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Advertisements & Notices

... c1It$ b'j 3utip, To be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, at S6, DUIRIIA)I STREET, corner of Glengall Street, on TUESDA Y, 16thi Soptember inst., at TWELVE o'clock noon, THE LEASE OF TlE HOUSE No. 86, AND Tof the House and Shop No. 86W, I)urham Street; hleld Under WILLLAM HAMILTON, Esq., at tile yearly Rent of X25, for a terna of fifty yenrs, from Ist day of 5Iay, 18950. Tile IIouse anld Shop ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST AND BANGOR. .. s , r[IRIe STEMA ER PILOT WILL ceasm piving on the abrve Sta, UW,~ n tion oni SATURDAY EVENING, 27th .OS inscta n t. EOHERT HIENDERSON, Agent, 19, Donegall Quay. Belfast, 25th Sept., 1S36. 288S 'TO CONTRACTORS. P LA N S AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR V the Erection of a Three-Sturey House, to be bUilit oplo)itl tIe UIlster Railwav, can be seen at Mr. KI'NIA'S, Architect, 161, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CHURCH OF IRELAND YOUNG AMEN'S SOCIETY. Establisheda .nauary, 1l51). TlHE USUAL MONTHLY MEETING OE 1 the above Society will be held (l).V.), on TUESDAY Evening, ]Bill June, in ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL-ROOIM, at l:IGt L' o'cloclk, when the Rev. HUGH HA.MILTON, Vicar.General of Dro- more, will deliver an Address on The Life of the Carlist Chief, and the effect of Revolution on the furtherance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMOAINS TO-MORROW, AI)DIITIONAT. CURATES' FuND SOCIETY. r IRRNIONS WILLT (D.V.) BE PREACIIED o (II SUINDAY Morninig next, Q4th FebruaIry, 1856, as fOIIOwvs:- Sr. GEORGEI:S C lmucu, Bel-fT~R~CPR;hl Sr.'t GbnesCieci Thle Rev. C. P. Reichel. ST. JOIIN's Citnacir, Do. The Rv. Clhaq. Sraver. KNXaCIBILIMD.A IVIRCI! The tuv . IW. -8llmdne. After the Sermons, Collections wvill be madc for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP BREAD, HUGH APALISTER p EGS TO INFORM THE PUBLIC, THAT B havin- commenced the Bakiig Business in that old-estal blished( Concern, 10, 1-HERCULES STREET, (Lately occupied lby Mr. Canning,) Ile is prepared to supply Fermentedl and Upzfer- gneneted Bread of Superior qwlditq. From his long experience (having been employed in one of the largest Blaking Concerns in Ireland as Foreman), aud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. SUGAR TOYS, IN URIAT YAIEIT1Y, AT 'WILLIAM DO3B1BN & CO.'S, 45& a 47, NoRTIt STII.ET. 3914 DRESDEN ROOMS, DONEGALL PLACE, (NEIRLY OPPOSSITE L IMPERIALT, HOTEL), BELFAST. T. lBUCKLEL BEGS TO ANNOUNCE eJ* that, lie bhs just returlned from the variou, Glass andi China Maholactwtries with a large stock of thle Newest Patterils ol EXA, B'.tEAKFAST, I)INNER, DESSERT, and TOILET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlIS EVENING. 'TlHE CiHURCII OF IREl1IJAND YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY, ESTABLISIIMI), JANU1a.Y, IS50. APULIC MIEEITING OF Tl-S SOCIETY A will be held (D.V.) on V1,U)NESi)AY Even- ila' next, 12t 1March, in the CORN EXCHANGE, at ElIGIIT 'clock, vali tku Rer. GE'ORGE PAKEN HAM DESPARD, B.A., up VIliFo~N, Will deliver an addres onl l'he Patagonian? lis- sionary Societv. All parties frienlfiv to this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIE BXTTLE OF TIHE TAMPB. A SERMON ON THIS SUBJECT WILL A (God willing) be PREACIIl,) in the PRI- mIIrVE WrESII.YAN ME'mIulum ST CIIAPEL, DONEG.iALL PLACE, on SABBA'I'TH EVENING, tilhe 1th March, 1S5(, by Rev. J. WHITE. Service to commence at SEVEN o'clock. .3pThe ANNUAL COLLECTION, in aid of the Sabbath-School in coinnexion e ith this place of Wor- siup, +vill bo taken up after the Serinii. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PARCEL OF TEA. JUST TO HAND, A PARCEL OF TEA, in which will be found those ESSENTIALS SO much sought for by Families, at 4s 4d per lb. Very Rich and Perfectly Pure COFFEE, at Is 8d per lb. - JOSEPH ANDERSON, 1589 122 , NORTH STREET. JOHN FINES, DEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND D FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9, SMI I-HFIELD, Belfast. N. B.-New and Second-Hand FURNITURE Boulght and Exchanged. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Suit Of West uf England Black Cloth, WVoaded Colour, May be hlad Ready-Made, or Made to Order on Short Notice, for £3 17s Gd, at A R N 0 L ) 'S, 45, HIGnt STREET. 1937 IRISH AND RICA FLAX. M CCLURE & CO. ARE HOLDERS OF Fine and Medium Irish Flax, carefully so- lected; also Rigt Flax, of different usarks; all which they will sell at fair prices. Belfast, 14th July, IS5G. 20SS ON SALI AT MAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PURE FRENCH COLZA OIL; PALMER'S CANDLES. ROBERT & D. J. PATTERSON, 40, High Street. 3526 ON SALE, A T 2, CORPORATION STREET, BEL- A FAST, at moderato prices, a large Stock of BAGS and SAMlKS, including a lot of very superior quality for use of Farmers; also a large quantily of Indian Corn CALICO BAGS, at from :Is to GR per Dozen. 3527 R. M. CARSON. PATENT FELT. m HE SUBSCRIBER BEING APPOINTED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J U S T P IJ B L I S H E D, THE BELFAST AND PROVINCE oEp T I ~~~UI.STlER DIRECTORY FOR 18568 ('TIII1D VOl.UMKF.) Price os; or by Post, 5s Gd. Oi'clers to be sent to the Pulider's o!Ticm, N, 10, BRIDGE STREET, Befiast. G. IT. CARSE TEGS TO AtNNOUNCE' TIf~kr lIl., iity~ JB ),~,l, jlpj{oijjre-1 AGE.XIN fol. d1w, S .,t SPENCER'& CO. S VITRIFIED antl Gl.-z!21j) EAR'IIE'NWVAIRE, lR J't: BES, \E WI ...