb ieta h atesi JLectu ers, endrthotle or, S rin of ?? 1, tosn~iil'b teen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 5ot k 4bnt. WTANTED, a Good, Plain COOK.-Apply at Lonqcoight Hall, fitockport Rlovad, Lonigsight. i~ANTED,, a Respeotable SERVANT for Genle- in ?? to-aay itadijMonday. be~ ANEin a stuall family whrorethe washing Ls pt ou 1.1respectable English 1UIRL.-APoilY at 43, B3ridge- ATrOetr. raascilester. - TANTED, i.MAN-ISERVANT, to, Iattend ~to`- W ' to a Uer~e arid Gianslcr. Te w.ill be expected to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DFFENDER FIRE AID LIFE. JOEN A g (.AIMS, 31, Market-Steet, Local Searetary and AgenteA SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION A \ FOR LIjFE AS 3SIJBANllE : Established 1027.-The premiunm at a earlyand uniddlc ages arc about one-fourth lower than in other par- _ i'i pating offcs sad the whole profits rare dirided among those wiho A pauvi up in premhur and omspound interest the amounts of thoir .C31. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ?? JO w '6 Des C ILT AL' P1 Edde mixed adVW salemr B PT'. Is the desired Gnd 1a H T, For eliver r Mine lverya STEA C Jude iD aa Are an' C! Cali gune of coo nay t sithos A 1, 1I, Cr DARASOLS.-PeADFORD AND SON, MANUFACTURES P A M~~~19 I~A R K BT-S T R E T, (%3Ppoite B`. Hyism'e4ER) THQMAS JUBILEE WOOD, Hat Manufacturer, 33, Market-street and 51, Markipt-street.- - ?? Btranlgeway. Manchester. ...