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Advertisements & Notices

... C8RIST CHIURCH, PRESTON. DAY SCHOOLS, DAILY INPAJTS' SCHOOL, AND LARGE DISTRICT LIBRARY. N Sunday net, the 10th instant, the ANNUAL U J COLLECTIONS are to be made in' Christ Churcb, for the aupport of the ?? valuable institutions. The sermon in the morniag, by the Bev. JOHN OWEN PARR, MA, Vicar of Preston, Hon. Canon of Manobes- get, and RUTS! Dean; in the afternoon, by the Rev. G. ALKEB, M.A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~ANTED, as HOUSEMAID and WAITRESS,1 WVY ?? (in a small famifly), aGirl, aboost 13years of age.- Apply at thle printarO. ANTED, a Respectable Engglish SERVANT W OF ALL WORK, by a small fml in the country -AipilY - at 6, Mlardenk-atreet, Manslheoter. . r ~etlaat% ~%itanto, grente &,C. ANTED, a Female ASSISTANT in the( WDrpery arid Bonnet, Buisinoss.- Apply to T. Sseiqll, Reohdais. WIANTED, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~jqP`~LEAN'S UENTIL RE VA LENTA, for lualidan e'N as Food' ued also atir making ;ottages, Oqis InaubeFrno nin]e~i.cnanacrigt TIWAIRVEY'S (3A'UCE.--The admirers of tbis ..LL celebrated Fish Satice are paiticularly requested toosre that none iqe genuine but that which bearm 'he nane, of WILLIAMs LAZENiBY on thua back of eaoch battle, in nitilitimi to the front label tused so many yearse, arel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .5, . -~vrts.. %. . - - N OTICE.-BRITISH PROTECTOR . L1FF fl N ASSURANM COMPArY.-BRANCH OFPICES REMOVED .LJ TO 7, RK ETSTREET.-Buslnesa for the year ending, July 21: - Policies inued, 1,305s Sums assured, £126 182, A beinra firet-class general busineas, and showing the coindence of the A puhe in this company. Mr. .. W. WiLLIAMS, Manager. .D. HE. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE E oxchange-atree8t St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ywALKF4t'S WARMING & VENTILATING qlORS Low~l H3NG.STREN, MANCESTE- Wo.,bfiashd for the manufacture of approved apparatus for the abovet Hot-water and steam pipes boilers of various forms, stop- I A~na valves, coils, with oranamenta1 ca50e, and all other requisitesI jor heating. i~TIAEIS PATE'NT HEAT-BOX, of vaious 'V forms, suitble for every variety of situation,, such as halls, ages Offices, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W~ILJLIAIV BROWN, Tobacconist, Deano, tto. G F o and try his No. 62 ?? COYTHES, Hay Rakes, and Forks, of the best MON ioakes, olieap.-14, Olaham-atreat. RUSHITON, Estate Agrent andI Valuer, 23 J Loower Moolety'struet. _T EL!CIOUS TEA, 4s. per lb.-W. iLAM~ S, JJ family grocer, Blank View, Read Batik. The E IF1RESCRFELD, Dentian, 11?movlD tu former ri .kY 229, BELOHAVE PLACE, ?? ngo wern (1HOP ...

,tituationii, R1onep

... , &e._ ANTED, a COOK, at the Augel Hotel, W Sheffield.-None need apply but those aoutsromed to the _ A CtENILEXMAN alsndhie Wife wish to RESIDE, l lriespetahisamly, lan tfhe ?? of Manchester; Alderlcya iw DULdmtn retrerreel. A. Erivate Sittwlg Rooin ?? Xl59 at the printers'. _ ?? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Vo Engravers ald Calico Printers.-Wanted, two I 1T good Dyeleakers.-Aply to J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pbi RMUNUM0.GSS TURDAYEVENING OONCERTS.~ S CAT RTHLL, LORD NELSON-STREET TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) EVENING, the Ist March, MRtS. MOTT. From he Mncheter oncerts. wIows. CH RLS UILMETTE, From the ItlaFecadEglish Operas. Accoinpanyiht-MADlEEGNE GIJILMETTE. PROGRAMME. no- STeep gentead ?? ow ?? Bishop. Air-Mrs Mo'tt, ;The dream of joy. ?? .Donuizetti. Duett-Mlrs. ott and Muss Sudlow, Hoeard ;th a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL LIVE: | ITS PLEASURES, PRACTICES, AND I' PASTIMES. A Series of Papers under tk above title, and descriptive of some of tbe Arnumua ents pro- vided for the People, end the Abeminations by which they froe sun'ounded, will be published in the columnin of the LIVEMPOOL MasnuY. The i first Paper will appear on Monday, June 23, and i the Series. will be continued in the succeeding I papers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORhESPONDENTS. il o0: Weo Gcan ot undertaice to return commanlcatlonas of which ew ,, do not avail ourselves. co Com;nunlcetinns should always be legibly written, and on -` side of tboe papsr only. If long it increases the idtv-'-Y of re finding space for thenm. Whatever Is ittendedl f,,r insertioni must besesvctcatodbythe ! Mame and address of the writer, not ,,assarlly for publIca- IS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... urn ESTABLISHED A.D. 1849. B ADVERTISING AGENT TO ALL THE PRINCIPAL MER. CANflILE FIRMS AND TRADESMEN OF LIVERPOOL. cc T1rENRY GREENWOOD, General Adverimti AN w A Agent, Is the AUTIIORISBD AGENT in Liverpool for ir receiving Advertisomenta for the following Newapappors.:- w Loldon Gazette (bi-weekly), .anchester Eaaminer and ac Lonidon Timnes (daily), Times (dal'y), Be ?? Shivpying Gazette, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ATURDAN NVN1 NCHETS p..= COIORET TIALL, LORD TIEvULISSREET. On SAT17rAT EYsMIF NsXt, thb 7th instant. THE SISTERS SOP'HIA AND ANNIE WILA Llvs Trrr u 'VOCAL .N1D MIM16 EN'.fER2'AIV;MErN BSTl 5LBV SKIETCTIES FRo NA'n - Introilt4cin.lst ?? Cl ' ^ f SALLY SUDS. To eor nma&ce at Eight o'clock.-Adtnisalon: Body, d., Sde Gasierrls, Wd.; Reserved Seats, Iz. S~IN0n5 COLASSS-Sineg lasses, nnder tho ...