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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... F UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED.-By hnd F Executors and bereaved Relatives of deceased noblemen. gen- da tIemen, tradesmene nd others, sending in the first instance to SH12- -I LIBEXRWS ESTA LISHMENT. CITY-ROAD nearsFunsbury-square, or No. 12, North-street, Qoadrant, Brighton, instead of employing ; their upholsterer, or the nearest andertzkr, who, not posseessng the ad- needfuf requirements resort ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II MAGNIFICENT DESIGNS in TABLE LINEN, ?? of fruits, flowers, and mythological devices; rich daa-lk csoth.s to dine eight persons, 10s. 6d. oab; dinner napkins to match; fine Irish and Russia saheetinr, of extra substance, from one to four yards wide; Irish Uineas of equa warpand weft towelling, cooks rubbers tea cloths, &ac.; lglotsshirtings, also a large stock of real Welsbh ranelo nd Wltoey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iadoOlav, cit.tal t iarea Lind issoes A s Rini.- Y -- 1 wein. atv brifiS fair 1,rices. N.t5.-AMh extenslso otock of the 0CiOOCCET V(NTkGE8 .ade GROWTHS. Porcigne Ltqueurit, e K rEVENS a d SON. '78, Bishopsgaftie.Btee~t Within ESpro ENGLISH GIN, itlebest streogth and fiest ?ualty. to-, 8r ?? eylo cbolre seal.tntlll Highland Whiskey, 'os pr ?? etrd spied (a advantagitts tortes. Terms, coob on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENNErT'S MODEL WATCH, 65, Cheapside. B A grcat variety in silver. from 5 g6.E; in gold from 12 ub. C INE GOLD) CHAINS and FINE UOLD n FjU JEIVELLEItYS-CRL ond SONS. N PR17 ad 18. CORN-I ??, okan ssrtment or Fine Gold Neck anl ui Guard iltans. Al~c:t ChlinsltO and BialovEistOfiugvery descriptionof 'A pattetO. tie price TarI irg from 3t.ii o8u 8 h ual~o At 1na 1)ucs toXIS ls. Thult ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILLIP direct (halif the greater patt rOR PORT ?? i.r crgo eced, the spiendid prithis frigate built clipper 'I year- . 1.007, toes per roctieter. coppered ald )D111'LETON, Comionanier l I ing in the East co~s0 O~i j~ t~o~tulaccorntodatioa for tirstand second claem l5~t ~ sd ol befoun a ost desiraoble opportunity for shippers. ~j~tO' Mt'~ tO BELL, l;VI)D5N i,n Co I 2. Jeires Muar.S1.Maryaxe;or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iw VUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED.-By Still FLExecuttors and bereaved Reilatives of deceased noblenmen.son- ,pole tiemon ssdnnI tefirst Instance to 8HIL- l050 LIBE R'SET.TCl -ROAD, eanrFinsbury-8quare. own or No. 12, North-etreet, Quadrant, Brigton, insiead of ?? yoaternhomserer. or the nearest u~ndcrtke who not posisetsngthe noefu reuiemets reor t th fmerl hire thm. CahlieitigsfomPr No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT and SHERRY, 38s. per dozen.-FIELD. LWARDELL. and Co. beg altetionde04 thnese WINES, at the t-west price thnst really genuine wine enn now he sold. Old Poets land Shnerries. 44s., 48s.. &s.. Very rhoice old Wines 56)6r.. ~ Clarets of tin.,fwet growths.BetldCgarnd.5.rrdon glesi Also every kind ?? Spirit inf greaA vranty.-I0, Adasnaorect, Adelphi. N.H. Discount for enobpaymnents. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNU NDATIONS in FRANCE.! C] 3.The Ce'ol-ttl ' ilil mooet THItS 1'AY. h he !alikIOO a ?? ji lY t the -1roIet- r, unetl -- sirs Uctlc.- ol tier Xnl IjA I tie Y.~ twL 54/5 12. T SII tie lotef 0llR.T't ~ I t. ha! if Settif th JR LiarN ?? 13;E ,-vo '.11day, ltb thud. 14th july. The-E431 c~dy .Xio'O ae ae dvrLe, 1e. 540.1'1- fil- ddy, 121 TONR 'in aid I f thu F11-. Irit:. :If Iti 'uft nue. r toto O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESSES. MONEY WIGRAM and SONS' ?I PACI4ET 51111'S for AUSTIIALIA.-FOr pour P10 ILIAP fret Grs?rOOOd en theltlb October). the splendid clipper 35??tdO?*?5tl i? ? ? the Ens India Docks. ANTHONY 5hiP???53,?.jiitntder. 'lies tavourite ship has ?? and elegant SCA?i?te3?vursriir.t.secotsds nad third class aaocsgers!st moderate ?.eedesnrie?aesloeete?st ?? Ireight setx?o. many 5iLhUi? ALLi??lCT. end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1 OALS, Beet, 24s.-DICXINS, Blaekfriara~bridge, '4.J 8urrey side. Established E174. Best screened Sunderland Coals ?? 2s e tOn. Inland Ital, Best Main . ?? Ihs. Coke ?? . .. Irer chakken. CaYh on dclleery. (N (ALS.-By Screw ntl ?? -Li!A ad Co,. HJ lghbtiry and Kinesland Coal Depent-Hetnoni, 24S. per toes. dt. reca Iron. the Collier, to the Polar Docks by the arrsu 'learnesr Co mose, Hletton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SfoNG-RoNGx P0A CANTO (under, II) .. o 1.>9 . 0 rror-illt. titth flottielilONO .ryry~tp, cti~fc~ti1ltiihlT I'AS~SE'NGEtt. Al.I. V.. r ?? it f~it c ibok-' M~onth Qeopi. booa fra ?? lrest~rtt po-blsaiocapptdp ,or to IALL IRKITIIERS I FN (underetgllin wth Li~t.I ?? Doole. '1tl tinle re--e, ?? f'i-t lo re, tt-otOO, 3004 do irblde u, ..~t ?? ito, I ho taken at, 1,jrt tO- .-I ;.,itiioodtttol~ to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, by Old and 0 ?? hammeume STC)O Io ?? n etrtJedtfltdlY lo pflC n et C. ?? and Co°,. 144d cxfotd- stretnes Ve teet Clntl~flflfomjio galersaand countr~Y >iceure ?? ee r espOCtD.IlV invited. OUPONS of the various ?? nowr due are PAID tn preeue Mntl at More. ADA M SIEPI IILANN end ?? ('IRCULAR N'OTES and FOREIGN MONEY. ?? procecdlng to the Continent, Zast, Conetontlnople, tbe ...