... THE LIBERTY OF THE SUBJEUT AT HAMBURG. HAMBlURG, Dna. 29. | It is seldom that a more painful sensation has been created here than by the announcement of the arrest, and arbitrary imprisonment, of Mr. Julius Campe, the head of the well-known liberal publishing firm of Hofman and Canmpe, of this city. This gentleman is the publisherof aseries of works, written by Dr. Vetse, on the secret history ...


... FASIIICNABLR INTELLIGENCE. ? VW'NSoR, ?? rThe' Earl of Clarendonand Colonpi 8teeleo'CC ObAd5~ 1Giuards), late ?? 9eo~etary to .the Commander-in-Chief in the Crimea, arrived yesterday, afternoon on'a Visit to her ]ajesty., The dinner .party included her Royal Highness the 'uchess of- Kent, her foyal Highness the Princess Royal, hi ESerene Highne9ssPrince Ernest of.;Lelngen, the Bel. gian ...


... ITHAMQA~IOAL. '4tk,4m~~' :. - I TREATmaEROYAL- ThePi48 patoeli athiiuev, evening after evening, to draw overflowing and fashionable houses. The audience lest night was a bumper.: The' box circles were thronged with fashlonebtes-not elono residentsof Dublinj but also many groups of visitors from the provinces. The entertaihmeats commenced with the romantlc drams of The 2 Brigand, the leading ...


... S1,ELT. CTED POETRY. T[E BII:'rlI OF THU YEAR. Lar us speak low, the Infant is aslcep, Tile frosty hill grow shlarp, the Day is near, And Pliosphor with his taper comes to peep Into the cradle or the now-born year IL shb ! the infolalt is asleep, Monarch of th lay nand Night, W\ hisper, yet it is not light, Fhle infant is asleep. Thosec arms shaill crush great serpents, ere to-morrow Ills ...


... DR UY-V .LA N THEA TRE. The Wizard of the North has got a -Boland for his Oliver. As he has started a pantomime at Coveat-Garden, Drury-Laue has produced a Wizard. From the S8.W. by S. comes the rival of the North; and in Mr. Charles Mathews, Mr. Anderson may find what lie does not appear yet lo have met in any Englisbman-a dangerous competitor. Our ver- satile ?? Made his appearance in this ...


... LITE~RA TUBB. Weofssinseer Review. Ne. XVII. Jenrrary, 1S5G. This is a good number or the Westrminster. The topics a-te interesting-the mode of treatment vari ous. W'ith no deficiency in depth and solidity, there im a greater lightness of touch rend a more practireni literary ability than are sometimes to be met witll in the pages of this able periodical. The first article is on that strange ...


... UTERA TURE. '1'iss ,DrJH1ae Njrqv',cnsry: 'BAGAZ~tNE-('R~5I~a11dI Biackeft, Lonado; MGelashan and Gill, Dublin).-We waited ?? anxiety for the present number of tbe UniO'*'sity, for; h rely 'to a statement'by a cotisn1orary that the r.l mba' zine wduid heiceforward bepub) isbed in London, the present proprietors declareditbat-in no respect, except in the transfer of proprietorabip, wdonld' a ...


... 2E AROCHTEFUTURAL EXHIBITIO2. I The Architectural Exhibition for 1856 has opened for the season, the galleries of the Society of British Artists, Suffolk- streetV Pall-mall east, being engaged as usual for the occa- sion. The catalogue contains the names of 585 drawings, Including a few photographs ; and there is also an important collection of specimens of decorative art, materials, manu- ...


... VICEREGAL COURT. His Excellency the Lord Lieatenant attended Di- vine service at Christ's Cathedral, on Sunday. The sermon was preached by the Rev. William Chichester O'Neill. The anthem, selections from The MIes- siah, Te Deum, Jubilate, and Sir John Steven- son's Royal, in C. The Earl of Leitrim has left Dublin for Killadoon, Celbridge. The Earl of Bective has left the Bilton ...


... * LITFIRATUR E. -4- ADY WILLOUGIBY; OR, THE DOUBLEl MARRIAGE. ady )1illoughbY, or ?he Double MIarriage. By lare lA TotcU1' tbnbou': Hurst and Blackett, h~is i8 au ec~eedingly brilliant novel, with a lot fall of interest and excitement, developed with rcnt skill, anl adorned with clever aketches of an0ners and skilful portraiture of charaoter. The a brief outline of the ?? , aloughby is, when ...


... - - -I . MD DM1 JI~Y OLDSCaMIDT LIND'S CONCERT. Ls' t ?? Madame Goldsohnildt gave tlie founth of her 0odcorts of sacred music at. Exeter Hall, the oratorio teing Handel's Messiah. Madame Goldsohmidt, in her deliery ofthe be5t soprano ?? Haydn's .Creation, bad shown that site ?? all the power, sweetness, and flexibilitY which are essential to the correct. and effective rendering of tbis ...


... mUsIc. MADAME GOLDSCMIDr-LTND'S CONCERTS. The performance of noe Messiah, at Exeter-hail, last night excitei extraordinary interest, for Jenny Lind had sever sung in this oratorio in Loidan. Nor were the highlT wrought expectations of the public disappointed. The divias sublimity and beauty of 4her singieg was some- thing which could net have been anticipated even from her Iown previous ...