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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... T thme TWiENTY-SECOND HALF-YEARLY i. GENERlAL MEETING of the CALEDlONIAN IIAILWAY (csii PANY. hmehlt at the 3ertmarmts' llalt, (lhisgow, on Thursday, lime C'0th day of Mardi SI~oi,- WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Ecq., Callhilman of thc Board of Directors, in the Chiair- lhie Advertisrtrment calling thie lceting having been reaed the Cotilltlon Seal of the Companly Wors attached to the rcgisters of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC IMEETING. ORICIXAL RA.4COLE IAA1rDUtS2'rIAL SCHOOLS. T HE ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING of these . Schools will be held in thC MllcSIC IIAL, Gcorge Strect, TIItS DAY (IVESDAY, March 18), at One o'clock r.P- Sll ROBERT KEITH AR.BIUTHNOT, Bart., in the Chair. The Right lion. the EARL of SOUTIIlSI, The Right lion. the LOIRD) ADVOCATE, The Right Rlev. 131S1OP TElMROT, The Rle. Dr GUTHRI2E, The Rev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P B I N T I N G. nHOMAS ALLALN & COMIIPANY, I LAW GENERAL PRiNTEllS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PRINTING en tire Shortest Notice. 260 Idiots STIZEET, Edinburgh, July 1853. UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND. B RANCTES of this BANK will be OPENED B Or the 7th curt., in MONTRIOSE, under the anan t of Me lesrs F ?? Iurl Gitrec s nd ;IIhtlEEMUIEI, under th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O T I C E- IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the j l evered ALEXANDER SHEPHERD, Minister of the Pd1S~i ofiDAL.TON, lsas raised a Process of Augmentation, 4~fidoation, Dnd Locality of his Stipend before the Teind Court, gairnt the Patron, Titulars, nnd Taciismen of the Teinds, 8erltom and Liferenters, and all others havinag, or pretending to avs, interest tr the 'einds of the sold Pmish; lwhich will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. EXAMINATION' FOR DEGREES l\ ARTS. LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS. A. VOLUNrARY EX.4[AINA TON. FrIST CLAsS OF HOSOURS-VaCant. SECOND CLASS OF HoxoT t5-Vacaut. D. NECESSARY E.Y.4XAI.MATIONM Logic. Metapll. Bo3th. Full value of 2usetioes, as 48 4 1 John Barbour, . I3, 53 32 S5 James Davidson, . 58 26 84 James S. Wilsoo, . 49 29 78 Maurice Paterson, . 4S 25 0S l'obert HEendersn, E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PR IN T ING. '11HOMAS ALLAN & COMPANY, TL LAW & GENERAL PRlINTERlS, 'Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PllINTING on thc Shortest Notice. 265 HIGH STREET, Edinburgh, July 1536. HIGH SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH. HT E OFFICE of one of the MTASTE1RS having F become vacant by the Death of Dr JAMESs Boi,4 CANDI- DATES are invited to lodge their Applications and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW SILKS, in FLOUNCES, BROCADES, and GLACES, JUST IECEIVED AT SCOTT, LOW, & CO.'S, being the LaTHST NovELTins of the Season. Coloured Flouncing Glaces, 8ld, 19d, 2s 1d, 2s 4id, 2s lOd, to _ 4s 3d. Rich Flounced Rtohes, at 58s 6d, 65s, 6Ss lid, 75s, s4s. Rich Brocaded Silks, from 2ss to Seven Guineas a Dress. Very Elegant :nd very Cheap ARTISTICALLY-MADE BELL PULLS, at KNOX, SAMUEL, & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'lE FRUIT SOIREE, FREE ST. DAVID'S T. CHURLCH, MfOKa00N STBEEr, tt;c placo TlflS EVENING at o'loc, wen ddrsse wil le dlivredby the R1ev. Di's ?? RI an cl~ dh DEGO AdRBev. Sir H. W. IiIONCiIEIFF, and Rev Messrs C:ROOM, DUNCAN, DA\VIDSON, 33ALFOUIl, &c. TICsERTS, 9d Each. ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY. The EXHIlBITION Is OPEN Daily from Nine to Five, and every Evening from Seven to Ten o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY r PAINTING, SCULPTURE, & ARCHITECTURE. The EXHIBITION is OPEN Daily from Nine to Five, and every Evening from Seven to Ton o'clock, AND WILL CLOSE ON SATURDAY, the 31st instant. .R.B.-Proprietors of the Works of Ast Exhibited are reqicsted o take measuret for their REMOVAL from the Gallery onl TuLs- DATr, the 3d instant, from Nine to Five o'clock, By Order of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC MEETING. THE REV. DR? MERLE DAUBIGX.E. ,R D'AUBIGNE will Address the Members of the Continental Associations in Edinburgh in reference to thle Operations of the Evangelical Society of Geneva, TO-DAY (WiDXiESAy, 4th June), at 2 o'clock Afternoon, in the QUEES STellXeT HALL All interested in the Spread of the Gospel on the Continent are carulestly requested to attend. A Collection will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PR I NT ING. THOMAS ALLAN & COMPANY, i LAW S GENERAL PRINTERS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PRINTING on the Shortest Notice. 2G5 Hion STREET, Edinburgh, July 1856. HE REPORT OF THE EDINBURGH T INSTITUTION FOR TIHE EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES, I PARKl PLACE-Explanatory of its Plus, end Embodying the Principles of a Sound Educational System for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N 0 TI C E. TN tle P R 0 0 E S S of AUGMENTATION, 1 MODIFICATION, and LOCALITY, at the istlance of the Reverend PATRICK JAMES STEVENSON, Minister of' the PARISH of COUPAR-ANGUS, against the licriters of tle said Parish, the Lord Ordinary, by an Interlocutor of date the Dth day of February 1856 years, appointed the whole Ileritors, or their Agents, to meet in CAT & BLAci's Salereons, George ...