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Advertisements & Notices

... ACARD-Mr.CEARLES TILNEY, Civil Engineer, Architect, &t, No. 1, Warwivik-place, Leeds. TET LEY'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE.- TThis Season's Brewirigs are now being delivered, of the umsal fine entlity, and in the best conditiou. The BEREWERY, Leeds. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS. LON ?? Upper Thamnes-street. DUBLIN ?? Middle Abbey-stcet. ?? winiegate. LIVERPOOI ?? Excirange-street West. 31IANO [iT E ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IANOFORTES.-J. SYKES, 30, Boar-lane, P eeds tbe beet and cheapest Stock of PIANOFORTES, «ABi,[yNIt MS, CONCERTINAS. bs Wheatstone & Case, a Fletiat , Comoeaus. 'lirsioal Boses. Eiht-lseSed Cocoa Flutes, 21. each; Braow an~ ?? Violins, Violorcellos, Bows; French and En'.'ioh aaofsrtes i D great variety. t1rardts Dlouble-action Harb. £35. ?? lusiC at hallfpnee. Pianofortes Tuned by J. dykes, 30. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... #1 LT, thle CRAVEN IfEIFEIG, Green-row, UM Mabsato. Leeds. .loi ~~o be LET, the ?? SU~N INN, batley lil care, lear ~ewu~ry. Satis~act'5r reasons can be given for the ap L, Otley.-To be LET], tile the J) ~~ fiN, in WcO~~ite, t~~trey. For particulars as to rent, for .tc.. 1,pir o Mr. fhoeillta:I-diy, CoruiMills, ijtley. It ICE L LE BEER.-HOUSH-, to LET.-R-ent I ~ .tc~iealloston Iow-Several ESTAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In tho Matter of J obn Baipty, Wooltcn Ya rMannfifachithr, a Th Na-pty's lyoolcli Yarn Worksk Bnk-ruptho -tiie; iie Hunsleb. Mgeet Va-li s~, o'vi~nr I ,* Wi.),itm, =lnier~y. nelsity flew, re 6ip1lg ela Tan .,Saadolo nporist Property anti Fiff c,-A Isloi,_ 1f.l1DT%. VW'K en ;tr: fwleisis with ?? the aisi- A )'5l-is. bi i kra,n,t, cs, zir I inj An nrti1n, Oil Tocosd4cebu hi OSd.3o C & i 'ntn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... As 16 I 17 b 27 t 37 t a. 2n ag id h. my Is. oh, 0- m ?? er a of id re, w ins ly Ps le g. C. n. 00 td in ga in Re )d 5, IS al Bt is Oid so e0 (ll a it td ofj re - - ?? Gs- u er as-posT Een o'clock. TO7 APV k11Y1TlbNl, 0 we have constant inquiry respeecting the price of Short advertisements, we publish the following extract from our scale for the information of persons desirous of advertising: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vb~erpool Wool ,5balts. r0 On Tnto'da.y., thc FilecnhL inselal, at the Brokers' S.le-rooM, il, the North John-street, Lo 2,000 Bales EastIndia. $0 Do. Eoptirm. &c. -- 2,5io Baics WO)OL. Apply t-) ABRAM G(ART&LDE and CO., Wool Brokers, Liverpool. an( On Teesdaey the Fifteenth January. adl folloiing days, at the Bro- ha] kers' Wsae-room, 25, Tem,,Ie-stnaet, 1,590 Bales East India, Egyptian, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CNCPRT.-To-ntight.-CO NCERT 5 IfDB-Vocalists. Miss hIARIA WILSON, Mr. b r BiiRD,ID. r. M HUDSON. Mr. HOLMES, Mr. iVAN zSWALE. Solo p010 ist, dSr. W. J. PRICHARD, who itd offered is valuable services for the occasion. 05t lo Sijon, Pd.: Front Seats, Is. Doors open for saloon ers, 3d5 past six. Ticket holders for front seats at a quarter lerM .alhe payio at the doors, (front seats), at seven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IISSES PLINT respectfully announce that the1 M . dnties of their School will be Resumed on Thursdey. the 11teuiy-foutilsj' t l 2. Park-pL.-e., JanO5aaTW.2d T E Duties8 of Mrs. HAGENCAUER'S Moring Cl1ass will be Reesmed on Thusnrday. Janiuary Tweeaty-fsorth, 1Sa6.-G-5. Byron-street, North-street, Leeds. ~(RS. H-ORNIERS School will be Re-openedI on MTesslay, the Fifteenih of Januaary.-13, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~Xotft~. RECH SCHOO3L of FIE ARTS.-The jy7ST EXHIBITION of the FIENC1H SCVOOL of the .3 SHin LEE:DS, including }1siS AETaaSI] Iosa Bionheur's cele&taced Picture of THE HiORSE FAIR, 0 w OPEN at the Muac-bal, At/hioe street. Admission Is. isowB. PtoDSHA, Secretary. open from ten to four, ans six to nine. fortheworking dsisse~s open every etering from seven till ten, J Admi4 eip eiPenCt. Oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oth CAjRD.-Mr. W. CARF,, Jrun., Bachelor in the A 3lertC~ttO. vford. MenshorOf',bn Royal ollege of Surgeons, 1Rn ~~tes t te COT ALL ketc., for Ladies' 'V -, ~ ~ . fi. DOBSON d 5~2, Brigealte. ad Co.. Proprietors. IANaOTi'T1-PS.~-.j. SYKES, 30, Boar-lane. teds aehot h Ad oireavest, %ocie of PtANOFORTES,Te Pgl1M, S 0 OII RTINAS. 1-v Wheatstons & ae:lluach ' I P05~i'rf'rC5. .'iocrorte ¶1unei Iy j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Afibrtrjlood W1ool Koa% On Tuesday, dihc Ffjtecuthl instant, 'at the Brokers' Sale-room, 10,2 INorth Johonstreet, 2,010 le Iotndria. 500 Do. Egyptianr. hc. -2,5.0 Males WooL,. Apply to ABrA.,m (4ARTSII)E and CO.. Wool Brkcers, Liverpool, On 'hursday, tire. ,aeenl~enlins anlrsr at fouony nec', at the Brokers' 2,0 ae 8ale-room, 10, -North john-street. 2, ?? Ft inrtia. affl 300 Buuojyres, Tarkey, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7~HE Dutttks of Mrs. HAGENAUER'S Morningo, T I (las ,ill he fleswnioel on Thursdeiy. .7inury Twentti-fOllrta, 18:6-95. Yr0o e1treet. Nlortli-styeet, ILees. J tue 3'r1HE .M.ISES THUR{NA11 1respectfiflly an. ,_ nonnee Guat the duties of their SchooI will ha Retumned on- 2'uesday, flee Pt cnla insant. A IVAICANCY for ONE BOALRDER. St. Alban's-street, Leeds, 4th Jan.. 1888. BU 1t1A NOO FYS HA LL, ...