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Advertisements & Notices

... TO MlUSICIANS. OR SALE, A GRAND PIANO-FORTE, F the PropertY Of till lat,? .M1r. JoIIN HANLON, Procentor of May Street C'iuic'Lh To be seen at 12, Innis Place, Blackstaff Road. B3E A R S F O) R S A L E. r WVO FINE NO)RTH AMIERICAN CUBS, ApplY Yl the Ofnee Of' this Paper. ___3572 NEW S A:UCE. rI1RY MICKLEBURGH'S CELEBRATED L BRIGHTON TONIC SAUCE, the most de- licious Sauce in the worid. To be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN FINES, TEEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9, SMIrHFIELD, Belfast. N.B.-New and Second-Hand FURNITURE Bought and Exchanged. The highest price given for Job Goods. 1187 BY REV. DR. 1I'COSH AND DR. DICKIE. tYPICAL FORMS AND SPECIAL ENDS ILTIN CREATION. Crown 8vo, with Woodouts, price 7s Gd. Edinburgh: THOMAS CONSTABLE & CO. London: HAMILTON, ADAMIS, & CO. Belfast: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIlS EVENING-LAST NIGHT. GALLAHER'S TABLE TATLK CIHATOLLOGY. ONE NIG11T mORE! AT TILE CORN EXCHANGE ROOMS, VICTORIA STREETr, BELFAST, ON F'RII).AY EVENING, OCTOBER 10 1/rR, GNAU IIER, 'MOST TIIUNKVgUL M f9t'or the Eatlulsiastie Reception his Euter taillimett met with in Belfast, respectfullly annlounces that on the abnvo Eveloit g lie will give solmetthing New fronm tle 2nd Chalpter or BARNEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIllS EVENING. 0 Lord, how mtattifold are Thlt Ivorks! in wvisdlom hcast Thou made them all. D CIENTIFIC LECTURES, FOR YOUNG i Persons, will lie Delivered (God willing) in the M)AGDALENR SCHOOL-ROOMIS, on the Even. ijms of TI-IURSDAY and MIONDAY, the 27th and -tilt March, 18356, otl the followintr sublects:- LCTraB I.-TIITRSDMAY, March 27tl: 1Instinct aml ?? RICIHARD Dmvtsox, Esq., N.P. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE OWNERS SMALL HOUSE PROPERTY. C ENTLEMEN-You were sadly flollted at G the last meeting of the Town Council; and, tholugl I d(o not profess to be any ad(lmirer of the class to which you belong, had I been able to have left London in time to be in my place at tile Council when your memorial was presented, you would not have been so treated-at least with impulilty. Among tile various ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GU AN O. vPpER PERUVIAN GUANO, ;£10 Os. perTon. CIlIllAN GUANO, .. 9 0 do. MJANCHESTER ABATTOIR,Do., 7 10 do. GWO\AVN , PARKE, & CO., 9, Victoria Chambers, Belfast, January, 18s;. AenoY of the NATIONAL. PROVINCIAL .FIRE, AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPAYN. Ditto of BLACK BALL Australian and Ame- rican Packets. 328 BELFAST CEIMETERY, NIALLONE. N ORDER, TO SUPPLY THIl WORKING T Chsses with BURIAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO C 0 It T'lES1'N ?? rS. 'Comi:.1cALI 'IRAVEi.1-.IE.-NVc ca'innot inscrt your CommulivIatiOIl, tlls VOn have not furnished la u vith your uinule. [111- M\'iC T-LN.APil ] LONDON STOCK EXt HANGE-YmSTERDAY NOON, PRICES. Con-,ds for Money . . . shiut D)0 for Accouiit .. ?? f l* New Ihlrce per Cents. .4, London m(lid North. Weo-stern RsIiWOv 1 Great \Vestern 1::ailway, * 2.15 P. i. rliclrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE wish to inform our subscribers and advertising friends in the fol'owing Towns and their Vicinities, that Mlr. MACARTIHY will leave this Office on Mlonday, the 8th December, for the purpose of receiving their sub- scriptions for the Current year, and all other accounts due to this Establishment. Those who may have occasion to be from home1 , lvill please leave directions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R E M OVA L. /IR. G. 1EHYN 1HAkS REMOVED 1ils 1A Office to the CORN EXCHANGE BUILD. INGS, VICTUARI STREET, formerly Belt st L loyd's Room. Belfast, Nov. I, 1856. 3443 RE E O V AL. JOLIN DONNFLLY, SILK, WOOLLEN, and F.ANCY DYEIR, begs ti) inlfolrn his nlume- rous patroeis, that he his Removed from Banrk Lane, to 111i'o cemmodious premises, No. 28, KING STRREET (nealrly opposite the Savinvs' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ,rY PlRESENT STOCK OF DINNER )1 SERVICES, BREAKFAST, T E A, and '1OlLJET WARE, is most extensive in Style and + ietv, selected with the greatest care, and will be sold at the lowest remunerative profit. J. R. WILKINSON, 1051 IOS, I1wqr ,Street (opposite St. George's Church.) NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THOMAS KEENAN E G S TO INFORMI HIS FRIENDS AND B tte Public nt large, that ho has Removed from No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRUBERS AND AGENTS. WVi beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of our unstamped papers in the principal towns through- out Ulster, in order to meet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consistently with our aim to 'Nurnish the earliest and best intelligence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS, WVE NVish to inform our subscribers and advertising friends in the following Townis and their Vicinities, tbat Mr. MI.LCAnTIXY ?? leave this Office on MIonday, the 8th December, for the purpose of reccivinig thleir sub- scriptions for the current year, and nil other accou51ts due to this Establishment, Those rvho may have occasion to be from home, Will please leave ...